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Presentasi berjudul: "Know Your People STRATEGI MEMILIH, MELATIH DAN MEMPERTAHANKAN PEGAWAI YANG BERKINERJA TERBAIK Kompilasi : M. Liga Suryadana."— Transcript presentasi:


2 First who… Then what. “Level 5” leaders start with people, then tackle strategy. First ask the question, ‘Who should be on the bus? And who should be off? And who should be in which seats?’ Then turn your attention to where you’re going to drive the bus. —James C. Collins, author of From Good to Great

terkait Orang terkait Sistem Profil tentang kondisi persaingan akan memberikan dukungan terhadap upaya mengurangi tantangan perusahaan terkait orang

4 jika anda bisa mengukur tantangan tersebut, maka anda dapat mengelolala tantangan tersebut!

5 Apa yang harus diketahui oleh setiap perusahaan
Memilih orang yang tepat Umpan-balik Kinerja Manajemen yang efektif Perusahaan Anda Produktivitas Pelayanan Pelanggan Pemeliharaan & Pengembangan Tim yang Kompak

“Have you ever made a conscious decision to hire a non-performer?” Of course, the answer is “no,” so how, then, do so many poor performers get hired? To answer THAT question, let’s begin with an examination of the traditional hiring process as practiced by most employers today. This is a process that has from one to three components:

7 Empat kriteria yang kurang tepat dalam mempekerjakan orang Dr
Empat kriteria yang kurang tepat dalam mempekerjakan orang Dr. Herbert M. Greenburg Mempekerjakan berdasarkan pada citra diri sendiri Mempekerjakan berdasarkan pada pengalaman masa lalu Mempekerjakan berdasarkan latar pendidikan Membajak pegawai dari perusahaan lain Everyone has a favorite criteria and tend to lean way to much on that criteria.

8 Seseorang gagal dalam pekerjaannya …..
bukan karena mereka tidak bisa bekerja, tetapi lebih disebabkan kemampuan mereka tidak sesuai dengan pekerjaannya.. Kami mempekerjakan orang berdasarkan kompetensinya dan memberhentikan berdasarkan kesesuainya dengan kinerjanya

9 Dayagunakan seluruh sumberdaya utk memilih pekerja
14% Wawancara This chart shows the efficiency of a variety of methods you can use in the selection process. It indicates that people selected on the basis of the typical job interview are good hires only about 14% of the time — not a very good record. That’s just ONE good employee for every SEVEN hired. But, as you add other selection techniques, such as background checks and integrity testing, personality testing, ability testing, interest testing, and job matching, the percentage of selecting good on-the-job performers increases to 75%, further validating the need for the third component. The reason this is so important is because… You MUST see THE TOTAL PERSON. + Cek latarbelakang & Menguji integritas 26% + 38% Menguji Kepribadian + 54% Menguji Kemampuan + 66% Menguji Minat + 75% Kesesuaian Kepribadin – Psychological Bulletin Vol. 96, No. 1, August 1994 Professor Mike Smith, University of Manchester

10 “Tempatkan orang yang tepat pada jabatan yang tepat, latih dan berikan motivasi mereka, dan berikan mereka peluang untuk berkembang ke arah yang lebih tinggi, dan selanjutnya perusahaan akan berkembang dan lebih sejahtera” J.W. Marriott

11 Tiga Hal penting yg menentukan pegawai melakukan tindakan yg baik !
Pemimpin dengan perilaku yang baik Budaya menghargai tindakan yang inovatif dan kreatif Sistem yang konsisten untuk menempatkan orang pada jabatan yang tepat

12 Building block III “The job no leader should delegate— Having the right people in the right place.” Execution: The Discipline of Getting Things Done —by Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan

13 Marilah kita membuat lompatan !
Buatlah pelajaran dari “good to great” terkait dengan menetapkan orang yang tepat. Identifikasi atribut utama orang-orang yang berkinerja terbaik Gunakan informasi tersebut, untuk memilih orang-orang yang tepat untuk berada dalam perusahaan (organisasi) Promosikan pegawai anda pada posisi yang tepat. Pertahankan pegawai yang berkinerja terbaik Maksimalkan kinerja pegawai. Also: Retain your top performers through use of the training and coaching information gained through the system. Hiring Managers will have a system to help hone their interviewing skills. In turn, this will improve their success rate towards developing centers of excellence. Retain your top performers through use of the training and coaching information gained through the system.

14 Memilki kejelasan terhadap tindakan yang anda lakukan, antara lain terkait hal sebagai berikut?
Target orang yang akan ditarik dan dipilih Promosi yang efektif. Informasi pelatihan yg tepat sasaran Meningkatkan produktivitas Sistem pengelolaan kinerja

15 MemperkenaIkan Profil
Apa keunggulan Modal insani dan Penilaian profil secara internasional; Merupakan cara yang telah teruji keunggulannya dalam hal : Memilih orang yang tepat Memaksimalkan kinerja pegawai Mempertahankan pegawai yang berkinerja terbaik This program involves the use of an assessment center website provided through Profiles International. Assessments can be done on the internet or by booklet. Reports can be pulled off the web only by those authorized to do so and are available as soon as they have been completed. This presentation discusses two of the assessments available on this website.

16 Memenuhi tuntutan pekerjaan: Pilih pegawai yang tepat
Dapatkah kita membuat tiruan pegawai yang berkinerja terbaik Tidak sepenuhnya bisa, tetapi untuk memperoleh pegawai dengan kinerja baik, dapat dilakukan dengan cara sebagai berikut : Kunpulkan informasi dari pegawai berkinerja terbaik atau gunakan informasi dari organisasi yang memiliki kinerja terbaik, buatlah pola penarikan pegawai yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan (your Benchmark). Nilai para calon pegawai berdasarkan patok banding yang anda inginkan terhadap pegawai yang ingin dipekerjakan (di recruite) yang anda anggap palig sesuai; lakukan latihan dan sesuai dengan informasi manajemen kinerja pegawai saat ini dan ke depan.

17 Cetak Biru Calon Pegawai yang ideal
Pikirkan area yang dimana terlihat “DNA” pegawai yang berkinerja terbaik.

18 Tiga Area Pengukuran Calon Pegawai
1 Ukur seberapa baik para calon pegawai dapat melakukan pekerjaan 2 Ukur bagaimana orang tersebut akan melakukan pekerjaan pekerjaanMeasures how the person will do the job. 3 Ukur apakah calon akan melakukan pekerjaan

19 Contoh : Pegawai yang pekerjaannya baik
89% Job Match Percentage 95% Indikasi calon pegawai yang sesuai dengan poisisi jabatannya. Calon Pegawai yang memenuhi pekerjaan terbaik (area yang digelapkan ) Nilai angka dari pada calon pegawai Job Match Percentage 93% Distortion – 8 Job Match Percentage 70% The Job Matching process for Interests is concerned with the top three interests of a Job Match Pattern and how a candidate's top three interests match. The three top interests for this Pattern are indicated and ranked from top to bottom.

20 Contoh: Calon Pegawai yang rendah kemampuan kerjanya
46% Job Match Percentage 35% Secara keseluruhan pencapaian kerja calo pegawai rendah Skor calon pegwai diluar pola yang seharusnya : rendah kesesuaiannya Job Match Percentage 50% Distortion – 7 Job Match Percentage 59% The Job Matching process for Interests is concerned with the top three interests of a Job Match Pattern and how a candidate's top three interests match. The three top interests for this Pattern are indicated and ranked from top to bottom.

21 Jenis Pelaporan yang tersedia
Laporan Individu– bisa diteruskan kepada pegawai Laporan Penempatan– memperlihatkan apakah kandidat sesui dengan kompetnsi pekerjaan Laporan Kesesuaian Jabatan Pekerjaan – memperlihatkan bagaimana kesesuaian pegawai terhadap posisi jabatan yang lainnya Laporan Pelatihan– untuk pengelolaan kinerja Laporan Profil Pekerjaan & Laporan Ringkasan

22 Beberapa laporan yang tersedia : Apa yang anda dapatkan dari merekan?
Laporan Penempatan: Data for deciding good or bad job fits Probing questions for interviews Information on the person Laporan Pelatihan: Hiring information: What will I have to do? Coaching the employee according to unique strengths and weaknesses based on job fit Laporan Lainnya : Job fit tool to use in other areas of the organization, good for reorganization or succession planning Self-development tools

23 Contoh : Target pegawai– Laporan penempatan
Laporan penempatan memiliki tiga bagian informasi : Pola kesesuaian calon dan pekerjaan dan % kesesuaian—job fit. Pembuktian pertanyaan untuk wawancara lebih lanjut. Deskripsi individu tentang Kemampuan, minat dan ciri-ciri pelaku.

24 Report details:Thinking Style
The reports break the scores down into information that empowers good decision-making.

25 Details for behavioral traits
This report shows that the candidate has interests and abilities for the targeted position, but not the right personality, for a good job fit.

26 More on behavioral traits
Shows that the candidate lacks, among several behavioral traits, the energy level to succeed in the targeted position. It also provides probing questions for further investigation.

27 Performance Management-- Coaching Report
The Coaching Report has three main parts: Graph showing candidate or employee’s fit Coaching comments on what the manager needs to do to improve the candidate’s performance Description of that individual’s abilities, interests, and behavioral traits

28 Coaching report details
This section provides coaching and performance improvement information for the manager to use.

29 Dimana kesesuaian profil dalam hal
Seleksi Promosi Kesesuaian jabatan Jenis Latihan

30 The ProfileXT allows you to determine Job Fit (to learn abilities, interests, and traits) and create “Job Patterns”

31 Hiring Process, using the Profile XT for Job Fit:
1. Phone interview Use job specific phone screen, rate interview based on job related criteria, attitude, work background screening questions 2. If passes phone screen Set up on Profile XT 3. Measure job match Use Profile XT results— rate job match,review Placement and Coaching Reports Evaluate data 6. Select the best Use Hiring Decision Matrix form; conduct background checks, reference checks 4. If good match, bring in for first interview Use Placement Report questions, customized Coaching Report, Job Structured Behavioral Interview Guide 5. If passes first interview hiring manager conducts final interview Uses alternate Hiring Guide Placement Report, Coaching Report Make conditional job offer(s)

32 Case Study: Industry: Hospital—Using the Profiles
Reduced the length of weekly hiring boards from all day to less than half a day 52% reduction in mental health worker turnover 70% improvement in number of involuntary terminations of mental health workers during probation

33 Case study example Financial Credit Union: Benefits:
74% or lower overall Job Match 80% turnover rate 79% or lower on Learning Index Match 78% turnover 80% or greater on overall Job Match 25% turnover Benefits: Could have saved $222,000, with turnover lowered from 80% to 18%

34 Our Results Our retention for new sales representatives is 55%
Average industry retention is 30%

35 Calculate and Compare Metrics
We spend less than half our industry average to acquire human capital $4.00 for every $100 of compensation vs. our industry which is spending $10.50 for the same compensation We are getting the people we want, and they perform up to our expectations

36 What’s next? Starting the Pilot Program, Getting Set Up on the Virtual Assessment Center Training on the Website and Use of the Virtual Assessment Center Selecting those to Assess for the Pilot Completing the Assessments Providing MM.C with Criteria for Benchmarking Creation MM.C providing You with Results of the Pilot Implementing the process in Next Area as Appropriate Training on use and application of the Profile XT for Managers and Users Ongoing support and Ongoing Reports Indicating Results There are a number of different types of reports that this incredible program can generate for you. Let’s take some time now to walk through some of these.

37 Terima Kasih


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