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Teknik Pembuatan Proposal Penelitian

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1 Teknik Pembuatan Proposal Penelitian
MM Communication Prof Dr. Ir. Dadan U. D, DEA

2 What is Research ? Research is a systematic and organized investigate a specific problem that need a solution. Research is a series of steps designed and followed with the goal of finding answer to the issues that are concern to us in the work environment

3 Research Characteristics
Data are collected systematically Data are interpreted systematically There is a clear purpose : to find things out

4 The Nature of Research (cont)
Research bukanlah sesuatu yang asing bagi kehidupan manusia Research bukanlah sesuatu yang sulit untuk dilakukan. Research bukanlah sesuatu yang menakutkan.

5 Phenomenon Observed Research Interest State of the Art Evidence Theory Formation Theory (on Going Research) Discourse Opinion Research Question Hypothesis

6 What make a good research ?
Measurable Interesting Important Precise and well-delimited Feasible doable

7 Apa Itu Proposal ? Proposal adalah alat komunikasi
Proposal adalah dokumen perencanaan Proposal adalah alat komunikasi Proposal adalag Guide line


9 BAB I. PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang dan Indentifikasi Masalah
Pembatasan dan perumusan masalah Tujuan dan kegunaan Penelitian Keterbatasan penelitian

10 Latar Belakang dan Indentifikasi Masalah
Diungkapkan situasi dan faktor-faktor yang melatar belakangi timbulnya masalah Mengapa masalah itu timbul Faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan masalah itu muncul Apakah masalah itu penting untuk dieopcahkan melalui penelitian Memberikan kejelasan tentang hakekat masalah yang diminati untuk diteliti

11 Pembatasan dan perumusan masalah (Research Question)
Diuraikan mengenai fokus permasalahan yang akan diteliti Waktu dan objek yang akan diteliti Rumusan masalah dapat dituliskan dalam bentuk pertanyaan Apakah efektifitas komunikasi berpengaruh terhadap citra perusahaan ?

12 Tujuan dan kegunaan Penelitian
Tujuan penelitian adalah suatu pernyataan yang ingin dicapai dari penelitian. Tujuan penelitian harus terkait dengan pertanyaan penelitian Kemudian Diungkapkan manfaat dan kegunaannya (Reseach Question) Apakah efektifitas komunikasi berpengaruh terhadap citra perusahaan ? (Tujuan Research) Untuk mengetahui pengaruh efektifitas komunuikasi thdp citra perusahaan

13 Keterbatasan penelitian
Diuraikan mengenai berbagai keterbatasan yang dimiliki berkaitan dengan penelitian yang akan dilaksanakan. Misalnya ; keterbatasan teori, keterbatasan, data yang akan diungkap dll

Kajian Teori Telaah Penelitian terdahulu yang Relevan Kerangka Pemikiran Perumusan Hipotesis

15 Tinjauan Pustaka & Kajian Teori
Uraian mengenai kajian teori-teori yang relevan dan menjadi landasan untuk menjawab pertanyaan penelitian yang sedang dilaksanakan.

16 Telaah Penelitian terdahulu yang Relevan
Berisi uraian mengenai berbagai penelitian yang mirip dengan penelitian yang sedang dilakukan Diskusi mengenai kelemahan dan kekuatan dari panorama penelitian yang pernah dilakukan Digambarkan complementari atau penyempurnaan yang masih diperlukan Disinilah ada celah kosong yang akan diisi oleh hasil penelitian yang sedang/akan dilakukan

17 Kerangka Pemikiran Menggambarkan pola berfikir dalam melaksanakan penelitian. Menggambarkan hubungan antar variabel yang diteliti

18 Variabel Variabel DEPENDENT yang menjadi titik perhatian adalah :
PELANGGARAN KESELAMATAN PENERBANGAN (Air-safety violation) Variabel INDEPENDENT diantaranya : Komunikasi antar kru (Communication among cockpit members) Komunikasi antara petugas kontrol bandara dengan kru (Communication between ground control and cockpit) Pelatihan bagi para kru cocpits (Training of cockpit crew) Perubahan struktur organisasi menjadi desentralisasi (Desentralisastion)

19 Hubungan antar Variable
Air-safety violations di duga dipengaruhi oleh : Komunikasi antar kru (Communication among cockpit members) Komunikasi antara petugas kontrol bandara dengan kru (Communication between ground control and cockpit) Pelatihan bagi para kru cocpits (Training of cockpit crew) Perubahan struktur organisasi menjadi desentralisasi (Desentralisastion) Jika komunikasi antar_kru dijalankan dengan baik, maka kecelakaan pesawat terbang dapat dihindarkan, demikian juga jika komunikasi antara menara kontrol dengan kru dijalankan dengan baik maka kecelakaanpun dapat dihindarkan. Selain itu diduga juga kalau ada program pelatihan yang memadai maka persoalan komunikasi tidak akan dijumpai dan juga kemampuan para kru akan semakin tinggi sehingga kecelakaanpun dapat dihindarkan. Faktor lainnya adalah adanya desentralisasi ternyata membuat proses komunikasi tidak lancar dan program tidak terintegrasi

20 Hubungan antar variable
Communication among cockpit members Communication between ground control and cockpit Decentralization Training of cockpit crew Independent variables Dependent variables Air-safety violations Schematic diagram of the theoretical framework

21 Perumusan Hipotesis Berisikan uraian mengenai pengungkapan suatu pernyataan yang mngandung dugaan tentang ada atau tidaknya pengaruh perbedaan antara dua variabel penelitian Komunikasi antara petugas kontrol bandara dengan kru berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pelanggaran regulasi keselamatan penerbangan

22 Penyusunan Hipotesis Hipotesis adalah hubungan yang diperkirakan secara logis diantara dua atau lebih variabel yang diungkapkan dalam suatu pernyataan yang dapat di uji. Hubungan dimaksud diturunkan dari jaringan asosiasi yang ditetapkan dalam kerangka teoritis. Hipotesis juga dapat dikatakan sebagai jawaban sementara dari pertanyaan penelitian (research question)

23 Contoh Kasus Delta Airline
Jika pilot-pilot mendapat training/pelatihan yang memadai untuk menangani situasi darurat, maka pelanggaran keselematan penerbangan dapat dihindarkan/berkurang Pernyataan tersebut dapat diuji dengan mengukur berbagai pelatihan yang dilaksanakan untuk berbagai pilot dan juga diukur jumlah pelanggaraan yang terjadi

24 BAB III METODOLOGI Tujuan Operasional Penelitian
Identifikasi variabel yang terlibat (variabel x dan y) Definisi Konseptual Variabel Definisi Operasional Variabel Pemilihan Metode Penelitian Populasi dan Sampel Instrumen dan Pengumpulan Data Analisis Data

25 Tujuan Operasional Penelitian
Dirinci mengenai identifikasi terhadap variabel2 yang terlibat dalam proses penelitian, (indenpenden, dependen, moderating, dll) Didefiniskan masing-masing variabel tersebut secara konseptual Diuraikan masing-masing variabel ytersebut menjadi dimensi dan aspek yang dapat diukur Diuraikan pula narasi mengenai alat ukur yang akan digunakan

26 Konsep, Dimensi dan Elemen

27 Menjawab pertanyaan dg benar Memberi contoh yang tepat Ingatan
Pembelajaran Pemahaman Menjawab pertanyaan dg benar Memberi contoh yang tepat Ingatan Mengingat kembali pelajaran yang lalu Penerapan

28 Pemilihan Metode Penelitian
Setiap penelitian memiliki metoda yang spesifik yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan penelitian yang relevan

29 Populasi dan Sampel Penentuan populasi Penentuan sample

30 Instrumen dan Pengumpulan Data
Instrumen penelitian (questionaire) Alat deteksi dll

31 Analisis Data Apa yang akan dinalisis Bagaimana menganlisis dll

32 It should be well-written
Organized, with a logical flow Concise, but also complete Good grammar It’s usually a good idea to have a colleague read it before giving it to the advisor,especially if they have already submitted their first draft or successfully defended their proposal. Often little errors or small changes will be identified and addressed. They can also be some the best sources of information for “why” or“how”.

33 Judul Positioning Perumusan Masalah Tinjauan Pustaka Problem Statement
Pendahuluan: Permasalahan Tinjauan Pustaka penelitian Positioning Perumusan Masalah Problem Statement Tinjauan Pustaka Hipotesa Metode Penelitian Uji Hipotesa Daftar Pustaka

34 Judul : Rumusan topik yg menjelaskan batasan masalah dgn singkat, spesifik, informatif & memberikan gambaran hubungan antar variabel. Sub Judul: Menjelaskan lingkup/tempat penelitian, metode yg digunakan, waktu penelitian, dsb.

35 Pendahuluan: Latar belakang:
Fakta yg menggambarkan masalah Tantangan yg dihadapi Batasan penelitian yg akan dilakukan. Tujuan Penelitian: Menjelaskan hasil-hasil yg diharapkan dari pelaksanaan penelitian.

36 Perumusan Masalah: Fakta yg menggambarkan masalah
Tantangan yg dihadapi Perumusan serta batasan masalah penelitian.

37 Tinjauan Pustaka: Hipotesa:
Teori/penelitian yg relevan dgn permasalahan atau tantangan yang ingin diteliti. dituangkan dalam bentuk kerangka teori atau kerangka konseptual penelitian. Hipotesa: Penjelasan sementara tentang fenomena atau masalah penelitian yg dapat diuji kebenarannya dalam penelitian selanjutnya

38 Metodologi: Daerah penelitian. Populasi dan sampel. Sumber data
Instrumen penelitian. Variabel penelitian. Teknik pengumpulan data. Pengolahan data Interpretasi hasil penelitian Untuk penelitian kualitatif dijelaskan: Pendekatan yg digunakan. Rancangan penelitian Karakteristik informan. Proses & alat pengumpulan info. Analisis informasi. Proses penafsiran. Penyimpulan informasi.

39 Kekinian state of the art (time,space and the Art)
Ruang (space) State Paradigma (paradigm) Waktu (time) of Art

40 Aspek waktu (kekinian)
Aspek-aspek yang perlu diperhatikan dalam membuat State of the Art bagi penelitian Aspek waktu (kekinian) Akar teori (sangat tergantung pada orientasi keilmuan peneliti) Sumber teori (sangat tergantung pada prioritas institusi) Perkembangan teori (sejarah dan trend perkembangan teori) Feasibilitas penelitian (kemampuan sangpeneliti dan institusinya)

41 Struktur sebuah teori PARADIGMA PARADIGMA Makin filosofis dan kompleks
FAKTOR FAKTOR FAKTOR FAKTOR Variabel Variabel Indikator Indikator Makin operasional dan terukur

42 1. Know the area How To Write a (Thesis / Dissertation) Proposal
Read, read, read, … Average papers per week Current Journals: at least read/scan abstracts Use reference management software! (e.g. ProCite and EndNote) Use search engines (MedLine, Ergo Abstracts, Psych Info, Compendex, ACM Digital Library, etc.) Go to the source literature (don’t expect textbooks and other secondary sources to be either accurate or complete)

43 Research sophistication and rigour levels
Sophistication levels Description ( What is / How?) Classification (Which group?) Explanation ( Why?) Prediction (What if ?) Prescription ( What ought?) Analytical rigour levels Qualitative / narrative Quantitative (measurement) Scientific (measurementt + controlled experimentation )

44 3. Pay attention to methods analyses, motivations, applications
2. Go outside your area Good source of new/different ideas Avoids embarrassing overlap (already done by others in another field) 3. Pay attention to methods analyses, motivations, applications We did this because … This work can be applied to …

45 Good idea to test them, if
4. Look at proposals and documents generated by your predecessors At this point, generate some initial ideas. Be creative, flexible, novel. Good idea to test them, if possible.


47 Judul Penelitian Harus diskriptif, pendek, berkisar 8 – 18 suku kata, mudah dibaca, menggunakan terminologi umum/populer, tidak menggunakan singkatan, formula kimia atau nama pemilik dan pengarang. Secara umum mengidentifikasikan masalah Menunjukkan kegunaan atau kepentingan bidang yang dipermasalahkan Memberikan tekanan pada kata yang berdampak tinggi (high impact) di awal kalimat

48 Proses Memahami Gejala Hukum
Memilih Objek Memasuki Domain Objek Periode I Periode II Periode III Periode IV Ket: 1. Berfikir 2. Bertanya 3. Analisis 4. Kesimpulan, Hasil Penalaran dari Proses Berfikir

49 Masalah Novelty. Yakni perspektif baru dan original dalam rumusan masalah dan kemungkinan pemecahannya. Relevancy. Kesesuaian masalah tersebut untuk dipecahkan sekarang. Sumbangannya bagi perkembangan ilmu dan penyelesaian masalah pembangunan serta pengembangan kelembagaan. Interesting. Menarik minat peneliti sehingga punya kesanggupan untuk mengerjakan penelitian secara intens dalam rentang waktu yang relatif lama. Feasible. Dalam arti feasible dari sisi subyek yang dikaji, ketersediaan dana, waktu, alat serta keahlian yang dimiliki peneliti. Etical. Apakah penelitian tersebut bertentangan dengan etika atau tidak.

50 (Kerangka Fikir) Merupakan perumusan dari tinjauan pustaka disusun sendiri oleh peneliti: tuntunan untuk memecahkan masalah yang dikaji, merumuskan hipotesis, memberikan dasar pada pengembangan metode dan teknik penelitiannya. Dapat berbentuk uraian kualitatif, model matematik, bagan/alur, dapat pula berupa persamaan-persamaan yang langsung berkaitan dengan kajian. Merupakan dukungan dasar teoritis dalam rangka memberi jawaban terhadap pendekatan pemecahan masalah. Bertitik tolak dari seleksi evidensi-evidensi ilmiah berupa kesimpulan hasil penelitian para pakar ilmiah terdahulu, namun yang sampai sekarang masih berlaku, dalam arti belum pernah dibantah fihak lain. Disusun berupa esensi masing-masing hasil penelitian pakar ilmiah tertentu ditulis dalam bentuk perumusan yang ringkas. Esei argumentasi berupa risalah singkat yang lebih menonjolkan sikap dan pandangan pribadi mengenai suatu fenomena yang disoroti secara kritis analitis.

51 State of the art


53 Corporate public relations practitioners' perceptions of program evaluation and encroachment effect
by Laborde, Everett Justin, M.S., The Florida State University, 2005, 44 pages; AAT Abstract (Summary) Scholars have studied issues of public relations evaluation and encroachment separately, yet none have previously examined perceptions about evaluation and encroachment together in applied settings. This study features responses obtained during interviews with 21 public relations practitioners working in for-profit companies. These responses contribute to existing literature because they reflect current perceptions of both evaluation and encroachment in real world settings. This study seeks to expand systems theory by addressing systems that de-value communication. It also seeks to broaden excellence theory by explaining how to maintain public relations' independence. Responses revealed that while most practitioners attempt to evaluate their results using either qualitative or quantitative methods (or a combination of both), real obstacles to both approaches remain. Thus a combined approach seems most effective. Presently, most practitioners are not concerned about encroachment and feel that evaluation is only one part of a public relations department's defense against encroachment.

54 risis management: The effective use of image restoration strategies when an organization/individual is faced with a crisis by Martin, Anthony Lewis, M.S.J., West Virginia University, 2005, 78 pages; AAT Abstract (Summary) This paper examines strategies and ethics in the field of public relations for establishing a reputation with key stakeholders of an organization. This paper also explores how a properly maintained reputation helps when a crisis erupts and what strategies are used when dealing with a crisis. The second half of this paper is a qualitative content analysis. The pilot study examines an entire year of New York newspaper coverage of The American Red Cross and controversies concerning funds they collected after the events that took place on September 11, The greater research examines evening television news coverage dealing with the Martha Stewart insider trading scandal. The five strategies the research concentrates on are: (1) Denial; (2) Evasion of Responsibility; (3) Reducing Offensiveness; (4) Corrective Action; (5) Mortification. The findings of this research suggest that with the use of corrective action a crisis can be successfully evaded.

55 Public relations ethics: A cross-cultural analysis
by Lieber, Paul Stuart, Ph.D., Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College, 2005, 131 pages; AAT Abstract (Summary) This two-part study employed 11 qualitative interviews, the Defining Issues Test (DIT) and a quantitative version of the five-factor TARES test to complete the first cross-cultural analysis of the ethical decision-making patterns of public relations practitioners. The DIT is an instrument based on Kohlberg's (1969) moral development theory, the TARES test composed of 14 self-enforced, ethical consideration statements derived from the research of Baker and Martinson (2001). Results indicate no statistically significant difference in levels of moral development and ethical consideration between sampled practitioners in Australia, New Zealand and the United States (Lieber, 2003). This finding argues for a vocational uniformity in moral and ethical reasoning across these countries despite geographic, cultural, economic and ethnic disparities.

56 The role of public relations in breast cancer walks
by Hoyle, Amy Rose, M.A., University of Southern California, 2005, 98 pages; AAT Abstract (Summary) Breast cancer awareness and fundraising has evolved in the past two decades. With an increase in cause-related marketing initiatives, organizations must consider how to brand an event in such a manner that it creates a binding and long-lasting relationship with participants ensuring not only current but future success. This thesis examines the development of the extended-length breast cancer walk and demonstrates the successful role public relations plays in the event. In this case, public relations creates a connection between participants, the cause, the sponsor, and the event, triggering a behavioral change from awareness of an issue to active participation supporting the issue. This connection creates an influencer that brings credibility to the cause-related program. Finally, this thesis evaluates the marketing campaigns used and ascertains the best techniques and strategies for the public relations profession to follow when creating a breast cancer walk or cause-related initiative.

57 The trail of tension between public relations and journalism: The unfinished business about using propaganda to move crowds by St. John, Burton, III, Ph.D., Saint Louis University, 2005, 220 pages; AAT Abstract (Summary) This study examines key events that led to the tension between journalism and public relations regarding the issue of propaganda being used to move crowds. It explores how that tension persists in the current debate about the press reform movement known as "public journalism" and establishes that press engagement with the citizenry is problematic until this tension is addressed. Primary source documents from the collections of Ray Stannard Baker, Ivy Ledbetter Lee and Edward L. Bernays were consulted for this study, along with an extensive review of literature by experts in the fields of railroad and World War I propaganda. The current debate about propaganda and public journalism was researched in journalism books and trade journalism publications. Chapter one looks at the late 19th century rise of American industrialism and the resulting alienation of the public from big business. It examines the railroads' extensive use of publicity and propaganda to move crowds. This chapter also establishes the growing public concern about the interests of big business often conflicting with the public interest. Chapter two shows that, even though the railroads engaged in abusive tactics, the mainstream press did not attempt to expose railroad manipulations. With the rise of magazines however, the muckraking movement developed and Ray Stannard Baker exposed railroad propaganda practices in McClure's magazine. Chapter three details how the railroads used publicist Ivy Lee to successfully lobby for a rate increase in In 1917, George Creel implemented several propaganda approaches to successfully support America in World War I. Chapter four shows that, as a result of Creel's propaganda successes, significant debate ensued in the 1920s about the appropriateness of propaganda among Walter Lippmann, Edward Bernays and Harold Lasswell. Chapter five details that the long-term fallout of press wariness of propaganda contributed to criticism of a 1990s civic engagement movement called "public journalism." Many detractors within the press labeled public journalism as a new form of propaganda, accusing it of attempting to move crowds. This chapter asks questions about how the lingering concern regarding propaganda affects journalism's ability to engage the citizenry.

58 Variable

59 Variables (cont) Variables is anything that can take on different or varying values Exemple : Nilai ujian Tingkat kecelakaan di jalan tol Indeks kemacetan kota Indeks pencemaran udara Tingkat kepuasaan pelanggan Indeks keberhasilan

60 Type of variables Dependent Variables Independent Variables
Moderating Variables Intervening Variables

61 Dependent Variables The dependent variables is the variable of primary interest to the researcher. The researches goals is to explain or predict the variability in the dependent variable. Example Motivation Organizational loyalty Human Development index Stock market price Reading abilities Communication skills

62 Independent Variables
Independent variables is one that influences the dependent variable in either a positive or negative way Example Workforce diversity Level of education New product succes Number of books

63 Independent and Dependent Variables
Number of Books (X) Reading abilities (Y) Independent variables Dependent variables Y = a X

64 Independent and Dependent Variables (cont)
Managerial values (X) Power distance (Y) Independent variables Dependent variables Y = a X Power distance : egalitarian interaction between the boss and the employees VS the high power superior in interaction with the low-power subordinate

65 Independent and Dependent Variables (cont)
New Product Success (X) Stock market price (Y) Independent variables Dependent variables Y = a X

66 Independent and Dependent Variables (cont)
Level of Education (X) Communication skills (Y) Independent variables Dependent variables Y = a X

67 Moderating Variables The moderating variables is one that has a strong contingent effect on the independent-dependent variables relationship. The moderating variables modifies the originally expected relationship between independent variables and dependent variables

68 Number of Books (X) Reading abilities (Y)
Independent variables Dependent variables Parents’ literacy Moderating variables

69 Reading abilities Number of Books Parents’ literacy

70 Effect of good literacy of the parents
Reading abilities Effect of not good literacy of the parents Number of Books The situation when the moderating variables operated

71 Intervening Variables
Intervening variables is one that surfaces between the time the independent variables operate to influence the dependent variable and their impact on the dependent variable. Time t1 t2 t3 Number of books Reading abilities (Y) Reading Exercise opportunities Dependent variables Independent variables Intervening variables

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