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Metode Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Perkerasan Jalan (MPKPJ)

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Presentasi berjudul: "Metode Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Perkerasan Jalan (MPKPJ)"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Metode Pelaksanaan Konstruksi Perkerasan Jalan (MPKPJ)
Dr. Sri Atmaja P. Rosyidi

2 Silabus Kuliah Tujuan:
Mahasiswa memahami konsep perkerasan jalan (lentur maupun kaku) dengan baik dari aspek bahan dan filosofi konstruksinya. Mahasiswa memahami konsep pelaksanaan perkerasan jalan. Mahasiswa dapat mengetahui alur pelaksanaan konstruksi perkerasan jalan, beserta peralatan yang diperlukan. Mahasiswa dapat mengetahui metode ukur untuk supervisi konstruksi perkerasan jalan. Mahasiswa dapat menghitung biaya (RAB) konstruksi perkerasan jalan.

3 Silabus Perkerasan Jalan Pekerjaan Tanah Pekerjaan Lapis Fondasi
Sejarah Konsep dan filosofinya Pekerjaan Tanah Pekerjaan Lapis Fondasi Pekerjaan Lapis Permukaan Metode Supervisi Lapangan RAB

4 Kontrak Belajar Tatap Muka: 12-14 kali pertemuan (100 menit).
Penilaian: Tugas makalah (individu) dan presentasi : 20 % Tugas kelompok dan tutorial: 10 % Quiz dan Homeworks: 15 % Ujian : 50 % Kehadiran: 5 %

5 Apa itu Perkerasan Jalan?


7 Why do we need pavements and why do we make them out of HMA and PCC?
Photo courtesy of Joe Block Why do we need pavements and why do we make them out of HMA and PCC?

8 Olympic Peninsula (ca. 1924)
Dirt Road Olympic Peninsula (ca. 1924) Washington Localities Collection, UW Digital Collections

9 Greenwood Ave. N & 85th St. N. Seattle (1904)

10 Last of the mail wagons Seattle (1913)

11 From Clay McShane’s Down the Asphalt Path, The Automobile and the American City (1994)

12 Block Boys and Horse Manure
Pitt St., Sydney, Australia (n.d.) From the City of Sydney's Sydney Streets exhibition (

13 County Road near Index, WA (1911)
Muddy Dirt Road County Road near Index, WA (1911) UW Digital Collections

14 Apa Tujuan dibangunnya “Perkerasan Jalan” ?
DC to Richmond Road in 1919 – from the Asphalt Institute

15 E Republican St., Seattle
Cobblestone Road E Republican St., Seattle

16 Front St., Port Angeles (1914)
Plank Road Front St., Port Angeles (1914) Notice the relatively high quality of this plank pavement in Port Angeles Asahel Curtis Photo Company Collection, UW Digital Collections

17 Macquarie St., Sydney, Australia (1925)
Woodblock Paving Macquarie St., Sydney, Australia (1925) City pavements required some roughness so that horses could get a foothold and traction. Wood blocks were considered ideas (for a while) because they could mimic the foothold of cobblestone or block pavement, but the wood muffled the sound of the horseshoes. Problem was, wood deteriorated quickly (3 to 5 years for a plank pavement). Wood blocks treated with creosote to make them last upwards of 10 to 15 years (likely an exaggerated claim). Wood blocks lost popularity in the U.S. partly because of a couple of: Chicago Fire (1871). Streets with creosote soaked wood blocks served to spread the fire rather than serve as fire barriers. They didn’t last in may places, especially Washington, D.C. (1878) – lasted 5 years and city spent 20 years paying off bonds for a pavement that no longer existed. Introduction of asphalt pavements and concrete foundations. From the City of Sydney's Sydney Streets exhibition (

18 James St. from 4th Ave., Seattle (ca. 1922)
Brick Road James St. from 4th Ave., Seattle (ca. 1922) Seattle Photograph Collection, UW Digital Collections

19 Woodblock Paving Overlaid with Hot Mix Asphalt
Park St., Sydney, Australia (1929) Many streets were overlaid with a thin layer of “sheet asphalt”. Concrete was often used as a base and then surfaced with asphalt. Concrete shattered under iron horseshoe loads but could withstand more loads without deforming. Solution was to pave concrete and then surface with softer, smoother asphalt. From the City of Sydney's Sydney Streets exhibition (

20 Independent Asphalt Paving Co.
Seattle (ca. 1907) Paying for Roads/Pavement Generally abutters paid for improvements. Originally they paid for roads and pavements independent of the City. Later, special assessments became common, although the only thing the City really did was provide engineering advice and coercive and borrowing power. Often, quality of pavement was bad as abutters sought cheapest fix. Parking was sometimes included between sidewalk and abutters. People were allowed to plant there but not build (still have vestiges of this today). Seattle Photograph Collection, UW Digital Collections

21 Warrenite Pavement Bothell Rd. (1912)
Industries and Occupations Photographs, UW Digital Collections

22 Warrenite Pavement Bothell Rd. (1912)
Industries and Occupations Photographs, UW Digital Collections

23 Kondisi Perkerasan Jalan
A look at what pavement condition is? Need to ask what is good, what is bad and how do we know?



26 Pavement Condition I – 90 “fat driver” syndrome From WSDOT

27 Perkerasan Lentur Structure Surface course Base course Subbase course

28 Tipe-Tipe Perkerasan Lentur
Dense-graded Open-graded Gap-graded

29 Konstruksi Perkerasan Lentur

30 Perkerasan Kaku Structure Surface course Base course Subbase course

31 Tipe Perkerasan Kaku Jointed Plain Concrete Pavement (JPCP)

32 Tipe Perkerasan Kaku Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP)
Photo from the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute

33 Konstruksi Perkerasan Kaku
Slipform Fixed form More in pavement guide interactive Stevens Way will be fixed form starting in May

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