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New Product Development

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1 New Product Development

2 Macro view of new product development
Macro environment Competition, finance, economic conditions, legal framework New ideas, suggestions, concepts New products and services The organisation ? How does this process work

3 Key themes from the product development literature
Process timing pre-development activities development activities marketing activities launch activities Organisational structure mechanism style Management authority support technical aspects communication People multifunctional co-ordination product champion communication Information general marketing external communication Successful new products Strategy orientation objectives synergy product characteristics Source: Hart (1995) in Bruce & Biemans, Wiley; Trott (2005), Prentice Hall

4 Ansoff’s directional policy matrix
Purpose : Analyze the variety of growth options available to a business Current products New products Current markets 3. Product development strategy 1. Market penetration strategy 2. Market development strategy 4. Diversification strategy New markets Source: Ansoff, 1968

5 A product is multi-dimensional
Brand name Features Quality specifications price Packaging Level of service Technology

6 Change a dimension and you have a new product
Brand name Features Quality specifications Price Level of service Packaging Technology

7 Classification of new products
New to the world products "New to the firm" products Product line additions Product improvements Repositionings Source: Booz, Allen & Hamilton, 1982Fa

8 Organisational activities involved in NPD
Idea generation Idea screening Concept testing Business Analysis Prototype development Test marketing Commercialization Monitoring and evaluation

9 How creative are u ? Untuk melatih kreativitas anda, coba tuliskan minimal lima produk baru/modifikasi dari benda-benda sederhana sebagai berikut : Gelas - Pot Bunga Sumpit - Kursi Payung - Sapu Tas - Bohlam Bekas Topi - Botol plastik Batu Kerikil - Kaleng Susu Rumput ilalang - Kawat Source : Yoris Sebastian, Oh My Goodness

10 Be a problem solver Untuk melatih kemampuan Anda sebagai problem solver, cobalah munculkan setidaknya lima ide produk atau layanan baru untuk kejadian – kejadian di bawah ini : Antrean orang di loket bioskop Seorang bapak kerepotan ketika harus membersihkan akuarium Seorang gadis panik karena tasnya kecopetan Banjir yang tiap tahun melanda Jakarta Anak kecil yang sedang asyik makan es krim Seorang nenek yang kesulitan ketika menyebrang jalan Ibu yang kerepotan membawa barang belanjaan Sopir yang sedang mengelap kaca mobil Teman anda mengeluh karena laptopnya rusak terbentur meja Source : Yoris Sebastian, Oh My Goodness

11 Models of New Product Development
Departmental-stage models Activity-stage models Cross-functional models Decision stage models Conversion process models Response models Network models

12 Departmental-stage model
New product project Engineering department Marketing department

13 Activity Stage Model per cent of activity per cent of activity 100 100
commercialisation technical development concept generation strategic planning end duration of product innovation process Source: Crawford, 2000

14 NPD as a network of interactions
External inputs: competitors; suppliers; distributors; customers. External inputs: societal needs; competitors; supplier partnerships; distributors; customers; strategic alliances. Marketing and sales Finance Accumulation of knowledge over time External inputs: competitors; suppliers; distributors; customers; university departments. External inputs: scientific and technological developments; competitors; suppliers; customers; university departments. Engineering and manufacturing Research and development

15 End of Chapter 6

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