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1 not be distributed externally
Speakers Coalition: This is ExxonMobil Posted: Jan 26, 2007 Speaker notes should not be distributed externally Manajemen Reputasi Begin with a second opening statement to connect with your audience. Be sure to cover six points in this 90 seconds: Thank the audience for their time. Show them that you’ve thought of them; acknowledge their concerns. Briefly describe why you are qualified to talk about this subject. Explain how the talk is organized, and assure them there will be time for questions. Tell them the bottom line ... The most important point of your presentation. Let’s begin... The introduction is your opportunity to make a personal connection. It must be in your own words, your own voice. Deva Rachman National Corporate Affairs Coca-Cola Amatil Indonesia

2 Kondisi Indonesia Saat Ini
Masalah-Masalah Besar Ancaman Krisis Finansial Korupsi Transparansi Kurangnya lapangan kerja Banyak rakyat miskin/ kesenjangan sosial Rendahnya mutu pendidikan Akibat/ Dampak Angka kemiskinan meningkat/ kesenjangan sosial yang tinggi Ketidakpercayaan masyarakat terhadap berbagai institusi pemerintah dan bisnis Pengangguran & angka kriminalitas meningkat Drop out Tuntutan/ harapan terhadap Pemerintah & korporasi/ perusahaan untuk memberikan solusi bagi keadaan-keadaan ini semakin tinggi

3 Misinterpertasi dari berbagai pihak & dijadikan muatan politik
Ditambah dengan.... Membutuhkan dialog dan komunikasi terus menerus oleh semua pihak Misinterpertasi dari berbagai pihak & dijadikan muatan politik In today’s world, we realize that there are a lot of misperceptions about the oil and gas industry. Social and economic gaps have created mistrust among the general public for those in leadership roles as well as IOCs like us. These gaps happen at the national and local level, and it has created a significant public expectation for the company to do more for the community. Nationalism sentiment and negative perception of national resources extraction companies also often situated us in a difficult circumstance. “Energy independence” is one side of resource nationalism.  Another is the form it takes in some energy exporting countries as a drive to become a so-called “energy superpower.” This drive has sometimes manifested itself in unilateral changes to existing contracts with international oil companies, or moves to further nationalize their energy industry. Such actions have detrimental short- and long-term impacts. The risks associated with major energy projects are considerable.   International oil companies need to be confident that contract terms will be honored — that the risks and rewards from a given project will be shared as agreed upon — or they will be less likely to make the needed technological upgrades or the future investments. Resource nationalism, either in the form of energy independence or energy superpower status, threatens to stymie innovation and slow energy development critical to continuing economic progress worldwide. The long-term costs of such counterproductive policies are borne to a large degree by citizens in consuming and producing countries alike.   Consumers pay in terms of access to fewer energy supplies, which can lead to higher prices.  Citizens of producing countries pay in terms of lost revenues and missed opportunities as international investment declines, and with it, energy infrastructure and new opportunities for development and advancement.  And because oil fuels the global economy, supply delays limit global economic growth, which impacts host producing countries also. At a time when we should open doors to trade, resource nationalism closes them. At a time when we should be building bridges of international partnership, resource nationalism builds walls.  Resisting resource nationalism in all its forms and promoting free trade in its place is as essential to meeting the energy supply challenge as technology and partnerships. I encourage more dialogue between all parties to reduce any misperception. Prejudice and negative perception should be avoided to reach our goal, a constructive and friendly business and social environment that will benefit Indonesia in the long run. ExxonMobil is very open to participate in a fair dialogue that we believe will create a better environment for everyone in Indonesia.

4 Menyebabkan banyak krisis di Indonesia
“When written in Chinese, the word CRISIS is comprised of two characters - one represents danger and the other represents opportunity” (John F. Kennedy)

5 Dimanakah Posisi Kita? Pemerintah Masyarakat Perusahaan Konsumen
Lobbyists NGOs Pemerintah Konsumen Pemegang Saham PA is primarily about communications - communicating effectively to develop strong relationships and a good reputation with our key stakeholders. As the chart tries to convey, the Business environment or context for most companies of any consequence involves balancing the interests and needs of: the communities in which we operate, the governments that set the laws and regulations that govern our operations, and who are often also our business partners, our shareholders who provide our capital, our employees, and consumers who buy our products No one of these groups can be focused on to the exclusion of the others. All are essential to our remaining a successful business. And there is a lot of competition to be heard from other groups with their own agendas - NGOs and special interest groups, lobbyists, and so on. Each of these audiences can significantly impact our business. Media Analysts Pegawai Serikat Pekerja, Pensiunan

6 Situasi Krisis Ternyata.... Banyak perusahaan/ institusi
Pemerintah tidak mempunyai rencana manajemen krisis Brain is not functioning, Emotion are on edge and events are occurring so rapidly. Drafting a plan during crisis is unthinkable. Crisis management: is a process of strategic planning for a crisis, allowing the company or the organization to be in control of its own destiny. Crisis communications: dialog between organization and its public prior to, during and after the negative occurrence.

7 Kedewasaan Organisasi
Era transparansi yang baru adalah bagian dari gerakan tanggung jawab sosial yang sering disebut sebagai “sustainability”. Pendukung gerakan “sustainability” menyatakan bahwa organisasi/institusi/perusahaan yang terus –menerus tidak peduli pada pengaruh lingkungan dan berakan pemangku kepentingan – seperti karyawan dan konsumen – akan terancam kelangsungan hidupnya. Naked Corporation : Jika anda harus telanjang, Anda sebaiknya telanjang. Bisnis yang berkelanjutan tidak hanya dapat berfokus kepada keuntungan finansial semata

8 Corporate Social Responsibility

9 Ketahui Tahapan Masalah
Deteksi Masalah Kita harus mendeteksi cikal bakal masalah dan berusaha untuk menghentikan masalah sebelum meledak menjadi krisis Bangun jaringan sosial Prevention/ Preparation Pencegahan Krisis : Komunikasi terbuka dan ceritakan cerita positif kepada publik. Persiapan krisis: Buat rencana komunikasi yang baik dan bekerjasama dengan tim manajemen krisis.

10 Ketahui Tahapan Masalah
Mengontrol Krisis Usaha untuk memperpendek usia krisis – dengan bekerjasama yang baik dengan seluruh pemangku kepentingan. Press conference, media visits, pertemuan dengan masyarakat Pemulihan Tahapan keadaan berjalan seperti biasanya, dapat dinyatakat bahwa kegiatan organisasi telah kembali normal. Evaluasi Buat evaluasi, untuk mempersiapkan jika ada keadaan krisis terjadi kembali.

11 Hal yang harus diperhatikan ketika krisis
Menjaga … People (manusia) Lindungi … Environment (lingkungan) Menjaga ....Aset perusahaan Melindungi ....Reputasi perusahaan/ institusi

12 Cara Membangun Reputasi
Kejujuran Konsistensi Akuntabilitas Kredibilitas

13 Bagaimana Menghadapi Media?
Publikasi awal melalui media akan menarik media lainnya dan membentuk opini publik No comment = bersalah Kata-kata pertama akan bertahan dan menjangkau publik Bersikap simpatik, menunjukan perhatian, akurat dan jujur – JANGAN BERBOHONG dan MEMBERI AMPLOP

14 ...Terima Kasih...

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