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Agenda A B C D Nonton & Kritik Film Cakap-cakap ala “Lapo Tuak”

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Presentasi berjudul: "Agenda A B C D Nonton & Kritik Film Cakap-cakap ala “Lapo Tuak”"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Agenda A B C D Nonton & Kritik Film Cakap-cakap ala “Lapo Tuak”
Speak-Speak Nabi D “Cerita Lapangan”

2 “Leading at the Speed of Trust”
Apa pemahaman anda tentang trust? Menurut anda mengapa DSDM/BI meminta saya membawakan topik ini? Apa contoh yang terbaik di negeri ini ketika hilangnya sebuah trust? Mengapa trust bisa hilang? Mungkinkah dan apakah pernah BI kehilangan trust ? LIMA Lapo Tuak Toba Karo Pak Pak Simalungun Mandailing

3 “Leading at the Speed of Trust” Aplikasinya Di Bank Indonesia
DR. Romeo Rissal Pandjialam 13 March 2013 Website: Diskusi pada Program Pendidikan Kepemimpinan Bank Indonesia “Leading at the Speed of Trust” Aplikasinya Di Bank Indonesia

4 Understanding “TRUST”
“Trust is equal parts character and competence... You can look at any leadership failure, and it's always a failure of one or the other.” CHARACTER COMPETENCE Credibility Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything. Free Press, 2006

5 Two sides of a Coin MY OBSERVATION # 01 Trust credibility

6 Bagaimana Wujud dari Kredibilitas ?

7 Inspiring Trust, the First Job of a Leader
 “The first job of a leader—at work or at home—is to inspire trust. It’s to bring out the best in people by entrusting them with meaningful stewardships, and to create an environment in which high-trust interaction inspires creativity and possibility.” Stephen M.R. Covey, The Speed of Trust: The One Thing that Changes Everything. Free Press, 2006 MY OBSERVATION # 02 “To inspire trust” is the most neglected aspect of leadership

8 “You have to earn trust”
Anatomy of TRUST MY OBSERVATION # 03 “You have to earn trust” Society Organization Other People Family SELF

9 Diskusi Kelas. . . . . . .Contoh-contoh
MY OBSERVATION # 04 Trust Gaps “You have to earn trust” Society Organization Other People Family SELF Contoh-contoh pada tingkat: Masyarakat Bank Indonesia Unit kerja Kelompok Individu

10 Cara membangun Kredibilitas . . . .
LEADING BY EXAMPLE; INSPIRING OTHERS IS THE SOUL OF LEADERSHIP Kejujuran yang nyata Jujur dengan diri sendiri Dapat dirasakan orang lain Dari hal-hal kecil Niat Ikhlas, tak ada “hidden agenda”: Bahagia bila bawahan lebih hebat Kuasai tugas ++: Thinking ot of the box Berani memutus & bertanggung jawab Knowledge Sharing Buktikan ada hasil kerja: Tugas utama Extra efforts “Extra Ordinaries” Out of the box

Clarity of expectations Bangun prestasi unggul Transparansi Bertanggung jawab Peduli dengan anggota

12 Renungkan Stephen M.R. Covey

13 Trust & THE SOCIETY Cerita Lapangan “You must earn credibility”
Lembaga Pendidikan Desakita Dotcom

14 Where Trust Begins and Grows . . . .
Lembaga Pendidikan Desakita Dotcom WEBSITE:

15 Because of..... Nothing But Trust
Bimbel DUNIA USA International Hotel Mgt GRAND ARAFAH Realty Almond


17 THE TEAM AT THE GLOBAL VILLAGE Working at the Speed of trust

18 Program yang sudah berjalan sejak 2011
PROGRAM DESA GLOBAL Program yang sudah berjalan sejak 2011 DESA GLOBAL ( Global Village) TOEFL USA DESAKITA DOTCOM DUNIA BIMBEL ENGLISH POWER Kelas Alam di Global Village Kursus Gratis bagi Anak Desa Para Dosen di Global Village Sekolah alam yang menjamin siswa mampu berbicara Bahasa Inggris Di Desa Global

19 Suasana belajar di Desa Global dengan memanfaatkan halaman & rumah penduduk

20 Pelaksanaan Program D4 di UNP
SMA & SMK Graduates Bekerja Di Hotel Semula Proyek Akhir Mulai Sept 2012 Holland America Lines Pt. s b i Kembali ke HAL 2 Semester Bekerja di Hotel International Lainnya 2 Semester (Bekerja min. 2 Tahun) 2 Semester Diterima oleh SBI Seminar Proposal USIA 21 Thn Berbisnis 1 Semester Program regular 1 Semester (Magang di Hotel)

21 Who trusts who ? Who does not trust who? Who trst

22 “The moment there is suspicion about a person’s motives, every thing he does becomes tainted”
Mahatma Gandhi Terima kasih

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