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Documentation Techniques

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1 Documentation Techniques

2 Introduction The chapter discusses the following three documentation tools: Document flowcharts Computer system flowcharts Program flowcharts

3 Flowcharts A flowchart is an analytical technique used to describe some aspect of an information system in a clear, concise, and logical manner. Flowcharts use a standard set of symbols to pictorially describe transaction processing procedures.

4 Flowchart Symbols Flowcharting symbols can be divided into the following four categories: Input/output symbols Processing symbols Storage symbols Flow and miscellaneous symbols

5 Flowcharting Symbols: Some Input Output Symbols
Name Document Online keying Display Input/output; Journal/ledger

6 Flowchart Symbols: Some Processing Symbols
Name Manual operations Computer processing Auxiliary operation

7 Flowchart Symbols: Some Storage Symbols
Name Magnetic disk Magnetic tape

8 Flowchart Symbols: Some Flow and Miscellaneous Symbols
Name On-page connector Off-page connector Terminal Decision Document or processing flow

9 What are Document Flowcharts?
A document flowchart illustrates the flow of documents and information between areas of responsibility within an organization. A document flowchart is particularly useful in analyzing the adequacy of control procedures. Flowcharts that describe and evaluate internal controls are often referred to as internal control flowcharts.

10 Document Flowcharts Flowcharts are pictorial representations of transaction processing systems that portray flows of some type A Document Flowchart emphasizes the hardcopy inputs and outputs and their flows through organizational units Auditors and accountants may use document flowcharts when analyzing a current system for weaknesses in controls and reports

11 Common Document Flowcharting Symbols - I
Punched Card Floppy Disk Keying operation Manual Operation Document Connector between two points on a flowchart Multiple copies of a specific document Journal or ledger

12 Common Document Flowcharting Symbols - II
Permanent file of documents Envelope Information flow Adding machine tape used for batch control Document flow Annotation for additional explanation

13 A Sample Document Flowchart
Requesting Department Central Supplies Department A Goods Requisition Form 1 Goods Requisition Form A 1 2 File




17 What are System Flowcharts?
System flowcharts depict the relationship among the input, processing, and output of an AIS. A system flowchart begins by identifying both the inputs that enter the system and their origins. The input is followed by the processing portion of the flowchart.

18 System Flowcharts System Flowcharts depict the flows of data and processing steps in an AIS They use symbols that are industry conventions standardized by the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Flowcharting symbols are grouped as input-output symbols, processing symbols, storage symbols, data and information flow symbols, and miscellaneous symbols

19 System Flowchart Symbols Input/Output
Keying Operation Punch Card Can also be output. These are rarely used nowadays. Manual Input Document Also output as reports Display General Purpose Input-Output File Used when type of media is unknown or for manual card files, ledgers, batch logs, etc.

20 System Flowcharting Symbols Processing
Manual Operation Auxiliary Operation Also known as off-line process Processing Sorting Collate

21 System Flowcharting Symbols Storage
Punched Card Input/Output Punched Paper Tape Document Magnetic Tape Magnetic Disk Online Storage Off-line Storage

22 Systems Flowcharting Symbols Connectors
Start/Stop Terminal Can also be an external entity Logic Flow A On-page connector Telecommunication Link Off-page Connector

23 System Flowcharting Symbols Miscellaneous - I
Data Preparation Communication Link Termination Can also be an external entity

24 System Flowcharting Symbols Miscellaneous - II
Bridge for crossing flows Annotation for additional explanation Goods; e.g., inventory shipment Batch total - any total

25 What are Computer System Flowcharts?
The resulting new information is the output component. System flowcharts are an important tool of system analysis, design, and evaluation.

26 Contoh System Flowchart



29 What are Computer System Flowcharts?
Process Output Input Storage

30 What are Program Flowcharts?
A program flowchart describes the specific logic to perform a process shown on a systems flowchart. A flow line connects the symbols and indicates the sequence of operations. The processing symbol represents a data movement or arithmetic calculation.

31 What are Program Flowcharts?
Input data No If a condition is met Yes Perform calculation Update record

32 What are Program Flowcharts?
The input/output symbol represents either reading of input or writing of output. The decision symbol represents a comparison of one or more variables and the transfer of flow to alternative logic paths. All points where the flow begins or ends are represented by the terminal symbol.

33 Flowchart for Processing Credit Orders
Enter sales order Approved for credit? Reject Inventory available? Back- Fill order Stop Start No Yes

34 Differences Between DFDs and Flowcharts
DFDs emphasize the flow of data and what is happening in a system, whereas a flowchart emphasizes the flow of documents or records containing data. A DFD represents the logical flow of data, whereas a flowchart represents the physical flow of data.

35 Differences Between DFDs and Flowcharts
Flowcharts are used primarily to document existing systems. DFDs, in contrast, are primarily used in the design of new systems and do not concern themselves with the physical devices used to process, store, and transform data.

36 Differences Between DFDs and Flowcharts
DFDs make use of only four symbols. Flowcharts use many symbols and thus can show more detail.

37 Sample case Context Diagram

38 DFD level 0

39 Document Flowchart

40 Pedoman menggambar flowchart
Bagan alir sebaiknya digambar dari atas ke bawah dan mulai dari bagian kiri dari suatu halaman. Kegiatan di dalam bagan alir harus ditunjukkan dengan jelas. Harus ditunjukkan dari mana kegiatan akan dimulai dan dimana akan berakhirnya. Masing-masing kegiatan di dalam bagan alir sebaiknya digunakan suatu kata yang mewakili suatu pekerjaan, misalnya: "Persiapkan" dokumen, "Hitung" gaji Masing-masing kegiatan di dalam bagan alir harus di dalam urutan yang semestinya. Kegiatan yang terpotong dan akan disambung di tempat lain harus ditunjukkan dengan jelas menggunakan simbol penghubung. Gunakanlah simbol-simbol bagan alir yang standar

41 Exercise 1 DFD Level 1 DFD Level 0

42 Exercise 1 DFD Level 1 DFD Level 0

43 Exercise 2 - Gambarkan Document flowchart
Prosedur pendaftaran member pada “BUGAR Sport Center” adalah sebagai berikut: Calon member mengisi formulir pendaftaran dan memilih tipe member, kemudian menyerahkan formulir yang telah diisi ke bagian pelayanan. Setelah itu bagian pelayanan melakukan pengecekan terhadap form yang telah diisi, apabila datanya tidak lengkap maka form akan dikembalikan kepada member untuk dilengkapi, apabila data yang diisi pada form tersebut sudah lengkap maka calon member membayar biaya registrasi. Kemudian bagian pelayanan mencatat data member dan tipe member yang dipilih untuk dibuatkan kartu anggota berikut kwitansi pembayarannya. Kartu anggota dan kwitansi pembayaran akan diberikan kepada calon member.

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