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Keluarga Saya My Family.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Keluarga Saya My Family."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Keluarga Saya My Family

2 Family Members (Anggota Keluarga)
kakek grandfather nenekgrandmother ayah/bapakfather Ibumother ayah tiristepfather ibu tiri stepmother paman/omuncle bibi/tanteaunt kakak laki-lakiolder brother kakak perempuan older sister adik laki-laki younger brother adik perempuanyounger sister bayi baby anak laki-laki son anak perempuan daughter anak bungsuyoungest child anak sulung eldest child (saudara) sepupucousin ` anak kembartwin Cucugrandchild ayah mertua father-in-law ibu mertua mother-in-law

3 Relationships – Grandparents & grandchildren
kakek grandfather Nenek grandmother Cucu perempuan Granddaughter Cucu laki-laki grandson Cucugrandchild Cucu-cucugrandchildren Ini kakek dan nenek kami. (This is our grandfather & grandmother) Kami cucu-cucu mereka. (We are their grandchildren) Our = kami or kita * use when it includes those addressed Mereka = their

4 Relationships within a family
Ibumother ayah/bapakfather kakak perempuan older sister anak kembar twins kakak laki-laki older brother bayi baby adik laki-laki younger brother adik perempuan younger sister Ini keluarga Jeanne This is Jeanne’s family

5 Relationships – being the eldest or youngest
anak sulung eldest child Bart anak sulung dalam keluarga Simpson Bart is the eldest child in the Simpson family anak bungsuyoungest child Maggie anak bungsu dalam keluarga Simpson Maggie is the youngest child in the Simpson family. anak tengah middle child Lisa anak tengah dalam keluarga Simpson Lisa is the middle child in the Simpson family

6 Relationships – extended family
bibi/tante aunties ayah/bapakfather Nenek grandmother Ibumother Binatang pemelihara pet Anjing dog kakek grandfather Di keluarga Simpson ada tiga anak. In the Simpson family there are 3 children. Ada dua anak perempuan dan satu anak laki-laki. There are 2 daughters and 1 son. Bart mempunyai dua bibi-bibi/tante-tante tetapi tidak ada paman/om. Bart has 2 aunties but do not have any uncles.

7 Notes

8 Notes – sentence structure
#1 Using ‘this is/that is’ ‘ ini / itu’ Ini keluarga saya. =This is my family Itu keluarga John = That is John’s family #2 Using ‘they’ and ‘them’ his is/that is’ ‘mereka / mereka’ Mereka keluarga saya = they are my family Saya sayang mereka = I love them. #3 Using ‘Dia’ for he/she/it & sometimes for his/her/it Dia adik laki-laki saya. = He is my younger brother Dia ibu saya. She is my mother. Nama dia Joanne = Her name is Joanne. #4 using ‘nya’ to take the place of ‘dia’ in his/her/it. Itu bapak dia Itu bapaknya = that is his/her father Dia adik laki-laki dia ….Dia adik laki-lakinya = He is his brother.

9 Notes – sentence structure
#5 Showing that something belongs to me, and others Bapak saya = my father * ‘saya= my’ is placed after the noun. Bapak Jane = Jane’s father = ‘Jane’ comes after Bapak Nama saya = My name Nama bapak saya = my father’s name Umur Jane = Jane’s name * it is important to note the order of possessive pronouns = it always appears after the noun One way of remembering it is by reversing the order of the sentence = see below #1 # #3 # #2 #1 My mother’s name is Monica = Nama ibu saya Monica *reverse the order from ‘#1, #2 , #3 to #3 , #2, #1 #1 # #3 # # #1 My brother’s class is 10 K2 = Kelas kakak laki-laki saya 10K2 *Ini = this is…….or Itu = that is…..

10 Asking questions about family #1
Q: Ada berapa orang di keluarga Anda? How many people in your family A: Ada…….orang di keluarga saya. There are ….in my family Q: Siapa di keluarga Anda? Who is in your family? A: Ada ………… There is ….….. Q: Apakah Anda mempunyai kakak atau adik? Do you have any brothers/sisters? A: Ya, Saya mempunyai……kakak ( )dan …..adik ( ). Yes I have…older….. And ….younger ….. *answer according to who you have in your family eg. 2 older sister = dua kakak perempuan Tidak , Saya tidak mempunyai kakak atau adik No, I don’t have any brothers/sisters Saya anak tunggal I am an only child

11 Asking questions about family #2
Siapa namanya? Namanya:……………………. Berapa umurnya? Umurnya…../Dia berumur…. Apa alamatnya? Alamatnya…….. Dia tinggal di mana? Dia tinggal di…………… Kapan Hari Ulang Tahunnya? Hari Ulang Tahunnya pada tanggal….. Dia orang apa? Dia orang……….. Dia berasal dari mana? Dia berasal dari…………… Dia bekerja sebagai apa? Dia bekerja sebagai…………. Apa pekerjaannya? Pekerjaannya………. Bagaimana dia? Dia……………. Apa sifat-sifatnya? Sifat-sifatnya…………./Dia bersifat….. Although ‘dia’ means He/She or his/her, we often use ‘nya’ for his/her instead of dia

12 Pekerjaan/karir Dia bekerja sebagai apa?

13 Occupations ahli agamareligious expert ahli hukumlegal expert
ahli komputer computer expert aktor actor akuntan accountant dokterdoctor guru teacher insinyur engineer juru bicara spokesperson juru rawat nurse juru tik typist jutawan millionaire mahaguru professor murid pupil olahragawan sportsperson pahlawan hero pegawai official pelaut sailor pelayan waiter pelukis painter pemain player pembantu servant pembeli buyer pemimpin leader penari dancer penerbangpilot penjual seller penuliswriter penyairpoet penyanyisinger petanifarmer polisipoliceman siswastudent sopirdriver tukang cukurbarber tukang kayucarpenter tukang kebungardener tukang ledengplumber tukang listrikelectrician tukang masakcook Wartawanjournalist ibu rumahtanggahousewife

14 Dia bekerja sebagai…../Dia………
Q: Bapak Anda bekerja sebagai apa? What does your father work as? A: Bapak saya bekerja sebagai………………My dad works as a……….. Q: Apa pekerjaan Ibu Anda? What job does your mother do? Pekerjaan ibu saya………….My mother work as a…………. Di mana Ibu bekerja? Where does your mom work? Dia bekerja di…………She works at………

15 Bagaimana keluarga? What’s your family like?

16 Personalities - baik hatikind bertanggung jawabresponsible
besar hatiproud Bodohstupid orang pelupa forgetful person. orang pemalu shy person gilacrazy suka menolonghelpful keras kepalastubborn lucucute/funny murah hatigenerous Pandaiclever pelit stingy Rajindiligent Ramahfriendly Rapihneat Sabarpatient Seriusserious sombong/besar kepala conceited Sopanpolite suka bergaulsociable suka tertawa likes to laugh suka bersenda gurauenjoys a joke cepat marahQuick to get angry/short-tempered tidak pernah marahnever angry

17 Describing oneself & others
1) Bapak saya baik hati = My father is kind-hearted 2) Adik laki-laki saya ramah sekali = My younger brother is very friendly. 3) Ibu saya selalu suka menolong orang = My mother always likes to help people. 4) kakak perempuan saya terlalu keras kepala=My sister is too stubborn. 5) Nenek saya paling murah hati= My grandma is the most generous person. * Use these words to further describe the person Sekali = very, selalu = always, terlalu =too, paling = the most

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