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Created By: Hadi Prana Abadi Tulus Suratno Lizza Ayudita Lesmono

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1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE ENTERPRISE (Sistem Informasi dalam Perusahaan)
Created By: Hadi Prana Abadi Tulus Suratno Lizza Ayudita Lesmono Yuli Kurniawati

2 In the fast-paced world of fashion retailing, nothing seems more important than time to market.
---- Welcome to the world of Speed Chic---- As a manager, you’ll want to know exactly how information systems can help your company. You’ll need to understand which types of information systems are available to businesses and what they can do for them. In this chapter, we first look at different ways of classifying information system-is based on the organizational level, business functions, and business processes they support.

3 Tekhnologi informasi dan komunikasi membuat segala sesuatu menjadi lebih mudah

4 Management Organization Technology Business Challenges
(Tantangan Bisnis) Management Organization Information System (Sistem Informasi) Business Solutions (Solusi Bisnis) Technology

Kenapa Enterprise?? Karena sistem ini mencakup seluruh set proses yang dilakukan oleh organisasi, seperti : - Manufaktur - Penjualan - Pembelian - Dan fungsi bisnis lainnya

Tujuan EntIS : • Mengumpulkan dan menyebarkan data ke seluruh proses yang terdapat di sebuah organisasi • EntIS menyediakan data yang digunakan manajer untuk membuat sebuah keputusan dalam merencanakan dan mengendalikan proses bisnis. Contoh EntIS : • ERP : sistem yang memungkinkan manajemen atas seluruh sumber daya manufaktur (MRP) yang berasal dari area manufaktur.

(Jenis-jenis utama pada sistem organisasi) Differents kinds of systems (Berbagai perbedaan jenis pada sistem) Kind of information system Groups Served Strategic Level Senior Managers Management Level Middle Managers Operational Level Operational Managers

8 Structure of Organizatinal Information System

9 Differents kinds of systems
(Berbagai perbedaan jenis pada sistem) Operational-Level System : Support operational managers by kepping track of the elementary activities and transactions of the organizations: Sales, Receipts, Cash deposits, Payroll, Credit Decisions, and the flow to materials in a factory. Management-Level System : serve the monitoring, controling, decision-making, and administrative activities of middle managers: Strategic-Level System : Help senior management tackle and address strategic issues and long-term trends, both in the firm and in the external environment.

10 Four Major Types on Systems:
(Empat jenis Utama pada sistem) a. Transaction Processing Systems (TPS) (Sistem Proses Transaksi) Transaction processing system (TPS) are basic business system that serve the operational level of the organization. Example are: sales order entery, Payroll, Employee record keeping b. Management Informations Systems (MIS) (Sistem Informasi Manajemen) MIS serve the management level of the organization, providing managers with reports and often online access to the organization’s current performance and historical records.

11 c. Decision – Support Systems (DSS) (Keputusan – Sistem Pendukung)
Decision-Support System (DSS) also serve the management level of the organization. DSS help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance. DSS help managers make decisions that are unique, rapidly changing, and not easily specified in advance. d. Executive Support Systems (ESS) (Sistem Pendukung - Eksekutif) Senior managers use executive support system (ESS) to help them make decisions. ESS serve the strategic level of organization.

12 Payroll System 2-3. TPS (Employee Data) Payroll
The general ledger : Wages and salaries Management Reports Payroll Master File Payroll System Government document Employee Checks Data elements in payroll master file Employee : Number Name Andrees Departement Occupation Pay Rate Vacation Time Gross pay Earnings Witholdings : Federal incoming fax State taz FICA Other Payroll Online queries: Earning Employee Number 46838 Employee Name Hadi Gross Pay 2000 Federal Tax 400 State Tax 400 FICA 140.00

13 Penggunaan TPS dalam pendidikan ( Data Nilai Raport Siswa)
Buku Induk: Nilai-nilai Siswa Sistem Penulisan Raport Bukti Laporan Kepada Atasan File Master Nilai Siswa Dokumen Sekolah Pengecekan oleh SIswa Data Siswa dalam Buku raport Siswa : Nomer induk Nama Alamat Mata Pelajaran Kelas Kehadiran Pesan Guru Payroll Online queries: Earning Nilai rata-rata 87 Nomer siswa 46838 Nama Siswa Hadi Peringkat 1 Kehadiran -

14 School Manager System

15 أُعْطُوْا الاَجِيْرَ اَجْرَهُ قَبْلَ اَنْ يَجِفَّ عَرَقَهُ
We Have to Pay a Salary Employees on Time: Ibnu Majah telah meriwayatkan dari Ibnu Umar radhiallahu ‘anhuma dan Thabrani meriwayatkan dari Jabi radhiallahu ‘anhu serta Abu Ya’la juga meriwayatkan dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu ‘anhu, ia berkata, Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,: أُعْطُوْا الاَجِيْرَ اَجْرَهُ قَبْلَ اَنْ يَجِفَّ عَرَقَهُ “Berikanlah kepada para pekerja sebelum keringatnya kering”

16 Dari Abu Hurairah radhiallahu ‘anhu yang diriwayatkan dari Nabi shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam, beliau bersabda, Allah Ta’ala berfirman: ثَلاَثَةٌ اَنَاخَصْمُهُمْ يَوْمَ القِيَامَةِ رَجُلٌ اَعْطَى بِيْ ثَمَّ غَدَرَةٌ رَجُلٌ بَاعٌ حُراً فَأَكَلَهُ ثَمَنَهُ وَرَجُلٌ اَسْتَأْجَرَ اَجِيْرًا فَاسْتَوْفِي مِنْهُ وَلاَ يُعْطِهِ اَجْرَهُ “Tiga Jenis (manusia) yang Aku akan menjadi musuhnya kelak pada hari kiamat, yaitu: seseorang yang memberi dengan nama-Ku, kemudian berkhianat; seseorang yang menjual orang yang merdeka (bukan budak), kemudian memakan uangnya; dan seseorang yang mempekerjakan pekerja dan telah diselesaikan pekerjaannya, tetapi ia tidak memberikan upahnya.” Dalam surah an Nasyrah ayat 7 dan 8: “maka apabila kamu selesai (dari sesuatu urusan) kerjakanlah dengan sungguh sungguh (urusan) yang lain. Dan hanya kepada Tauhanmulah hendaknya kamu berharap”

17 2-5 . MIS MIS FILES Sales Data Order File Manager
Unit Product Cost Data Product Change Data Expense Data Order Processing System Order File Manager Production Master File Matrealis resource Planning System MIS Reports General Learder System Acounting files

18 Model System Information in America

19 DSS Ship file (e.g Speed capacity Port distance restrictions file
Fuel Consumtion Cost file Analytical models database Ship Charter hire history cost file Port Expense file Online queries

20 Decision Support System (DSS)

21 ESS a. Relationship of System to One Another Menus Graphics
Communications Local processing Internal data TPS /MIS data Financial data Office system Modeling/analysis External Data dow Jones Internet news feeds standard & poor’s Menus Graphics Communications Local processing Menus Graphics Communications Local processing

(Sistem dari Satu persfektif fungsional) 1. Sales and Marketing Systems The sales and marketing function is responsible for selling the organization’s products or services 2. Manufacturing and Production Systems The manufacturing and production funcition is responsible for actually producing the firm’s goods and services.

(Mengintregasikan Fungsi dan Proses Bisnis: Pengantar ke Aplikasi Perusahaan) 1. Business Processes and Information Systems (proses bisnis dan informasi) Business processes refer to sets of logically related activities for accomplishing a specific business result. 2. Systems for Enterprise Wide Process Integration (Sistem sebagai usaha untuk mengembangkan perusahaan) These enterprise applications consist of enterprise systems, supply chain management systems, customer relationship management systems, and knowledge management systems.

24 3. Overview Of Enterprise Aplications
(Ikhtisar dari aplikasi perusahaan) a. Overview Of Enterprise Systems (Ikhtisar dari sistem perusahaan) Also known as enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems solve this problem by providing a single information system for organization-wide coordination and integration of key business processes. b. Overview of Supply Chain Management Systems (Ikhtisar dari sistem persediaan barang) Supply chain management (SCM) systems are more outward facing, focusing on helping the firm manage its relationship with suppliers to optimize the planning, sourcing, manufac- turing, and delivery of products and services.

(Memenej Kesempatan, Tantangan , dan Solusi ) 1. Opportunities (Kesempatan) 2. Management Challenges (Tantangan Manajemen) a. Integration and the whole firm view b. Management and Employee Training c. Accounting for the cost of systems and managing demand for systems 3. Solutions Guidelines (Menemukan solusi) a. Inventorying the firm’s informations systems for a 360-degree view of information b. Employee and management education c. Accounting for the cost of systems and benefits of informations systems

26 Kenapa Perlu Menggunakan Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan?
Motivasi Menarik minat pelajar Mengikat pelajar melalui hasil kerja Meningkat persepsi kawalan Unique instructional capabilities Menghubungkan pelajar kepada sumber maklumat Membantu pelajar visualize masalan dan penyelesaian Menjejak progres pelajar Menghubung pelajar kepada alat2 pembelajaran

27 Kenapa Perlu Menggunakan Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan?
Sokongan kepada pendekatan baru Pembelajaran kooperatif Pembelajaran kolaboratif Berkongsi kepintaran Penyelesaian masalah dan kemahiran peringkat tinggi

28 Kenapa Perlu Menggunakan Teknologi Dalam Pendidikan?
Meningkatkan Produktiviti Guru Banyak masa untuk berkerja dengan murid2 dengan membantu hasil mereka dan merekod tugasan mereka. Menyediakan maklumat dengan lebih tepat dan cepat Membenarkan guru menghasilkan lebih perhatian kepada material mesera pelajar dengan lebih cepat.


30 System Informations in the School

31 Student Administrations System

32 School Management System


34 Smart School System

35 Mengerjakan PR lebih mudah…

36 SIS At A Glance. The Singapore Management University (SMU) is purposely created to be a premier university internationally recognised for research and education centred on “The World of Business, Organisations and Markets”. The SMU School of Information Systems (SIS) was created within this context to be similarly recognised internationally for its innovative research and education focused on Information Systems Technology, Information Systems Management, as well as problems and issues at the intersection of IS related technology and management. SIS is distinct from the other five schools at SMU in that we are the only academic unit within the university classified as under Singapore’s Science & Technology cluster of academic units as defined by the Ministry of Education. SIS is eligible for Singapore government funding schemes targeted for Science & Technology based university programmes and research institutes


38 School Management System

39 Management Information Systems, at the Fox School : http://community –
The new social media enabled site for the top 10 ranked Department of Management Information Systems, at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.

40 Sistem informasi manajemen sekolah berbasis web

41 School Information System

42 State requirement for Student Informations Systems
School Works Student Information System keeps pace with state required data submittals. In the example above, you can see how SchoolWorks SIS is used to track the Kansas State Department of Education's "Kansas Individual Data on Students (KIDS)" data fields

43 Student Informations System
"In this window the admins are able to create lists of students that attend a certain course"

44 School Management System

45 School Management System

46 Sistem Informasi di Sekolah http://w30. indonetwork. co

47 Sistem Informasi Sekolah


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