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SLiMS 5 Senayan Library Management System Meranti Release Party

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Presentasi berjudul: "SLiMS 5 Senayan Library Management System Meranti Release Party"— Transcript presentasi:

1 SLiMS 5 Senayan Library Management System Meranti Release Party
Open source, aseli indonesia, aktif dikembangkan, dukungan komunitas, digunakan di banyak negara, dan yang paling penting: MERDEKA! Gatot Kaca by:

2 AFIKA!!! Iya om jagger! SLiMS itu Hihihi om jagger apaan sih?
ga gawol! SLiMS itu apaan sih? Cewek seksi ya? Hihihi iya tuh parrah! Nyesel aku dah ga tau SLiMS!

3 Build for Library Automation purpose (and now support digital library).
Most of the developers is librarian formal backgroud. Update: now including Physics teacher & IT developer. Take back your freedom by GNU/GPL license. Web-based application. No. 1 in Open Source category of Indonesia ICT award 2009. Official IGOS library application. Widely community support.

4 Easy to maintain and use.
Documentation is available and updated! Multi language support. Tightly integrated with Union Catalog Server. Copy-cataloging support via z39.50 and P2P protocol. Has been used in so many countries. Seulanga and Matoa release is definitely rock-solid for production use.

5 But suddenly we have some situation here ...

6 Scalability issues How is SLiMS performance when got hit by terabyte data.

7 The need for better integration with enterprise scale solution.
Example: support for single-signon login.

8 What? You still need catalog card printing?

9 Mas Hendro, we want SLiMS to have support on OAI so we can join Garuda Search Engine.

10 Wah ane kaga bisa copy-cataloging Gan. Mentok kena proxy!

11 Saya punya banyak eksemplar untuk satu judul
Saya punya banyak eksemplar untuk satu judul. Masa saya musti nambahin satu-satu sih?

12 Bisa ga masbro saya input data MARC seperti di Winnebago?

13 “Software kami bisa mengambil foto anggota langsung dari webcam”, kata sebuah software dalam videonya di

14 Mas, saya kok gagal mulu ya cetak barcode
Mas, saya kok gagal mulu ya cetak barcode. Padahal permission-nya sudah di-set sesuai petunjuk.

15 Bisa ga di Senayan hari libur tidak dihitung denda?

16 and the developer will answer …

17 SLiMS 5 codename: Meranti

18 It's because we just want to switch from 3 to 5.
Why SLiMS 5? Where is SLiMS 4? It's because we just want to switch from 3 to 5.

19 Meranti adalah pohon yang tumbuh di daerah Kalimantan dan punya nilai komersial yang tinggi serta terancam punah karena praktik illegal logging.

20 Some features added:

21 New “index” and Sphinx Indexing Engine support for scalability reasons
New “index” and Sphinx Indexing Engine support for scalability reasons. Sphinx supports indexing MySQL database until terabyte data. Note: has been added since Matoa release.

22 Support for LDAP authentication. For member login or librarian login.
Note: has been added since Matoa release.

23 Support for printing catalog card.

24 OAI Support

25 Z39.50 SRU (Search/Retrieve via URL)
replacing Z39.50 communications protocol with HTTP but attempt to preserve the benefits of the query syntax.

26 Batch input in item barcode number..

27 Import MARC data directly.

28 Store member photo directly from webcam.

29 Alternatives to barcode printing from binary-based (genbarcode) to php-based solution (using Zend framework).

30 Options to not counting due date fines for holiday.

31 New themes with cool web installer.

32 Integrated classification in subject field.

33 Search result clustering

34 Support for Brazilian language

35 Keyboard shortcuts to modules and submodules.

36 Improved mobile version.


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