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Presentasi berjudul: "BY KADEK MENTARI PURBASARI"— Transcript presentasi:



LISTENING Memahami instruksi dan informasi sangat sederhana baik secara tindakan maupun bahasa dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik. Merespons instruksi sangat sederhana dengan tindakan secara berterima dalam kegiatan dan permainan di dalam dan di luar kelas. WRITING Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat sederhana dalam konteks sekitar peserta didik. Menulis teks fungsional pendek sangat pendek secara berterima.

4 INDICATOR LISTENING Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi arah mata angin.
Siswa dapat merespon instruksi dengan memilih jawaban yang benar atas pertanyaan berdasarkan kata-kata dan paragraph yang diperdengarkan. WRITING Siswa dapat menyusun kata-kata menjadi kalimat yang baik dan benar mengenai “direction”. Siswa dapat memilih “direction” yang tepat berdasarkan pada gambar-gambar yang diperlihatkan.

5 Let’s see the example of maps by clicking these pictures
BRAINSTORMING Map is a drawing of the surface of the earth with various features shown. Let’s see the example of maps by clicking these pictures

6 Do you know what map is this?
The answer

7 Yes, Of Course. This is the map of Indonesia

8 Do you know what map is this?
The answer

9 This is the map of Europe.

10 MATERIAL 1. Compass Direction In studying to read map you must know the compass direction. Below there are compass in Indonesian and English. Compass or Wind direction usually available in the map. In English In Indonesian

11 Let’s study the map of Indonesia!
MATERIAL Let’s study the map of Indonesia! Kalimantan is in the north of Java. Sumatra is in the west of Java. Sulawesi is in the north east of Java. Irian Jaya is in the east of Sulawesi. Java is in the south of Kalimantan

12 MATERIAL 2. Public Places: Hospital Hotel

13 MATERIAL Bank Library

14 MATERIAL Airport Police Station

15 MATERIAL Railway station Museum

16 MATERIAL Temple Church

17 MATERIAL Cinema Mosque

18 MATERIAL Look at the pictures carefully! 1.
The bank is beside the hospital. 2. The hotel is between the airport and the cinema. HOSPITAL BANK AIRPORT HOTEL CINEMA

19 MATERIAL 3. The school is behind the toy shop.
4. The museum is opposite the police station. SCHOOL TOY SHOP MUSEUM POLICE STATION

20 3. Asking and Giving Direction
MATERIAL 3. Asking and Giving Direction Asking for direction Giving Direction Excuse me, where is (the bank)? Excuse me, can you tell me where (the hospital) is? Excuse me, how do I get to the (police station) from here, please? Excuse me can you tell me how to get to the (cinema 21) from here please? Excuse me, can you show me where I am on this map? Go straight on. Go along this road. It’s on your left/right. Turn left/right at the traffic lights. It’s opposite the market. It’s next to the church. It’s between the bank and the mall. It’s behind the school. It’s beside the police station.

21 MATERIAL The example conversation of asking and giving direction: Luna : Excuse me, madam. Can you tell me where the Ngurah Rai International Airport is? Pedestrian : Just go along Sunset road, then turn right on the T-junction. The airport is in front of you. Luna : Thank you very much madam. Pedestrian : Never mind.

22 Additional Info about Traffic Signs
MATERIAL Additional Info about Traffic Signs Don’t park here! Don’t turn right! Stop!

23 MATERIAL Turn left! Turn Right

24 MATERIAL Vocabulary Go along= jalan lurus 12. Between= diantara
Go straight= jalan lurus 13. Hospital= rumah sakit Go ahead= jalan lurus 14. Post office= kantor pos Cross= menyebrang 15. Cinema= Bioskop Turn right= belok kanan 16. Toy shop= toko mainan Turn left= belok kiri 17. Drugstore= apotek Behind = belakang 18. Mosque= masjid Beside= samping 19. Temple= pura On the left= sisi kiri 20. Church= gereja On the right= sisi kanan 21. Railway station= stasiun kereta api Library= perpustakaan 22. Pedestrian= pejalan kaki

25 Click this button to listen the listening task A
EVALUATION LISTENING TASK A. Listen and Choose the right answer by clicking the answer buttons! Dengarkan dan pilihlah jawaban yang benar dengan menekan tombol jawaban! 1. 2. Click this button to listen the listening task A a. Go straight b. Behind c. Beside Between a. Drugstore b. Hospital c. Post Office d. Book Store

26 Click this button to listen the listening task B
EVALUATION Click this button to listen the listening task B B. Listen to the listening task B carefully then answer the questions below Dengarkan latihan listening B dengan baik kemudian jawablah pertanyaan di bawah ini 1. When do they go to the city? 2. Where is the stadium? It is … 3. What building is after crossroad? a. Monday b. Sandey c. Sunday d. Sanday a. behind the city park b. behind the bank c. beside the city park d. beside the supermarket a. Supermarket b. Bank c. Hospital d. City park

A. Arrange these words into a good sentence write it on a piece of paper then check the right answer by clicking the answer button below. Susunlah kata-kata berikut ini menjadi kalimat yang tepat di selembar kertas kemudian periksa jawaban yang benar dengan menekan tombol jawaban di bawah ini. The – hospital – the – left – is – side – on. on – is – street – Diponegoro – It . you – me – the – Can – tell – is – cinema – the – where - ? on – is – my house – Merdeka – street. map – show – where – I am – Can – this – you – on – me - ? The answers

28 EVALUATION B. Choose the correct answer Pilihlah jawaban yang benar 1.
Church Hotel Where is the hotel? The hotel is …………… the Church. a. behind b. between c. besaid d. beside

29 EVALUATION 2. Post Office Airport Temple Where is the airport? The airport is …………… the Post Office and the Temple. 3. Bank Bank Where is the Bank? The Bank is……………… the Museum. Museum a. betwen b. between c. bitwiin d. behind a. behind b. bihaind c. beside d. between

The hospital is on the left. It is on the Diponegoro street. Can you tell me where the cinema is? My house is on the Merdeka street. Can you show me where I am on this map? Back to writing task A

31 Right Answer… Good Job! Back to listening task A
Back to listening task B

32 Sorry.. Your answer is wrong!
Back to listening task A Back to listening task B

33 Right Answer… Good Job! Back to writing task B

34 Sorry.. Your answer is wrong!
Back to writing task B


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