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Konsep Dasar Manajemen Strategi

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Presentasi berjudul: "Konsep Dasar Manajemen Strategi"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Konsep Dasar Manajemen Strategi
Dr. Djoko Poernomo, M.Si Dosen Program Magister Ilmu Administrasi FISIP UNEJ Matakuliah Manajemen Stratejik 13 Februari 2015 (1)

2 Kontrak Perkuliahan Kuliah dimulai pk. 14.00 – 16.30.
Mahasiswa berpakaian rapi (tidak memakai kaos oblong dan sandal jepit) selama mengikuti kuliah. Minimal mengikuti kuliah sampai dengan 75%. Kurang dari itu tidak boleh mengikuti UAS Metode pembelajaran: student centre learning atau andragogi Model perkuliahan: curah pendapat, diskusi, studi lapangan, dan tugas individu (di klas maupun di luar klas) Komponen penilaian hasil belajar: tugas individu, kuis, UTS, UAS

3 Capaian Pembelajaran Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan konsep strategi dalam perusahaan dan manajemennya Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan evolusi manajemen strategis dan perspektif perusahaan bisnis. Mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan hubungan manajemen strategis dengan studi kasus.

4 Strategic management Set of managerial decisions that determine the long term performance of a firm --- Wheelan and hunger (2002) Entails the analysis of external and internal environments of a firm to maximize the effective use of resources in relation to its objectives– Bracker 2001

5 Chronological evolution
Descriptor 1950’s and 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s 1990’s 21st century Environment Stable Dynamic complex Highly dynamic Hyper competitive Focus Content Top management Process, Organisation Process Decision making Rational, synoptic Rational synoptic Rational, participative Context dependent Context dependent View of Implementation Distinct Given Integrated Research Processual , longitudinal Cross sectional Processual Longitudinal Dominant school Design Planning Positioning Cultural Learning Learning, Organic Strategy paradigm Static, exploit Opportunities, Static, detailed planning Static, position defense Static, adaptive Dynamic adaptive

6 Strategy definitions Mintzberg 1979-
A mediating force between the organization and environment: consistent patterns in streams of organizational decisions to deal with the environment. Andrews(1970)pattern of objectives, purposes, or goals stated in such a way so as to define what business the company is in or is to be in and the kind of company it is or to be Chandler 1962: strategy is the determinator of the basic long term goals of an enterprise and the adoption of courses of action and the allocation of resources necessary for carrying out these goals.

7 Concepts Process is Content is Content Process
Sequence of events, actions and activities unfolding over time in a context ( Pettigrew 1997) Content is matter dealt in a field of study (Merriam Webster dictionary 2007) Content Answers question “ what” Process Answers question “how and why” (Van de ven and Huber 1990) Resource: is an asset, competency, process, skill or knowledge over which control is maintained (Wheelen and Hunger 2001, pp81)

8 Components of Strategy
Context (why/where?) Process (how?) Content (what?)

9 Strategy -- definitions

10 Decision Making Are Rare, consequential and directive Strategic
Tactical Operational Are Rare, consequential and directive

11 Source: Hambrick and Fredrickson, 2001, Are you sure you have a strategy?, Academy of Management Executive, 15, 4

12 Source: Hambrick and Fredrickson, 2001, Are you sure you have a strategy?, Academy of Management Executive, 15, 4

13 Components of Strategy
Culture and stakeholder expectations Resources and strategic capabilities The environment Context: Strategic Analysis Identifying strategic options Planning and allocating resources Content: Strategic Choice Process: Strategy Implementation Evaluating options Firm structure and design Selecting strategy Managing strategic change

14 Strategy Hierarchy © Prentice Hall, 2006

15 Tools for Managing Strategy
TOWS Matrix BCG Matrix Ansoff’s Growth Matrix Industry Attractiveness Business Strength Matrix Porter’s Five Forces Model Porter’s Generic Strategies Core Competence

16 Tugas Individu Pelajari artikel suplemen pada kuliah pertama ini (judul the evolution strategic management….) kemudian susun critical review saudara. Kumpulkan pada pertemuan kedua dengan catatan: print out artikel asli dan critical review saudara disampul rapi sebagaimana tugas-tugas di mata kuliah sebelumnya.

17 Referensi Narayana, BVL., 2009, Strategic Management: Workshop on Strategy, SPTM/ RSC/BRC . Hunger, J. David., Wheelen, Thomas L., 1996, Strategic Management , by Addison Wesley Publishing Company Inc.

18 jadilah manusia berpengetahuan dan ahli strategi
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