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2 EKOLOGI, Ilmu Dasar Pemahaman Lingkungan Ernst Haeckel (Germany)
“Ekologi”. Istilah ini pertama sekali diusulkan oleh ahli biologi bangsa Jerman Ernst Hackel dalam tahun 1869. “Ekologi” yang berasal dari bahasa Yunani dari kata-kata : Oikos, berarti “rumah” atau tempat untuk hidup, Didefenisikan sebagai Ilmu pengetahuan yang mempelajari tentang hubungan timbal balik antara organisme (makhluk hidup) dengan lingkungan Ernst Haeckel (Germany) Louis Pasteur

3 Secara Garis Besar SIN EKOLOGI : AUT EKOLOGI

4 Ecology Definition “Ecology is the scientific discipline that is concerned with the relationships between organisms and their past, present, and future environments.” Source: Ecological Society of America Ecology is the study of the relationships between living organisms, including humans, and their physical environment; it seeks to understand the vital connections between plants and animals and the world around them. These relationships include physiological responses of individuals, structure and dynamics of populations, interactions among species, organization of biological communities, and processing of energy and matter in ecosystems.



7 Persoalan Lingkungan Banjir/ Longsor/ air bah Punahnya Biodiversity
Polusi (Pencemaran) Timbulnya berbagai penyakit-penyakit Terbatasnya air bersih Pemanasan global Perubahan Iklim

8 Prinsip-Prinsip Ekologi
Pembahasan ekologi tidak lepas dari pembahasan ekosistem dengan berbagai komponen penyusunnya, yaitu faktor abiotik dan biotik. Faktor abiotik antara lain suhu, air, kelembapan, cahaya, dan topografi, sedangkan faktor biotik adalah makhluk hidup yang terdiri dari manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, dan mikroba. Ekologi juga berhubungan erat dengan tingkatan-tingkatan organisasi makhluk hidup, yaitu populasi, komunitas, dan ekosistem yang saling mempengaruhi dan merupakan suatu sistem yang menunjukkan kesatuan.

9 Gbr. Tingkatan Organisasi Makhluk Hidup
Individu : organisme tunggal seperti : seekor tikus, seekor kucing, sebatang pohon jambu, sebatang pohon kelapa, dan seorang manusia. Populasi : Kumpulan individu sejenis yang hidup padasuatu daerah dan waktu tertentu disebut populasi Misalnya, populasi pohon kelapa dikelurahan x th ada 2552 batang. Komunitas ialah kumpulan dari berbagai populasi yang hidup pada suatu waktu dan daerah tertentu yang saling berinteraksi dan mempengaruhi satu sama lain Interaksi komunitas dg lingkungan menciptakan kesatuan ekologi yang disebut ekosistem. Komponen penyusun ekosistem adalah produsen (tumbuhan hijau), konsumen (herbivora, karnivora, dan omnivora), dan dekomposer/pengurai (mikroorganisme).

10 Population A group of organisms of the same kind living in the same place is a population.


12 Populasi: Kumpulan individu sejenis yang terdapat dalam suatu tempat tertentu Satuan fungsional suatu spesies dalam ekosistem Nicia/niche/relung: Karakteristika Populasi 1. Kepadatan/Densitas Jumlah seluruh individu pada tiap satuan ruang (luas/volume) N L D (densitas) = ind/m2 ind/km2 ind/m3

13 2. Persebaran (dispersion)
Pola penyebaran populasi : Persebaran secara: merata acak berkelompok

14 3. Struktur umur - Pre reproduksi; reproduksi; pos reproduksi 4. Dinamika Natalitas = kelahiran - Mortalitas = kematian - Migrasi = masuk/keluar: ke/dari populasi

15 Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi populasi
Kelahiran Kematian Migrasi Populasi bertambah Populasi berkurang Kompetisi Menang Kalah Mati Pindah K a p a s i t a s T a m p u n g

16 All the population that live in an ecosystem at the same time form a community.

17 Komunitas : Interaksi yang terjadi antara sesama makhluk hidup Terestial Habitat Akuatik Tumbuhan Jenis makhluk hidup Hewan

18 Bagan hubungan antara beberapa komponen
matahari produsen konsumen pengurai materi

19 Bagan Aliran Energi produsen energi yang dipantulkan pengurai pengurai
dipancarkan kembali Energi matahari Konsumen I produsen Konsumen I Konsumen I energi yang dipantulkan pengurai pengurai

20 Trophic level: All the organisms that are the same number of food-chain steps from the primary source of energy Modified from: General Ecology, by David T. Krome

21 Food Chains The producers, consumers, and decomposers of each ecosystem make up a food chain. There are many food chains in an ecosystem. Food chains show where energy is transferred and not who eats who.

22 Rantai makanan (FOOD CHAIN)


24 JARING Makanan

25 Food web of a hot spring Fig 6.2 Food web of a hot spring.
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers

26 Fig 6.5 Food web of the harp seal.
© 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers


28 Abiotic components: ABIOTIC components:
Solar energy provides practically all the energy for ecosystems. Inorganic substances, e.g., sulfur, boron, tend to cycle through ecosystems. Organic compounds, such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and other complex molecules, form a link between biotic and abiotic components of the system. Source:

29 BIOTIC components The biotic components of an ecosystem can be classified according to their mode of energy acquisition. In this type of classification, there are: Autotrophs and Heterotrophs Organisms that produce their own food from an energy source, such as the sun, and inorganic compounds. Organisms that consume other organisms as a food source.

30 Types of Ecosystems Deserts are very dry ecosystems.
Desert plants and animals can survive with very little water.

31 Desert Plants Desert plants, such as cactus, have thick stems that store water. The roots of a cactus lie just below the soil and spread far from the plant.

32 Grassland Ecosystems Grasslands are dry, often flat areas of land that are hot in the summer and cold in the winter. They get more rain and snow than deserts but less that most other ecosystems.

33 Plants The main plant in a grassland ecosystem is grass.
There are not many bushes in the grassland. Trees are found only by rivers and streams.

34 Saltwater Ecosystems Saltwater ecosystems are oceans.
Oceans cover about three –fourths of Earth’s surface, so there are more saltwater ecosystems than any other.

35 Marine National Park, in Sulawesi

36 Sharks, sea turtles, corals and octopus are all ocean animals.
So are whales and seals.

37 Freshwater Ecosystems
Rivers, ponds, lakes and streams have fresh water. Lakes and rivers are closely tied. Some lakes are the source for some rivers. Important rivers, most often, originate from lakes. Some rivers end in lakes. Since both rivers and lakes are freshwater and flow in and out of each other, they share similar characteristics and many species reside in both habitats.

38 Forest Ecosystems Forest are ecosystems in which many trees grow.

39 Tropical Rain Forest A tropical rain forest grows where it is hot and wet all year long. Animals such as jaguars and monkeys live there.


41 Research/ Fieldwork

42 Training

43 Deciduous Forest What's A Temperate Deciduous Forest Like?
One of the most interesting features of the temperate deciduous forest is its changing seasons. The word "deciduous" means exactly what the leaves on these trees do: change color in autumn, fall off in the winter, and grow back again in the spring. This adaptation helps trees in the forest survive winter.


45 Thank You Terima Kasih

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