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Presentasi berjudul: "INTRODUCTION TO PUBLIC RELATIONS"— Transcript presentasi:

Pengantar Public Relations, 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

2 Agenda Pertemuan Sejarah dan Perkembangan PR
Pendekatan Holistik Dalam PR Ruang Lingkup PR Media Relations Corporate Communications Internal Communications Community Relations PR Planning Marketing Public Relations Public Relations and Branding Manajemen Isu dan Krisis Public Relations dan Etika Tugas Kelompok dan Presentasi Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

3 Buku Referensi Cutlip & Center et. All, Effective Public Relations, Edisi ke-9, Erlangga. Jefkins, Frank, Public Relations, Edisi ke-5, Erlangga Anthony Davis, Public Relations, 2007, Palgrave Macmillan Ronald D. Smith, Strategic Planning for Public Relations, 2nd Edition, LawrenceErlbaum Fraser P. Seitel, The Practice of Public Relations, 11th edition, Pearson Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

4 Tujuan Intruksional Umum
Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan terminologi, konsep serta lingkup kegiatan Public Relations sebagai salah satu disiplin ilmu komunikasi. Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan fungsi, posisi dan peran Public Relations dalam masyarakat. Mahasiswa mengerti lingkup kerja dan profesi Public Relations Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

5 Tugas dan Aktifitas di Kelas
1. Pada setiap pertemuan anda diwajibkan: Membaca materi kuliah sebelum mengikuti perkuliahan Hadir pada jam perkuliahan dengan toleransi keterlambatan 15 menit. Lewat dari waktu tersebut diperbolehkan mengikuti perkuliahan namun tidak diperbolehkan menandatangani absensi atau dianggap tidak hadir. Menggunakan sepatu dan pakaian yang rapi Tidak makan dan minum selama mengikuti perkuliahan Tidak beraktifitas atau berkomunikasi melalui telepon genggam. Tidak beraktifitas internet dengan telepon genggam/netbook/laptop kecuali ada kaitannya dengan materi perkuliahan Mengikuti secara aktif perkuliahan hingga selesai Tidak diperkenankan mengunduh materi presentasi dosen di media internet manapun. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

6 Tugas dan Aktifitas di Kelas
Chapter review Tugas kelompok Presentasi materi tugas Tugas perorangan Latihan soal / kuis 3. Aspek lain yang mempengaruhi penilaian:  Nilai latihan soal/quiz Kemampuan berbicara di depan kelas pada saat presentasi Keaktifan di kelas Disiplin Attitude 4. Komponen penilaian dalam tugas kelompok: Pemilihan topik yang tepat Penguasaan materi pembahasan Penggunaan bahasa yang baik dan benar Standar penulisan yang benar Presentasi visual yang menarik Kemampuan berbicara di depan umum Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

7 Sistem Penilaian Nilai akhir ditentukan dengan memperhitungkan komponen sebagai berikut : 1. Ujian Tengah Semester (UTS) : 30 % 2. Ujian Akhir Semester (UAS) : 40 % 3. Tugas : 30 % Sifat Ujian: Tutup Buku Mata kuliah wajib nilai minimun B Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si


9 Old Perception about PR
PR adalah Personal Relations (personalized relationship) PR adalah Propaganda PR adalah Publisitas PR adalah Iklan Gratis PR adalah Menjual Senyum PR adalah Guest Relations PR adalah seorang yg berpenampilancantik dan terkenal (public figure) Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

10 Perkembangan Praktik PR di Indonesia
Hubungan Masyarakat Public Relations Marketing Public Relations Corporate Public Relations Public Communication Corporate Secretary Corporate Affairs Marketing Communications Corporate Communications Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

11 Pengertian dan Definisi
“Public relations consists of all forms of planned communication, outward and inward, between an organization and its publics for the purpose of achieving specific objectives concerning mutual understanding" (Frank Jefkins, 1992:8) “The management of communication between an organization and it’s public” ( Anthony Davis, 2003:5) “Public Relations is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling organizations leadership and implementing planned of programmes of action which will serve both the organization and public interest”. (The Mexico Statement, 1978) Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

12 Pengertian dan Definisi
“The planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its public”. (The (UK) Institute of Public Relations) “ Public relations helps an organization and its publics to adapt mutually to each other. Public relations is an organization’s effort to win the cooperation of group of people. Public relations helps an organization effectively to interact and communicate with their key publics.” (The Public Relations Society of America) Upaya terencana guna mempengaruhi opini publik melalui karakter yang baik dan kinerja yang bertanggung jawab, yang didasarkan pada komunikasi dua arah yang memuaskan kedua belah pihak. (Scott Cutlip and Allan Center) Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

13 Career In Public Relations
 What kind of industry? Career opportunities Position level in PR Function and Roles Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

14 Career In Public Relations
BUMS – Badan Usaha Milik Swasta BUMN – Badan Usaha Milik Negara Jenis Badan Usaha: Perusahaan Ekstratif: - Minyak - Batubara - Migas dan Energi - Laut - dll Perusahaan Agraris: - Perkebunan - Pertanian - Kehutanan - Perikanan - Peternakan Perusahaan Industri: - Tekstil - Makanan - Farmasi - Otomotif - Telekomuni kasi - dll Perusahaan Perdagangan - Retail - Supermarket - Hypermarket - Departemen Store - Grosir Perusahaan Jasa: - Transportasi - Perbankan - Perhotelan - Kesehatan - Asuransi - Hukum - dll Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si


16 Organizational Structure
Board of Commisioners CEO/President VP Operation VP Finance & BD VP Marketing VP Human Resources VP Corporate Comm. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

17 PR in Company’s Structure
Vice President Corporate Comm. Secretary Research & Planning Manager External Relations Manager Communication Services Manager CSR Manager Internal Relations Manager -Publicity -Visual design -Multimedia Analyst Research planner -Media Rel. -Gov. Rel - Investor Rel Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

18 Competencies in Public Relations
Basic Competencies: Advance Communication skills Media Relations Event Management Riset Public Relations Public speaking Integritas tinggi Wawasan yang luas Self image yg baik Leadership yg kuat Attractive personality Well-groomed Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

19 Competencies in Public Relations
‘The PR community must step out in front of the curtain, become a bit more technically adept and participate transparently as individuals in online communities. We will have to openly collaborate and add value to the network and help the companies we represent do exactly the same.‘ (Steve Rubel) Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

20 Perkembangan Praktik Public Relations
Functional Support Past Management Function Present Functional Advisor Future Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

21 Perkembangan Praktik Public Relations
Image Reputation Application Functions: Media Relations Newsletter/Internal Media Communications Special Events Speaking Engagement Sponsorship Employee Relations Community Relations and Philantrophy Market Monitoring Crisis Management Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

22 Perkembangan Praktik Public Relations
Marketing Communications Corporate Identity Reputation Branding Application Functions: Personal Selling Sales Promotions Public Relations and Publicity Direct Marketing Trade Fairs and Exhibitions Advertising ( ATL and BTL) Sponsorship Packaging Merchandizing E- Marketing / E-Commerce Branding Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

23 Perkembangan Praktik Public Relations
Corporate Communications Image Identity Reputation Application Functions: Image and Identity Corporate Advertising and Advocacy Media Relations Marketing Communications Financial Communications Employee Relations Community Relations and Corporate Philantrophy Government Relations Crisis Communications Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

24 The Role of Public Relations
Communication Technician Communications technicians provide specialized expertise required for public relations programs. Because it is part of the management team, the technician responsible for preparing and producing communications materials for public relations. Communications technicians focus on communication skills (journalistic skills). They are directly involved in preparing newsletters, press releases and dealing with the media. They do not appear in problem solving and decision-making and their work is to publish and implement the program. Communications and the effectiveness of action depends on the program definition problems, was a strategic decision and delivery capabilities. Weaknesses they do not contribute to decision making and strategic planning. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

25 B. Expert Determinant Determinants of employment specialists as authorities on the problems and solutions. Customers or management responsibilities of public relations is always leaving to experts and public relations are assuming a passive role.  They act as translators and intermediaries in the communication channels open two-way problems and solutions. They had a belief in top management and is responsible to identify problems, develop programs and program implementation. Facilitator - way of communication Communication Facilitator, also serves as a communication facilitator, information broker. Practitioner serving as a liaison, interpreter and communicator between the organization and the public. They are also the audience communication. They are involved in decision making in matters of common concern such as judge, interactions, discussions, commenting on the views, get a reaction and make the situation with communication. In addition, the facilitator of communication also provides communications also provide communication to improve the quality of decisions related to policies, procedures and actions of both sides of the public and organizations. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

26 D. Facilitator – way of solution
Problem-solving Facilitator, facilitator solutions serve as the management team and drive the other through a rational problem-solving process involving all the organizations in the public planning and public relations program planning process. They work closely with managers to identify problems and problem-solving. Facilitator solutions also become part of the strategic planning process and practice of public relations such as research, action, communicating and evaluation. They are currently providing content management policies and procedures of the power to make changes along with public relations practitioners in aspects of decision making and effective communication strategy requires understanding, recommendations and planning activities. This feature may also include works budgeting and responsible for determining the best person to carry out public relations work.  Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

27 E. Cultivating Relationship Professional public relations success is determined by its ability to develop skills in collecting information from management and colleagues within the organization and external sources. Continuous assessment will be done and all the recommendations formulated by the public relations practitioner must obtain approval from the management of the organization. Most public relations activities require the cooperation and sometimes through other organizational units such as staff personnel, law and marketing. Public relations professionals need to learn the best methods and techniques for public persuader that profession to become more effective. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

28 F. Writing and editing Public relations professionals are meet and interact with large groups of people. In these activities, printed materials is an important tool. For example, printed material including reports, press releases, brochures, speeches, video, scripts, trade magazine articles, product information and technical material, employee publications, newsletters, shareholder reports and other printed materials relating to communications management. These materials serve as a medium of communication for both internal and public that the public is the external public. Clear information and style good writing is important for public relations work. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

29 G. Information Public relations activities serve to strengthen the system of dissemination of news to newspapers, broadcast media and trade publication editor. Activities carried out in order to communicate with the media published the news organization. Thus, public relations practitioners need to know how the press and other media operations, the focus of the publishers and editors interested in the material. Because the editors and broadcasters have a number of space and time are limited, the public relations practitioners have to compete with practitioners from other organization. Public relations practitioners need to get the editor, publisher, and the story at the right time. In addition to acceptable based on the idea and the story is, the ability to develop contacts and cooperation with news media is very useful for both practitioners and the media. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

30 H. Publications The variety of publications, special reports, video and multimedia program provides more space to communicate with the public relations practitioner. Public relations professionals do not require skill in the art, layout, typographical and photographic techniques, but basic knowledge is essential preparation for the planning and supervision I. Special Events Press conferences, exhibitions, opening of new buildings and the anniversary celebrations, contests and awards, tours and special meetings are part of the special events that can be used to gain attention and acceptance of the crowd. It involves through planning and the cooperation of various parties, details of the action, preparation of gift books, publicity materials and reports. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

31 J. Speaking Public relations duties often require face to face communication skills is to prepare a speech and delivered a speech. Public relations practitioners can speak to individuals or groups will have advantages compared to writing to communicate ideas. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

32 K. Research and evaluation
Important activities that need to be conducted by public relations practitioners is to get the facts. It can be done through interviews, research, library materials and informal conversation. Research can also involve survey techniques and expertise, as well as to design and conduct public opinion research. After the full program is carried out, public relations professionals need to review the results and evaluation planning, implementation and effectiveness of the program. The management expects a useful input to the organization through research and evaluation activities performed in relation Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

33 Tujuan Public Relations
Untuk mengubah citra umum di mata masyarakat sehubungan dengan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan baru yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan. Untuk meningkatkan bobot kualitas para calon pegawai. Untuk menyebarluaskan suatu cerita sukses yang telah dicapai oleh perusahaan kepada masyarakat dalam rangka mendapatkan pengakuan. Untuk memperkenalkan perusahaan kepada masyarakat luas, serta membuka pangsa pasar baru. Untuk mempersiapkan dan mengkondisikan masyarakat bursa saham atas rencana perusahaan untuk menerbitkan saham baru atau saham tambahan. Untuk memperbaiki hubungan antar perusahaan itu dengan masyarakatnya, sehubungan dengan telah terjadinya suatu peristiwa yang mengakibatkan kecaman, kesangsian, atau salah paham di kalangan masyarakat terhadap niat baik perusahaan. Untuk mendidik konsumen agar mereka lebih efektif dan mengerti dalam memanfaatkan produk-produk perusahaan. Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

34 Tujuan Public Relations
h. Untuk meyakinkan masyarakat bahwa perusahaan mampu bertahan atau bangkit kembali setelah krisis Untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dan ketahanan perusahaan dalam menghadapi resiko pengambilalihan oleh pihak lain. Untuk menciptakan identitas perusahaan yang baru. Untuk menyebarluaskan informasi mengenai aktivitas dan partisipasi para pimpinan perusahaan organisasi dalam kehidupan sosial sehari-hari. Untuk mendukung keterlibatan suatu perusahaan sebagai sponsor dari suatu acara. Untuk memastikan bahwa para politisi benar-benar memahami kegiatan-kegiatan atau produk perusahaan yang positif, agar perusahaan yang bersangkutan terhindar dari peraturan, undang-undang, dan kebijakan pemerintah yang merugikan. Untuk menyebarluaskan kegiatan-kegiatan riset yang telah dilakukan perusahaan, agar masyarakat luas mengetahui betapa perusahaan itu mengutamakan kualitas dalam berbagai hal. (Jefkins, p. 246) Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

35 Competencies in Public Relations
Current Competencies: Participating not Pitching Integrated communications: - Networking - Collective intellegence - Long tails Membangun image melalui komunikasi yg efektif melalui pemanfaatan citizen journalism Penguasaan dan keterampilan memanfaatkan teknologi informasi Tata kelola informasi/manajemen informasi/menguasai informasi secara komprehensif Memahami agenda publik dan agenda media Kemampuan memanaje publik: mengontrol dan meng-educate Shophisticated communications skill Multi knowwledge and sharpening the expertise Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

36 Public Relations Tips Tell the truth, perhaps not the whole truth (message of the old school) Honestly! Being responsive in every situation Never hide from media, be accessible and trustable Media is not a good friend, but never thinks them as your enemy Use your crystal ball Don't burn your bridges Never stop learning Strengthen your weaknesses Play to your strengths and be a role model, build your own charisma Pengantar PR 2012 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

37 Thank You !


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