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Media Management Session 9 By Ambang Priyonggo, M.A.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Media Management Session 9 By Ambang Priyonggo, M.A."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Media Management Session 9 By Ambang Priyonggo, M.A.
Media Brand Media Management Session 9 By Ambang Priyonggo, M.A.

2 Kekuatan Brand..... Kodakmu di mana, foto aku dong? (Kodak = kamera)
Airnya disedot pake sanyo aja... (Sanyo = pompa air) Makan Indomie dulu ah... (Indomie = segala mie instant)

3 Apa itu Brand Nama, istilah, desain, atau kombinasi antara ketiganya yang ditujukan untuk mengidentifikasi dan membedakan satu produk atau jasa dari pesaingnya... Brand mengkomunikasikan pikiran dan perasaan yang mampu meningkatkan nilai produk/jasa di balik nilai fungsi dan kategori produk/jasa itu sendiri....

4 Brand... (overlap concept)
Brand awareness: merujuk pada daya ingat konsumen pada sebuah brand dengan kategori produknya. Brand image: melebihi dari sekadar “awareness (kesadaran),” dan berkaitan dengan pikiran dan perasaan (arti/citra) sebuah brand bagi konsumen. Bisa juga merujuk pada “asosiasi” atau “atribusi” Misalnya: Mercedes  Mobil yang menggabungkan keindahan dan teknologi otomotif terdepan Brand Knowledge: kombinasi antara brand awareness and brand image.

5 Brand... (overlap concept)
Brand Attitude: Tidak hanya mengetahui fakta, namun juga evaluasi. Perilaku positif atau negatif akan dipicu baik secara langsung melalui pengalaman, atau secara tidak langsung melalui marketing communication, seperti iklan dan PR Brand Preference: dianggap sebagai derivasi/turunan dari brand attitude, bahwa konsumen tidak hanya mengungkap penilaian dari sati brand saja namun juga membandingkannya dengan brand kompetitor  hasil akhirnya tidak selalu memengaruhi brand purchase behavior.

6 Brand Equity “Brand equity” merujuk pada nilai dari sebuah brand. Brand equity dikatakan pada level brand loyalty yang tinggi, kesadaran nama branda, kualitas, dan asosiasi produk yang kuat. Brand equity termasuk aset tak bewujud (intangible) seperti paten, trademark (merk), channel relationship (saluran).

7 Brand Extension “Brand extension”: meluncurkan produk baru/modifikasi di target pasar yang baru pula dengan memanfaatkan kekuatan nama brand. Contoh: Virgin

8 Media Brand Bagi media, apa pun entitasnya, brand juga memiliki peran penting... Motivasi atas ini ada karena PERSAINGAN MEDIA yang kian ketat... Media sebagai Brand menyeruak bahkan menjadikan program/produk-produknya sebagai brand.... “We don’t look at shows purely as television programs. We look at the shows as brands.” (Cecile Frot-Coutaz, Producer American Idol)

9 Fungsi Brand bagi Media
“Content is the King” namun bagi media, branding sangat dibutuhkan setidaknya dalam tiga hal dasar: Untuk mempertahankan loyalitas audiens yang ada Untuk menarik audiens baru (pembaca atau pemirsa) Untuk mengarahkan kedua kelompok itu (audiens yang telah ada dan audiens baru) sebagai target market dari brand extension yang menguntungkan

10 Brand Strategy Define your brand Determining brand objective
Focusing on your target audience Discover and crush your barrier Brand Packaging: Are You Reflecting the Right Company Image?

11 1. Define your Brand Critical to effective brand management is the clear definition of the brand's audience and the objectives that the brand needs to achieve. What are the objectives that you hope to achieve with your brand? Your brand should be comprised of the company personality, image, core competencies and characteristics. The impressions that you make as well as the words people will use to describe your company to others, are the basic framework of your brand.

12 Iklan berikut ini sangat tepat menggambarkan brand Mobil BMW yang ingin menyampaikan pesan soal keunggulan safety-nya...

13 2. Determining your brand objective
To determine your brand objectives ask yourself the following question: What is it that you want your brand to do for your company? What do you want others to know and say about your products or services? Sample objectives may include: Being recognized by receiving a specific award Picking up a certain number of choice projects Gaining a specific number of new clients in the next year Positioning your company as an industry leader in the next five months

14 3. Focusing on your Target Audience
Your value proposition must be relevant to your target market. This means your target market must be clearly defined. It's not uncommon for a business to have to refocus and revisit their targeting, especially if it was not clearly identified in the beginning stages of business. It is necessary to find the right balance when defining your target market in a way that causes your audience to recognize that you are talking specifically to them. This often requires companies to narrow down their target market.

15 4. Discover and crush your barrier
When creating your brand strategy for a product or service it is important to perform a careful analysis to determine principal barriers that you may come in contact with. These barriers are also known as market conditions that can keep your product or service from achieving success. For example they could include the following: Competition Timing Financing Location Lack of Demand

16 5. Brand Packaging Branding is your identity in the marketplace, is yours saying what it should? Your company image is all about the appearance of your packaging. What is your company image saying to the marketplace? It's important to realize that packaging always either has a negative or positive influence on the purchaser. A negative impression can detour a potential customer, just as a positive reaction can influence a customer to buy.

17 Channels use for Media Branding
Print Outdoor TV and digital media advertising Content based on extensive research cross-media branding On-air promotion Posters Sponsorship Community based

18 Coba Anda “terjemahkan” filosofi iklan dari brand-brand media pada tayangan berikut ini......

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