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Internal Relations/Employee Communication

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Presentasi berjudul: "Internal Relations/Employee Communication"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Internal Relations/Employee Communication
Pengantar Public Relations, 2012 Dian Anggraeni, SS.M.Si

I Corporate Communication Pertemuan ke-14 II Internal Relations Pertemuan ke-14 III Corporate Social Responsibility Pertemuan ke-14 IV Community Relations Pertemuan ke-15 V Marketing Public Relation Pertemuan ke-15 VI PR and Branding Pertemuan ke-15 VII Crisis Management Pertemuan ke-15 PAPER: Latar Belakang/Pendahuluan Pemahaman konsep/teori Pembahasan Kesimpulan Daftar referensi

3 Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft
“I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in.”  Bill Gates, CEO, Microsoft One of Bill Marriott's most famous quotes reveals the same insight: "I want our associates to know that there really is a guy named Marriott who cares about them," he said. Bill Marriot, Chairman and CEO JW Marriot Lot of companies have chosen to downsize, and maybe that was the right thing for them. We chose a different path. Our belief was that if we kept putting great product in front of customers, they would continue to open their wallet. Steve Job, CEO, Apple Inc.

4 Pengantar PR 2011 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

5 Pengantar PR 2011 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

6 How important is employee communication today?
Employee communication is EXTREMELY important! No corporation can succeed with poor communication skills among management and their employees. In order for most organizations to accomplish their internal and external goals, communication on several levels is essential. Whether it is verbal, nonverbal, via , or through listening, employee communication is significant. The greatest continuing area of weakness in management practice is the human dimension. In good times or bad, there seems to be little real understanding of the relationships between managers, among employees, and interactions between the two. When there are problems, everyone acknowledges that the cause often is a communication problem. Pengantar PR 2011 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

7 Strong employee relations = solid organizations
The growing importance of internal communication: The wave of downsizings and layoffs that dominated business and industry both in the USA and worldwide after the high tech buble burst in the early years. The wide gulf between the pay of senior officers and common workers is another reason organizations must be sensitive to employee communication The move toward globalization, including the merger of geographically dispersed organizations, was another reason for increased focus on internal communications. Technology has hastened the integration of business and markets around the world. Research indicates that companies that communicate effectively with their workers financially outperform those that don’t.

8 Mengapa Komunikasi Karyawan Penting?
Manfaat dari pemahaman, teamwork, dan komitmen karyawan dalam mencapai hasil yang dinginkan. Aspek positif dari perilaku karyawan ini sangat dipengaruhi oleh komunikasi interaktif yang efektfif di seluruh organisasi. Kebutuhan untuk membangun jaringan komunikasi manajer yang kuat, yang membuat setiap supervisor di semua level dapat melakukan komunikasi secara efektif dengan karyawannya. Kebutuhan ini lebih dari sekadar menciptakan informasi yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan tetapi juga harus memuat informasi bisnis dan isu publik yang mempengaruhi organisasi secara keseluruhan.

9 Komunikasi Karyawan Yang Efektif
Hubungan kerja yang ideal dicirikan dengan tujuh kondisi: Keyakinan dan kepercayaan antara karyawan dan atasan. Informasi yang jujur dan transparan bebas mengalir ke atas, bawah dan samping di dalam organisasi Status dan partisipasi yang memuaskan untuk setiap orang Kontinuitas kerja tanpa perselisihan Lingkungan yang sehat dan aman Keberhasilan usaha Optimisme tentang masa depan

10 Tantangan Dalam Hubungan Internal
Keamanan dan Kepatuhan Setiap organisasi harus memenuhi standar pemerintah daerah tempat beroperasi agar bisa memaksimalkan keselamatan mereka sendiri. Hubungan internal mendidik karyawan agar memenuhi regulasi pemerintah. Salah satu tanggung jawab utama fungsi hubungan internal adalah mengkomunikasikan standar keamana kerja. Hubungan Tenaga Kerja Salah satu tugas hubungan internal adalah berinteraksi dengan karyawan atau tenaga kerja, yang sebagian dari mereka tergabung dalam serikat pekerja. Perubahan Organisasi: Merger, Akuisisi, dan Pemecatan Komunikasi internal mempunyai tanggung jawab strategis dalam proses perubahan organisasi. Komunikasi selama periode perubahan dan ketidakpastian ini lebih dari sekadar persoalan komunikasi untuk ‘menenangkan’ tetapi komunikasi ini memainkan peran penting dalam membantu karyawan untuk mengatasi ketidakpastian dan menyesuaikan dengan perubahan. PR Kontemporer 2011 Dian Anggraeni, M.Si

11 Function Areas of Internal Communication
Vision and Mission Statement, provides the framework for all of the formal internal communication and are therefore wholly relevant to public relations. Vision addresses the big picture what the organization aims to be look like within a state period, typically several years ahead. It conveys a clear indication of ultimate direction for everyone engaged within the organization or connected with it in some way. Mission is concerned with how the organization performs at present, specifically concerning standards of behavior

12 2. The Learning Organization
Internal communication is primarily about securing universal motivation and commitment, because organization are rated on their scope for leveraging assets, obtaining more from what they have, and human asset is potentially the richest source of enhanced performance. Learning is the process of acquiring through experience, knowledge that leads to change behavior.

13 3. Enterprise Culture Four types of organizational culture that had been identified by reference to the interaction of two dimension of attitude and behaviour: Authoritarian vs democratic, reactive vs proactive Systematized cultures are authoritarian and reactive Entrepreneurial cultures are authoritarian and proactive Interactive cultures are democratic and reactive Integrated cultures are democratic and proactive .

14 The enterprise culture is a disposition toward bold, outward-going dynamic action that is based upon a set of supportive values that has been widely described as a philosophy of free enterprise. 4. Motivation It is about making people feel good about their employment. People have needs, which managers must recognize and address if they are to establish and maintain beneficial relationships. Those needs include recognition and tangible appreciation.

15 Organizational Structure and Environment
The organizational structure and environment and its management style are also fundamentally important to the planning and conduct of public relations Communication in organization structure: Vertically from superiors to subordinates and vice versa Horizontally, from colleagues to colleagues within a unit or between units at the same level Diagonally, between units at differing levels Managing Change 7. Organizational body language, relates to the whole atmosphere that an organization creates.

16 Maslow argued in 1943 that people have a hierarchy needs:
Basic Safety Humanity Status Discovery Refinement Fulfillment Shelter Security Acceptance Achievement Truth Aesthetics Wisdom Food Trust Companionship Recognition Understanding Tastes Enlightenment Health Resources Affection Self respect Knowledge Styles Contentment 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

17 Dealing with the Employee Public
The employee public is made up of numerous subgroups: senior managers, first line supervisor, staff, and line employees, union labors, contract workers and others. Each groups has different interest and concerns. A smart organization will try to differentiate message and communication to reach these segments. Effective employee communication requires management to ask three hard questions about the way it conveys knowledge to the staff: Is management able to communicate effectively with employees? Is communication trusted, and does it relay appropriate information to employees? Has management communicated its commitment to its employees and to fostering a rewarding work environment?

18 Trusted Communication in Uncertain Times
Respect. Employees must be respected for their worth as individuals and their value as workers. They must be treated with respect and not as interchangeable commodities. Honest feedback. By talking to workers about their strengths and weaknesses, employers help employees know where they stand at any given time. Candid communications will help them in this pursuit. Recognition. Employees feel successful when management recognition their contribution. It is a duty of the public relations professional to suggest mechanisms by which deserving employees will be honored. Voice. In the era of blogs, talk radio, and cable talk shows, almost everyone wants their voice to be heard in decision making. This growing activist communications phenomenon must be considered by public relations professional seeking to win internal goodwill for management. Encouragement. Workers need to be encouraged. Communications programs that provide encouragement generally produces results.

19 Implementing An Effective Employee Communication Program
Communicate up and down Communicating in meetings Create employee-oriented publications Visual communications The Company grapevine

20 Employee Communication Tactics
Internal communications audits Online communications The intranet Print publications Bulletin boards Suggestion box Town hall meetings Internal video Face to face communications

21 How To Succeed Communicating with Employees
Create an atmosphere of respect Treat employees as insiders Build up corporate loyalty: “Ambassadors of Commitment” Capture more discretionary time Increase two way communication Invest in decent publications Listen to and use the grapevine

22 Goals For Effective Employee Communication
To improve morale and foster goodwill between employees and management To inform employees about internal changes such as reorganization or staff promotions To explain compensation and benefit plans such as a new health care plan or an Employee Assistance Program To increase employee understanding of the company and its product, organization, ethics, culture, and external environment. To change employee behavior toward becoming more productive, quality-oriented, and entrepreneurial. To increase employee understanding of major health/social issues or trends affecting them such as child care or AIDS To encourage employee participation in community activities

23 Employee Information Board
Company Logo

24 Employee Bulletin Company Logo

25 Intranet Company Logo

26 Forum & Meetings Company Logo

27 Thank You !

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