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Safety Talk 23 Safety Talk Objectives (Slide 1)

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1 Safety Talk 23 Safety Talk Objectives (Slide 1)
Upon completion of this safety talk, those attending will: • Know why the topic is important • Know where asbestos may be found • Know the relevance of exposure levels and the precautions to be taken to prevent exposure Meeting preparation Pre-planning. Supervisors are encouraged to review the BP Oil Key Safety Topic entitled, ‘Successful Group Meetings’ before delivering this or any safety talk. Safety Talk 23

2 Waspada Asbestos! Mengenal asbestos Bekerja dengan asbestos
Menjaga inv asbestos Introduction (Slide 2) Inhaling asbestos fibres presents a potentially serious risk to health. In many countries the use, handling and disposal of asbestos is strictly controlled by law. This talk is to help you fulfil the requirements of BP’s policy on health, safety and the environment by giving you information to you to safely use, handle, remove and dispose of asbestos .

3 Foto Microscope serat asbestos
Apakah Asbestos itu ? Mineral alam Asbestos (Slide 3) A naturally occurring mineral and has been mined for many years. It resembles a soft white rock Types There are three main types Blue (Crocidolite) Brown (Amosite) and White (Chrysotile) Blue and white are grouped together as the ‘amphiboles’ All types of asbestos occur as long, thin and flexible fibres which are capable of splitting longitudinally to form progressively thinner fibres. These tiny fibres, suspended in air are what can be breathed and can ‘spear’ into the lungs. Foto Microscope serat asbestos Ukuran rambut 1/10 mm Serat asbestos 1/1000 mm Waspada, Asbestos!

4 Keunggulan dari Asbestos
Properties (Slide 4) Asbestos’ properties of fire resistance , mechanical and tensile strength, chemical resistance, thermal insulation and low cost lead to its widespread use. The different types of asbestos exhibit these properties to different extents. This decides which type is used for each sort of application.. Waspada, Asbestos!

5 Sejarah pemakaian Asbestos
Where is Asbestos Likely to be Encountered ? (Slide 5) Asbestos is most likely to be found on BP premises as follows Cement materials (eg corrugated sheets, occasionally water tanks, pipes & prefabricated building components) Chrysotile (incorporating crocidolite & amosite) 10-20% Fire-resistant insulating board Amosite (occasionally incorporating chrysotile) 15-40% Thermal insulation (including pipe & vessel insulation) Amosite, chrysotile & crocidolite 1-55% Sprayed coatings (applied to structural beams &ceilings as fire protection &/or accoustic & thermal insulation) Amosite, chrysotile & crocidolite 60-90% Textiles (eg heat resistant gloves, fire-blankets, fire protective clothing & insulation mattresses) Chrysotile, (occasionally crocidolite) % Jointings, gaskets & packings Chrysotile (occasionally crocidolite) % Friction materials (eg automotive brake & clutch linings) Chrysotile 5-10% Floor tiles Chrysotile 5-10% Filler & reinforcement (eg in felts, millboards, papers, underseals, mastics & adhesives Chrysotile (occasionally crocidolite) 1-10% Reinforced thermosetting plastics & battery cases Amosite, chrysotile & crocidolite 5-20% Banyak dipakai di plant sebelum Waspada, Asbestos!

6 Cross section of Alveoli in lungs
Risk pada Paru-paru Asbestosis, scarring of lung tissue. Kanker paru Lebih buruk bila merokok juga. Malignant mesothelioma (Kanker). H E A L T H H A Z A R D S (Slide 6) Because of its crystalline structure, asbestos splits longitudinally to produce increasingly finer fibres which can remain suspended in the air for considerable periods. When inhaled, these fibres are capable of being deposited in the deepest regions of the lung, where they may cause the diseases described briefly below. Asbestosis Prolonged exposure to airborne asbestos fibres may lead to asbestosis, a fibrosis of the lungs. This leads to progressive reduction in the elasticity of the lungs, with impairment of the gas exchange mechanism via the alveoli. Breathlessness and coughing are early symptoms of asbestosis. It may, later, cause severe disability and heart failure. Pleural Thickening Exposure to airborne asbestos fibres may cause thickening of the pleura and glass-like plaques in the membranes lining the chest cavity. These changes appear to cause no ill effects but very widespread pleural thickening may restrict lung expansion and cause breathlessness. Pleural Effusions Asbestos fibres can cause irritation of the pleura leading to rapid outpouring of fluid into the pleural cavity, squashing the lung on that side. Although rarely life-threatening, the sudden shortness of breath caused is frightening and needs urgent medical attention. Lung Cancer Exposure to airborne asbestos fibres is associated with an increased risk of lung cancer. Cigarette smoking is the most common cause of lung cancer but smokers who also inhale asbestos fibres put themselves at much greater risk of developing lung cancer . Mesothelioma Exposure to airborne asbestos fibres, particularly crocidolite and amosite, may lead to mesothelioma, a cancer of the pleura and more rarely, the peritoneum ( the membrane lining the abdominal cavity). Mesothelioma may develop 20 or more years after exposure. Cross section of Alveoli in lungs

7 Bagaimana hukum-nya ? ….dan PENI juga..
Kontrol, Training, Hilangkan resiko, Kerja sama. General (Slide 7) The law and BP standards work hand in hand. The object is to remove the risk and allow people to understand their part in the process. Occupational Exposure Limits (Applied within the BP Group). The following Occupational Exposure Limits (OELs) should be applied to all types of asbestos. Exposure Limit fibres/ml over an 8-hour time-weighted average (TWA) (National Exposure Limits may take precedence). Action Level fibres/ml, 8-hour TWA. Air samples taken to check compliance with OEL’s should be collected by monitoring in the breathing zone(near the workers mouth and nose). Such limits do not represent fine dividing lines between ‘safe’ and ‘dangerous’ Therefore interpretation of monitoring results should only be made only by persons competent to do so. Where there is any likelihood that the Action Level may be exceeded, monitoring and control measures will be required and the area should be designated an Asbestos Hazard Area (AHA) . Clearance Standard Where asbestos work (e.g. repair/removal) has been carried out in an AHA, the area should not normally be used again until the airborne fibres are less than the Clearance Standard of 0.01 fibres/ml. Waspada, Asbestos!

8 Perlingdungan Waspada, Asbestos! Mengerti apa yang ditangani
Mengikuti prosedur Membuang dgn benar Tidak mengkontaminasi yang lain Personal Protective Equipment (Slide 8) PPE provided for work involving asbestos should include appropriate respiratory protective equipment (RPE) and coverall-type overalls (complete with hood), boots and gloves. Minimum Standard. Coveralls should fit closely to the neck, wrist and ankles but should allow relatively free movement and dissipation of body heat. They should be made from approved, fibre-impermeable fabrics, so that they can be decontaminated thoroughly after use. The hoods of the coveralls should be fashioned to allow the straps of RPE to be worn beneath them. Protective clothing should be decontaminated immediately after use by vacuum cleaning, so that it is free from asbestos dust prior to re-use. Disposable protective clothing should be treated as asbestos waste. Non-disposable clothing should be sealed in clearly-labelled, plastic bags and sent to a laundry which has suitable facilities for handling asbestos-contaminated clothing. Asbestos-contaminated clothing must not be taken home. ‘Transit coveralls’ should be worn between the AHA and the decontamination facilities.They should be of a different colour to those used for the asbestos work and should be treated as asbestos-contaminated after use. Personal Hygiene Showers and segregated ‘clean’ and ‘dirty’ changing areas should be provided as close as possible to and preferably adjoining the AHA.. Waspada, Asbestos!

9 Melakukan survey di plant
Bila ragu, anggap asbestos itu ada Lakukan survey sebelum tekena dampak Malakukan up-date pendataan Asbestos Bulk Sampling (Slide 9) Bulk sampling surveys should be carried out to give information on: location and type of asbestos; extent and approximate quantity of asbestos; condition of the asbestos Asbestos Register An asbestos Register should be established to record the use and location of all known asbestos-containing materials. A copy of the Register should be made available to the workforce. Information from the Asbestos Register can be used as part of an asbestos management programme designed to ensure that: the location of all asbestos or asbestos-containing materials at a site is known by all concerned, including the workforce and contractors. the condition of such materials is inspected and recorded at intervals appropriate to their location and condition, so that remedial action may be taken as soon as it becomes necessary. any work involving such materials is carried out in an approved manner. Waspada, Asbestos!

10 Menghilangkan Asbestos
Qualified person Isolasi ruang Asbestos Pembuangan limbah Removal (Slide 10) Asbestos should only be removed if it is: Friable (crumbly) likely to be disturbed during maintenance, construction, modification or demolition. Encapsulation Asbestos material that is only slightly damaged or which can usually be encapsulated to prevent the release of asbestos fibres. Encapsulation can be done by: wrapping with suitable membrane e.g. canvass, aluminium; sealing with an “encapsulant” which forms a membrane over the external surface of the material or permeates the material to bind the fibres together. Removal is better than encapsulation because it removes the need for subsequent “management” of the asbestos. BP insists that all asbestos insulation removal and encapsulation work is done by specialist contractors. Beware, Asbestos!

11 Pesan akhir Beware, Asbestos! Asbestos bisa mengancam kesehatan tapi
Ada cara sederhana mengurangi resiko Hazards (Slide 11) Asbestos fibres may be released into the workplace during cutting, drilling, disturbance during maintenance, removal or disposal of asbestos materials or as a result of deterioration. Hazardous levels of airborne asbestos dust may also be generated if asbestos-contaminated clothing. machinery or fixtures are cleaned by methods other than appropriate vacuum cleaning equipment or wet methods. BP recommends that an appropriately trained and competent “Asbestos Co-ordinator” be appointed to advise on the asbestos management programme. Beware, Asbestos!

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