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Pengenalan (Program Studi) Teknik Kimia

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1 Pengenalan (Program Studi) Teknik Kimia
Prof.Dr.Ir. Chandrawati Cahyani, MS HP PK2 MABA PS Teknik Kimia FTUB 1 September 2012

2 PS Baru di FTUB Angkatan 11 : 72 mahasiswa : 2 kelas
Dosen tetap PNS : Prof. Dr.Ir. Chandrawati Cahyani, MS Ir. Bambang Ismuyanto, MS Ir. Bambang Poerwadi, MS Agustin Diah Puspita, ST, MT Dosen UB : Cakra Nirwana, ST, MT A.S.. Dwi Saptati, ST, MT

3 Dosen mata kuliah kimia & ilmu dasar : FMIPA UB
Dosen mata kuliah umum non kimia : 10 fak UB Dosen luar biasa : dari berbagai institusi diluar UB

4 What is chemical engineer
A chemical engineer, during his/her professional career, is primarily working in plants engaged in the manufacture of various chemical products. It is therefore necessary to provide adequate information to the chemical engineering student about the new materials, the chemistry involved and the outline of manufacturing process of some important chemical products.

5 8 - pengenalan Teknik
Engineering: Is the Profession in which a knowledge of the mathematical and natural sciences gained by study, experience and practice is applied with judgement to develop ways to economically utilize the materials and forces of nature for the progressive well being of mankind. 8 - pengenalan Teknik

6 Chemical Engineering:
Combines the principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology with engineering practices in order to improve the human environment. 8 - pengenalan Teknik


8 gas chromatograph / mass spectrometer

9 Ion chromatograph

Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICPMS) Cleanroom - dedicated to support trace elemental analysis using ICMPS New January 2005, Purge and Trap GCMS (photo below) Microwave Digester Gas Chromatographs (FID) High Performance Liquid Chromatography 60MHz FT-NMR  - new as of Fall 2006 Graphite Furnace/Flame Ionization Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer Infrared Spectrophotometers Diode Array UV/Vis Spectrophotometer Elemental Analyzer Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectrometer Ion Chromatograph HEPA & Perchloric Acid hoods




14 manufacturing KARAKTERISTIK Kapasitas besar, terkontrol T, P, aliran
Kontiniu : neraca massa dan energi penting (stoichiometri + komposisi bahan) Berlangsung dalam satuan satuan operasi (fisik) dan proses (kimiawi) Pengubahan : Fisik  satuan operasi : pompa, ukur, simpan, aduk, pindah evaporasi, pelarutan, peleburan, pengkristalan, pengendapan ubah ukuran : pemecahan, penggumpalan pemisahan : distilasi, ekstraksi, adsorpsi, ion exchange, electroforesa, difusi, centrifugasi Kimia  satuan proses pembakaran, reaksi kimia / biokimia

15 Proses Industri Kimia BAHAN BAKU SUMBER ALAM PRODUK tani/ternak
Hulu (indst. Lain) Hilir : konsumtif Yield Proses Industri Kimia T, P,  fisik kimia mekanik biologi BAHAN BAKU SUMBER ALAM tani/ternak tambang energi environt Preparasi perubahan Proses hulu/separasi komposisi, struktur Permurnian energi . distilasi ekstraksi dll BUANGAN

16 Lingkup yang dipelajari
Analisis proses : neraca massa dan energi Chemical reaction engineering Reaktor Kinetika Konsep aliran fluida Viskositas, laminer/turbulen, pengukuran, pompa Perpindahan panas : HE Perpindahan massa Scale up Kontrol proses Ekonomi Risiko dan keselamatan kerja Penanganan limbah

17 Bioprocess : agroforestry Energi dan energi terbaharukan
Bidang Minat Bioprocess : agroforestry (manufacturing hasil hutan dan kebun) Lingkungan (water and waste treatment) Energi dan energi terbaharukan (minyak, batubara, biofuel)

18 Current course structure
Year 1: Natural Sciences, math, wajib nasional. Lectures and labwork. Year 2: Bagian pertama inti Chemical Engineering. Lectures, labwork and exercises. Year 3: Rest of core Chemical Engineering. Lectures and exercises. Year 4: Chemical Engineering Options Broadening Material Options Research Project Written examinations still the major assessment method Some exam papers for you to inspect (’50,’60,’70,’81,’90,’00,’08) pengenalan teknik kimia-

19 pengenalan teknik kimia-
Changes in discipline New technologies: Polymers Membranes Biotechnology New understanding of fundamentals: Thermodynamics New aspects are deemed important: Product Design Computers: Routine use of numerical methods to solve equations Process simulators Thermodynamic and other databases readily available pengenalan teknik kimia-

20 pengenalan teknik kimia-
Changes in teaching Lectures continue, now often accompanied by detailed handouts SCL Less laboratory work More project work Examples classes discontinued Plenty of College supervisions A large proportion of which are given by postdocs and PhD students Teaching almost entirely in-house (other than a few 4th year options) Internet Web resources for learning Weblabs pengenalan teknik kimia-

21 Industrial involvement in teaching (MIT)
Industrial lectures Industrial backing of research projects Teaching Consortium Scheme been running for 10 years About 20 companies have been involved Current supporters: pengenalan teknik kimia-

22 What do Chemical Engineers do?
they are involved in a wide range of activities such as: design, development and operation of process plants research and development of novel products and processes management of technical operations and sales Pengenalan Teknik

23 Where do Chemical Engineers work?
The majority of Chemical Engineers work in businesses known collectively as the Chemical Process Industries (CPI) Chemicals, Oil and Gas (upstream and downstream) Pulp and Paper, Rubber and Plastics, Food and Beverage, Textile, Electronics/IT Metals, mineral processing Electronics and microelectronics Agricultural Chemicals Industries Cosmetics/ Pharmaceutical Biotechnology/Biomedical Environmental, technical, and business consulting Pengenalan Teknik

24 Where do Chemical Engineers work?
Many Chemical Engineers also work in supplier, consulting and governmental agencies related to the CPI by engaging in equipment manufacture, plant design, consulting, analytical services and standards development. Chemical Engineers hold lead positions in industrial firms and governmental agencies concerned with environmental protection since environmental problems are usually complex and require a thorough knowledge of the Social Sciences, Physics, Biology, Mathematics and Chemistry for their resolution. Chemical engineers have been referred to as “universal engineers.” Pengenalan Teknik

25 DIMANA BEKERJA Bidang usaha : UKM wirausaha Sendiri /partner
Niatnya apa PNS / militer profesional Swasta nasional/ multinasional

26 Kepakaran Teknik Kimia diperlukan dimana-mana
Semua departemen (industri, RISET, pendidikan pemerintah maupun swasta) Perindustrian, perbankan Pertanian, perikanan, peternakan Teknologi Pertahanan Bahan peledak Persenjataan Lingkungan QC, QA, R&D, produksi, marketing dll

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