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IndustriAll, Hotel Sofyan – Cikini 5-6 December 2013

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Presentasi berjudul: "IndustriAll, Hotel Sofyan – Cikini 5-6 December 2013"— Transcript presentasi:

1 IndustriAll, Hotel Sofyan – Cikini 5-6 December 2013
ILO dan Standar Perburuhan International (ILS) dan FPRW Soeharjono (Yono) National Programme Officer ILO ACTRAV – Jakarta Kantor ILO Jakarta. Menara Thamrin Lt. 22. Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3, Jakarta Pusat Telp , Faksimile.: Hp – Decent Work for All ASIAN DECENT WORK DECADE

2 Poin Utama Sesi ini adalah:
Mengenalkan apa itu ILO dan Bagaimana ILO Bekarja ILO Dan Tripartit ILS (International Labour Standard) F.P.R.W (Fundamental Principle Right at Work) Konvensi Utama Social Justice / Keadilan Sosial UU 21/2000, UU 13/2003, UU 2/2004

3 The International Labour Office
ILO? Merupakan salah satu organisasi multilateral dibawah naungan PBB dan sebagai forum unik bagi para pemerintah dan mitra-mitra sosial. ILO bersifat unik karena struktur tripartit yang dimilikinya. The ILO is the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights. It was founded in 1919 and is the only surviving major creation of the Treaty of Versailles which brought the League of Nations into being and it became the first specialized agency of the UN in 1946.



6 ILO (1) 1919 Markas Besar ILO 4 route des Morillons, CH-1211 Genève 22 Switzerland Switchboard: +41 (0) Fax: +41 (0) Website: 1919 at the time of Peace Conference convened at the end of the First World War. The ILO Constitution was incorporated into Part XIII of the Treaty of Versailles, for the first time establishing a link between “peace” and “social justice”.

7 “perdamaian” dengan mempromosikan “keadilan sosial”
ILO (2) International Labour Conference Mengapa ILO Berdiri? Untuk meningkatkan “perdamaian” dengan mempromosikan “keadilan sosial” The driving forces for ILO's creation arose from security, humanitarian, political and economic considerations. Summarizing them, the ILO Constitution's Preamble says the High Contracting Parties were 'moved by sentiments of justice and humanity as well as by the desire to secure the permanent peace of the world...'There was keen appreciation of the importance of social justice in securing peace, against a background of exploitation of workers in the industrializing nations of that time. There was also increasing understanding of the world's economic interdependence and the need for cooperation to obtain similarity of working conditions in countries competing for markets. Reflecting these ideas, the Preamble states: ・Whereas universal and lasting peace can be established only if it is based upon social justice; ・And whereas conditions of labour exist involving such injustice hardship and privation to large numbers of people as to produce unrest so great that the peace and harmony of the world are imperilled; and an improvement of those conditions is urgently required; ・Whereas also the failure of any nation to adopt humane conditions of labour is an obstacle in the way of other nations which desire to improve the conditions in their own countries; KEADILAN HAK ASASI MANUSIA SOSIAL

8 Apa yang dilakukan ILO untuk meningkatkan keadilan sosial?
The areas of improvement listed in the Preamble remain relevant today, for example: ・Regulation of the hours of work including the establishment of a maximum working day and week; ・Regulation of labour supply, prevention of unemployment and provision of an adequate living wage; ・Protection of the worker against sickness, disease and injury arising out of his employment; ・Protection of children, young persons and women; ・Provision for old age and injury, protection of the interests of workers when employed in countries other than their own; ・Recognition of the principle of equal remuneration for work of equal value;・Recognition of the principle of freedom of association; ・Organization of vocational and technical education, and other measures. Mengadopsi Standard Perburuhan International (ILS) Membantu negara anggota untuk meratifikasi & menerapkan (ILS)

9 Bagaimana ILO mengadopsi dan mempromosikan ILS?
Melalui “Tripartit” = bekerja sama dengan Pemerintah, Pengusaha’ dan perwakilan Pekerja/Buruh

10 Bagaimana ILO Bekerja The Governing Body
The International Labour Office The Governing Body International Labour Conference

11 Apakah “Tripartit” itu?

12 Adopsi, pelaksanaan dan mengawasi Standar Perburuhan Internasional
Tripartit Pemerintah Tripartit Pekerja Buruh (SP/SB) Pengusaha / APINDO Adopsi, pelaksanaan dan mengawasi Standar Perburuhan Internasional

13 Prasarat untuk Tripartite
Mereka harus pengusaha & organisasi pekerja/buruh pada semua tingkatan Jamian Kebebasan Berserikat merupakan kondisi mendasar untuk Tripartit

14 International Labour Standards (ILS) Standar Perburuhan Internasional

15 Apakah ILS itu? Perundingan & persetujuan 1 Insternasional
Dengan perwakilan Tripartit “Pemerintah Pekerja and Pengusaha” 2 The first International Labour Conference held in Washington in October 1919 adopted six International Labour Conventions, which dealt with: - hours of work in industry, - unemployment, - maternity protection, - night work for women, - minimum age and - night work for young persons in industry. Aturan, standar dan petunjuk pada isu ketenagakerjaan / perburuhan 3 Semua negara anggota ILO wajib untuk menghormati & melaksanakanya 4

16 Kewajiban untuk melaksanakan
Dalam UU Peraturan nasional harus mengkonfirmasikan secara utuh terhapad konvensi yang di ratifikasi Internasional Mengacu pada mekanisme pengawasan ILO: Wajib membuat laporan tahunan Langkah hukum akan dikakukan bila terjadi pelanggaran atau tidak memenuhi National legislations must be in full conformity with the Conventions ratified. All necessary measures must be taken to ensure effective enforcement and implementation Subject to international supervisory mechanism of the ILO: Annual reporting obligation Legal action may be taken in case of violation or non-compliance Didalam Prakteknya Secara keseluruhan cakupan harus dipastikan efektif ditegakkan dan dilaksanakan

17 Konvensi yg diratifikasi Indonesia
C. 19 Konvensi tentang Perlakuan yang sama (Kompensasi Kecelakaan), 1925 (No.19) 1950 C. 27 Konvensi tentang Marking of Weight (Paket Transport dengan Kapal), 1929 (No.27) 1950 C. 29 K. ttg Kerja Paksa, 1930 (No.29) 1950 C. 45 Konvensi tentang Pekerja dibawah tanah (Wanita), 1935 (No.45) 1950 C. 69 Konvensi tentang Sertifikasi Juru masak di Kapal, 1946 (No.69) 1992 C. 81 Konvensi tentang Pengawasan Ketenagakerjaan, 1947 (No.81) 2004 C. 87 K. ttg Kebebasan Berserikat & Perlindungan Hak untk mengorganisir, C. 88 Konvensi tentang Pelayanan Ketenagakerjaan, 1948 (No. 88) 2002 C. 98 K. ttg Hak untuk berorganisasi dan berunding bersama, 1949 (No. 98) C K. ttg Persamaan atas Remunerasi, 1951 (No. 100) 1958 C K. ttg Penghapusan Kerja Paksa, 1957 (No. 105) 1999 C Konvensi tentang Istirahat Mingguan (Perdagangan dan Perkantoran), 1957 (No. 106) 1972 C K. ttg Diskriminasi (Perekrutan and Kesempatan), 1958 (No. 111) 1999 C Konvensi tentang Hygiene (Perdagangan dan Perkantoran), 1964 (No. 120) 1969 C K. ttg Usia Minimum, 1973 (No. 138) [ Usia Minimum spesifik: 15 tahun] 1999 C Konvensi tentang Konsultasi Tripartite (ILS), 1976 (No. 144) 1990 C K. ttg Kondisi Terburuk Pekerja Anak, 1999 (No. 182) 2000 C185 - Seafarers' Identity Documents Convention (Revised), 2003

18 Konsep Konvensi Utama Hak Fundamental/Mendasar di Tempat Kerja

19 Kunci Instrumen ILO Deklarasi ILO mengenai Prinsip Mendasar dan Hak di tempat kerja. (F.P.R.W)

20 Deklarasi ILO F.P.R.W. Seluruh Negara Anggota, dengan keanggotaan pada ILO, mempunyai kewajiban untuk menghormati, mempromosikan dan melaksanakan fundamental prinsip-prinsip dan hak-haknya. All ILO Member States, by virtue of their membership with the ILO, have an obligation to respect, promote and realize the fundamental principles and rights.

21 Standar Perburuhan Utama

22 Kunci Utama 1 ILSs mempromosikan keadilan sosial melalui upaya-upaya international dan komitmen 2 Indonesia sudah meratifikasi semua Konvensi utama. Konvensi Dasar ILO 3 SP/SB harus bergandengan tangan untuk ikut mempromosikan, memfasilitasi dengan serius supaya meratifikasi Konvensi tersebut & meningkatkan kondisi kerja yang sehat, aman untuk semua

23 Terima Kasih Soeharjono (Yono) National Programme Officer ILO ACTRAV – Jakarta Kantor ILO untuk Indonesia & Timor Leste Menara Thamrin Lt. 22. Jl. M.H. Thamrin Kav. 3 Jakarta Pusat Telp , Faksimile.: Hp

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