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Pengelolan proyek SI Integration & Testing S2 UG.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pengelolan proyek SI Integration & Testing S2 UG."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pengelolan proyek SI Integration & Testing S2 UG

2 Integration & Testing Development/Integration/Testing
Dikebanyakan tempat untuk skedul dan aktivitas bisa tumpang tindih. Kadang-kadang Integration/Testing pemikiran/berada sebagai satu fase. Semakin menambah kemampuan QA team bekerja paralel dengan tim development S2 UG

3 Integration Approaches
Top Down Inti atau meliputi sistem yang diimplementasikan Kombinasikan kedalam minimal sitem shell. “Stubs/potongan” yang digunakan untuk mengisi bagian yang tidak lengkap. Bottom Up Dimulai dengan modul secara individual dan membangun. Unit individual (setelah unit testing) dikombinasikan ke sub sistem. Sub-systems dikombinasikan ke sistem yang lebih besar. S2 UG

4 Integration Siapa yang melakukan testing terintegrasi ?
Bisa tim development dan/atau tim QA Staffing and budget adalah sasaran utama Issues Pressure/tekanan Batas tanggal sudah dekat Kesalahan tak terduga (bugs) Motivasi / semangat User menerima perbedaan S2 UG

5 Validation and Verification
Apa kita telah membuat produk yang benar ? Verification Apakah kita telah membuat produk yang benar ? Testing Inspection Static analysis S2 UG

6 Quality Assurance/jaminan mutu
QA atau SQA (Software Quality Assurance) QA yang bagus datang dari proses yang bagus Kapan SQA dimulai ? Selama diperlukan QA adalah jendela terbaik melihat hasil proyek S2 UG

7 Test Plans (SQAP) Software Quality Assurance Plan See example
Menggunakan IEEE 730 standard S2 UG

8 SQAP Standard sections Purpose/kegunaan Reference documents Management
Documentation Standards, practices, conventions, metrics Kualitas pengukuran Pengujian S2 UG

9 SQAP Standard sections continued Reviews and Audits Risk Management
Process and specific reviews Requirements Review (SRR) Test Plan Review Code reviews Risk Management Terikat dengan QA untuk keseluruhan perencanaan resiko managemen Problem Reporting dan koreksi Tools, Techniques, Methodologies Koleksi dan penyimpanan record S2 UG

10 Software Quality Traceability/pelacakan Formal Reviews
Kesanggupan untuk melacak hubungan antara pekerjaan yang dihasilkan Formal Reviews Dilakukan pada akhir setiap lifecycle phase SRR (System Requirements Review ), CDR(Clinical Data Repositories ), etc. S2 UG

11 Testing Berlatih program komputer dengan mengantisipasi banyak input
Membandingkan hasil sebenarnya kemudian hasil yang diharapkan Testing adalah sebuah bentuk dari sampling Tidak dapat benar-benar membuktikan adanya kecacatan Semaua software mempunyai periode bug. Testing bukan debugging. S2 UG

12 Test Cases Key elements of a test plan
May include scripts, data, checklists May map to a Requirements Coverage Matrix A traceability tool S2 UG

13 Rework Software equivalent of “scrap” in manufacturing S2 UG

14 Sumber kesalahan /Defects

15 V Process Model S2 UG

16 Project Testing Flow Unit Testing Integration Testing System Testing
User Acceptance Testing S2 UG

17 Black-Box Testing Functional Testing Program is a “black-box”
Not concerned with how it works but what it does Focus on inputs & outputs Test cases are based on SRS (specs) S2 UG

18 White-Box Testing Accounts for the structure of the program Coverage
Pernyataan eksekusi Mengikuti sampai bentuk code S2 UG

19 Unit Testing Module Testing Type of white-box testing
Kadang-kadang diperlakukan seperti black-box Siapa yang melakukan Unit Testing? Developers Unit tests are written in code Same language as the module a.k.a. “Test drivers” Kapan melakukan Unit Testing? Selama development Sebagai modul individual dibuat komplit S2 UG

20 Unit Testing Individual tests can be grouped “deretan Test” S2 UG

21 Integration Testing Testing interface diantara komponen
Langkah pertama setelah testing unit Komponen bisa bekerja sendiri tetapi ketika berjalan bersama bisa rusak Kerusakan bisa muncul di satu modul tetapi bisa menjelma dalam bentuk lain Black-box tests S2 UG

22 System Testing Test sistem menyeluruh Tipe testing semacam black box

23 User Acceptance Testing
Peristiwa terakhir didalam phase testing test & sign-off konsumen terakhir Kadang-kadang synonymous dengan beta tests Based on “Acceptance Criteria” Kondisi software harus cocok dengan yang diminta customer agar sistem diterima Idealnya didefinisikan sebelum kontrak ditandatangani Menggunakan kondisi yang dapat dihitung dan dapat diukur S2 UG

24 Kemunduran / Regression Testing
running kembali testing setelah fix atau ada perubahan dibuat ke software atau lingkungan contoh: QA mendapati kerusakan, developer fixes, QA melakukan test untuk verify Tool automatik sangat membantu S2 UG

25 Compatibility Testing
Testing against other “platforms” Ex: Testing against multiple browsers Does it work under Netscape/IE, Windows/Mac S2 UG

26 External Testing Milestones
Alpha 1st, Beta 2nd Testing by users outside the organization Dikerjakan oleh user Alpha release Diberikan ke pengguna yang terbatas Product tidak menggambarkan secara lengkap Beta release Customer testing dan evaluasi Lebih menonjol Lebih baik setelah doftware stabil S2 UG

27 External Testing Milestones
Value of Beta Testing Testing didunia nyata Menjadi sebuah software yang diminati Nilai pasar Beta testers must be “recruited” From: Existing base, marketing, tech support, site Memerlukan peran manajer beta Semaua harus diskedule manajer produksi S2 UG

28 External Testing Milestones
Release Candidate (RC) Dikirim ke pabrik jika testing sukses Release to Manufacturing (RTM) Production release formally mengirim ke pabrik Mencoba mencapai sebuah periode yang stabil sebelum ke peristiwa yang penting Team focus on quality, integration, stability S2 UG

29 Test Scripts Two meanings
1. Set instruksi step by step bertujuan untuk memimpin test personal sampai selesai List semua aksi dan response yang diharapkan 2. Automated test script (program) S2 UG

30 Static Testing Reviews Peer Reviews artifacts penting dapat direview
Proposal, contract, schedule, requirements, code, data model, test plans Peer Reviews Methodical examination of software work products by peers untuk mengidentifikasi kerusakan dan perubahan yang perlu Goal: menghilangkan kerusakan lebih awal dan secara efisien Dipalning oleh PM, performed in meetings, documented S2 UG

31 Automated Testing Human testers = inefficient Pros Cons
Lowers overall cost of testing Tools can run unattended Tools run through ‘suites’ faster than people Great for regression and compatibility tests Tests create a body of knowledge Can reduce QA staff size Cons But not everything can be automated Learning curve or expertise in tools Cost of high-end tools $5-80K (low-end are still cheap) S2 UG

32 Test Tools Capture & Playback Coverage Analysis Performance Testing
Test Case Management S2 UG

33 Load & Stress Testing Mendorong sistem keluar dari kapasitas terbatas
Sering mengerjakan lewat scrip otomatis By the QA team Near end of functional tests Dapat menunjukkan Hidden functional issues Maximum system capacity Unacceptable data or service loss Determine if “Performance Requirements” met Remember, these are part of “non-functional” requirements S2 UG

34 Load & Stress Testing Metrics Minimal acceptable response time
Minimal acceptable number of concurrent users Minimal acceptable downtime S2 UG

35 Performance Metrics Bad Good Must support 500 users
Must support 500 simultaneous users 10 second response time [Average|Maximum|90th percentile] response time must be X seconds Must handle 1M hits per day Must handle peak load of 28 page requests per second Source: Athens Consulting Group S2 UG

36 Other Testing Installation Testing Usability Testing
Very important if not a Web-based system Can lead to high support costs and customer dissatisfaction Usability Testing Verification of user satisfaction Navigability User-friendliness Ability to accomplish primary tasks S2 UG

37 Miscellaneous Pareto Analysis Phase Containment Burn-in The 80-20 rule
80% of defects from 20% of code Identifying the problem modules Phase Containment Testing at the end of each phase Prevent problems moving phase-to-phase Burn-in Allowing system to run “longer” period of time Variation of stress testing S2 UG

38 Miscellaneous “Code Freeze” Tester-to-Coder Ratio
When developers stop writing new code and only do bug fixes Occurs at a varying point in integration/testing Tester-to-Coder Ratio It depends Often 1:3 or 1:4 QA staff size grows: QA Mgr and/or lead early S2 UG

39 Stopping Testing When do you stop?
Rarely are all defects “closed” by release Shoot for all Critical/High/Medium defects Often, occurs when time runs out Final Sign-off (see also UAT) By: customers, engineering, product mgmt., S2 UG

40 Test Metrics Load: Max. acceptable response time, min. # of simultaneous users Disaster: Max. allowable downtime Compatibility: Min/Max. browsers & OS’s supported Usability: Min. approval rating from focus groups Functional: Requirements coverage; 100% pass rate for automated test suites S2 UG

41 Defect Metrics These are very important to the PM
Number of outstanding defects Ranked by severity Critical, High, Medium, Low Showstoppers Opened vs. closed S2 UG

42 Defect Tracking Get tools to do this for you
Bugzilla, TestTrack Pro, Rational ClearCase Some good ones are free or low-cost Make sure all necessary team members have access (meaning nearly all) Have regular ‘defect review meetings’ Can be weekly early in test, daily in crunch Who can enter defects into the tracking system? Lots of people: QA staff, developers, analysts, managers, (sometimes) users, PM S2 UG

43 Defect Tracking Fields State: open, closed, pending
Date created, updated, closed Description of problem Release/version number Person submitting Priority: low, medium, high, critical Comments: by QA, developer, other S2 UG

44 Defect Metrics Open Rates Close Rates Change Rate Fix Failed Counts
How many new bugs over a period of time Close Rates How many closed over that same period Ex: 10 bugs/day Change Rate Number of times the same issue updated Fix Failed Counts Fixes that didn’t really fix (still open) One measure of “vibration” in project S2 UG

45 Defect Rates Microsoft Study 10-20/KLOC during test
0.5/KLOC after release S2 UG

46 Test Environments You need to test somewhere. Where?
Typically separate hardware/network environment(s) S2 UG

47 Hardware Environments
Development QA Staging (optional) Production S2 UG

48 Hardware Environments
Typical environments Development Where programmers work Unit tests happen here Test For integration, system, and regression testing Stage For burn-in and load testing Production Final deployment environment(s) S2 UG

49 Web Site Testing Unique factors
Distributed (N-tiers, can be many) Very high availability needs Uses public network (Internet) Large number of platforms (browsers + OS) 5 causes of most site failures (Jupiter, 1999) Internal network performance External network performance Hardware performance Unforeseeable traffic spikes Web application performance S2 UG

50 Web Site Testing Commercial Tools: Load Test & Site Management
Mercury Interactive SiteScope, SiteSeer Segue Commercial Subscription Services Keynote Systems Monitoring Tools Availability: More “Nines” = More $’s Must balance QA & availability costs vs. benefits S2 UG

51 QA Roles QA Manager Test Developer/Test Engineer System Administrator
Hires QA team; creates test plans; selects tools; manages team Salary: $50-80K/yr, $50-100/hr Test Developer/Test Engineer Performs functional tests; develops automated scripts Salary: $35-70K/yr, $40-100/hr System Administrator Supports QA functions but not official QA team member Copy Editor/Documentation Writer Supports QA; also not part of official team S2 UG

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