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Presentasi berjudul: "PARTNERSHIP GOVERNANCE INDEX"— Transcript presentasi:


Presented at the World Bank Jakarta, 15 February 2010

3 A Brief Background: Why Partnership Governance Index?
Governance quality is important for poverty reduction and other MDGs Nation wide reform initiative Regional autonomy led to a varying quality of governance Indonesia needs objective assessment of governance

4 The Goals Profile of each province’s governance performance
To Provide a comprehensive and methodologically robust assessment of governance performance in all provinces. Specifically, it will provide: Profile of each province’s governance performance Overall ranking of all provinces Ranking of provinces based on arenas of governance A wealth of data on specific indicators of governance

5 Uniqueness and strength of PGI
Assessment of all provinces Allow comparison between provinces on equal terms Robust methodology Consist of many actionable indicators Covers all arenas of governance

6 Developing the index Mapping existing studies, evaluations, assessments on governance in Indonesia and abroad Extensive consultation with “experts,” stakeholders, and beneficieries on substantive and methodological issues Long deliberation by team (scholars and experts)

7 The Conceptual Framework (1)
Governance process of policy making policy implementation through interaction between state, civil society, and economy based on certain principles

8 The Conceptual Framework (2)
Arena of Governance Government (Political Office), Bureaucracy, Civil Society, and Economic Society Principles of Governance Participation, Transparency, Fairness, Accountability, Efficiency, and Effectiveness

9 The Conceptual Framework (3)
Good Governance Matrix Participation Transparency Fairness Account-ability Efficiency Effectiveness Government Bureaucracy Civil Society Economic Society

10 Selecting themes/functions and Indicators to be measured
“not all important things can be measured and not all that can be measured are important” -- Einstein Themes and indicators are carefully selected, based on: Significance Relevance Discriminating power Availability of data Commonality across provinces

11 Governance Themes and Number of Indicators Arena Themes/Function
Government Regulatory Framework 9 Budget Allocation 14 Coordination of Development 10 Bureaucracy Revenue Collection 6 Public Services 8 Regulating Economy Economic Society Tender dan Implementation of Government Projects Civil Society Advocacy 13 Total number of indicators 75

12 PGI Structure

13 Weighting arenas, principles, indicators
Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to determine weight of arena, principle, and indicator pair-ways comparison between indicators, principles, arenas The resulting weight of arenas: Government (34.4%) Bureaucracy (27.4%) Civil Society (24.9%) Economic Society (14.2%)

14 Weight of arenas

15 Weight of principles

16 METHOD (1) Data Type Objective Data: Statistics and records of activities Data gathered through structured interviews with “well informed persons”  persons with expertise in one or more arena of governance; they are selected purposively

17 METHOD (2) Source of Objective Data
Most recent revenue and expenditure budget and related documents (RPJMD, RKPD, Prolegda, KUA, Nota Keuangan, PPAS, LKPJ) Records of coordination meeting Records of visits by Parliamentary commissions to districts/cities Financial Audit (BPK Audit) HDI Tax and retribution potentials and realization Provincial statistics (population, number of poor people, unemployment rate/number, PDRB, gini ratio, purchasing parity index, health statistics, educational statistics, and others).

18 Location of data No. Source Location Objective WIP 1. Bureaucracy BPS
Dinas kesehatan Dinas pendidikan Dinas sosial Dinas PU Dispenda Disnaker Kesbanglinmas Bappeda BKPMD Sekretariat Provinsi BPK BPKP Kantor Pajak 2. Parliament Sekretariat DPRD Komisi-komisi 3 Civil society Pengurus atau pelaksana CSO 4. Economic society Kadinda Gepensi HIPMI 5. Academe + Dosen, peneliti 6. Media Wartawan

19 Data to index

20 Reading the Index Index ranges from 1 to 10
1 is the lowest and 10 the highest


22 Democratic Governance Profile: Some Examples
Sumatra Barat Province Overall Governance Index: 6.0 Indeks Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 5.4 6.3 1.8 8.3 3.6 5.5 7.0 Bureaucracy 5.9 2.4 7.9 6.7 4.9 4.5 7.3 Civil Society 6.6 5.2 7.8 10.0 4.1 4.8 Economic Society 7.4 1.0 Gorontalo Province Overall Governance Index: 5.5 Indeks Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 6.0 5.5 1.6 8.9 5.8 7.5 6.1 Bureaucracy 7.0 5.6 10.0 4.7 Civil Society 3.9 4.0 5.3 1.0 4.9 Economic Society 4.3 Papua Barat: Overall Governance Index: 4.4 Index Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 3.9 5.5 2.6 5.4 2.8 3.3 4.4 Bureaucracy 4.0 5.3 1.0 2.5 5.7 6.8 Civil Society 7.0 5.8 4.9 Economic Society 4.5

23 Democratic Governance Profile: Sumatra Barat Province
Sumatra Barat Province Overall Governance Index: 6.0 Indeks Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 5.4 6.3 1.8 8.3 3.6 5.5 7.0 Bureaucracy 5.9 2.4 7.9 6.7 4.9 4.5 7.3 Civil Society 6.6 5.2 7.8 10.0 4.1 4.8 Economic Society 7.4 1.0

24 Democratic Governance Profile: Gorontalo Province
Gorontalo Province Overall Governance Index: 5.5 Indeks Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 6.0 5.5 1.6 8.9 5.8 7.5 6.1 Bureaucracy 7.0 5.6 10.0 4.7 Civil Society 3.9 4.0 5.3 1.0 4.9 Economic Society 4.3

25 Democratic Governance Profile: West Papua Province
Papua Barat: Overall Governance Index: 4.4 Index Arena Participation Fairness Accountability Tranparency Efficiency Effectiveness Government 3.9 5.5 2.6 5.4 2.8 3.3 4.4 Bureaucracy 4.0 5.3 1.0 2.5 5.7 6.8 Civil Society 7.0 5.8 4.9 Economic Society 4.5

26 Government Fairness Index: Sumbar, Gorontalo, and West Papua
Sumbar Gorontalo Papbar FAIRNESS 1.8 1.6 2.6 Anggaran AP8D utk kesehatan (non belanja pegawai perkapita dibagi indeks kemahalan 2.4 1.2 4.2 Anggaran di APBD untuk penanganan kemiskinan perkapita terhadap indeks kemahalan 1.5 1.4 Anggaran APBD bidang pendidikan perkapita terhadap indeks kemahalan 2.7 Tingkat dskriminasi koordinasi gubernur terhadap kab/kota 10 10.0 7

27 Government Accountability Index: Sumbar, Gorontalo, and West Papua
Sumbar Gorontalo Papbar ACCOUNTABILITY 8.3 6.9 5.4 Kesesuaian Prioritas Pemb di APBD thd RPJMD 10 10.0 7 Realisasi Pengesahan Perda dibandingkan Jml Program Legislasi Daerah 7.2 2.4 Rasio APBD Perubahan thd APBD tanpa Adanya Perubahan Asumsi Dasar, dll 8.1 7.1 9 Ketepatan Waktu Pengesahan Perda APBD 1 Tingkat penggunakan fungsi-fungsi kontrol DPRD terhadap Gubernur 4 7.0 Laporan hasil kunjungan kerja gubernur 5.5 Laporan hasil kunjungan kerja anggota DPRD 7.8

28 Government Transparency Index: Sumbar, Gorontalo, and West Papua
Sumbar Gorontalo Papbar TRANSPARENCY 3.6 5.8 2.8 Ada lidaknya publikasi PERDA dan PerGub yang bisa diakses secara lengkap melalui web 5.5 Publikasi KUA (Kebijakan Umum anggaran Nota Keuangan, dan PPAS (Prioritas dan Plafon Anggaran Sementara) Web 1 7.0 Publikasi APBD provinsi di web Publikasi Pergub APBD provinsi d web Publikasi pertanggungjawaban APBD di website Akses publik terhadap informasi hasil-hasil rapat koordinasi antara gubernur dg Kab/Kota Akses publik terhadap informasi hasil-hasil rapat koordinasi antara Gubernur dan DPRD 10

29 New Province vs. “Original” Province

30 Performance Comparison:
Government and Bureaucracy

31 Index By Arena

32 Gender Balance Index

33 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of PGI and HDI

34 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of PGI - Government Index and Human Development Index

35 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of PGI – Bureaucracy Index and Human Development Index

36 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of PGI – Bureaucracy and Poverty

37 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of Government – Accountability and Human Development Index

38 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of Government - Accountability and Poverty

39 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of Government - Transparency and Poverty

40 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of Government – Transparency and APM

41 PGI and Other Measures Correlation of PGI – Government Fairness and HDI


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