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2 Hours- Mastering 16 Tenses Syntaxes

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Presentasi berjudul: "2 Hours- Mastering 16 Tenses Syntaxes"— Transcript presentasi:

1 2 Hours- Mastering 16 Tenses Syntaxes
In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the beneficent 2 Hours- Mastering 16 Tenses Syntaxes Musthafa Kamal English Lecturer and Coordinator for Computer and English Department ELRAHMA EDUCATION CENTRE Modern Islamic Collage of Global Business

2 Read me….. Kenapa 16 Tenses? Tenses adalah salah satu bagian terpenting dan dasar yang wajib dikuasai jika ingin memelajari bahasan-bahasan lainya Semua bahasan tentang grammar tidak bisa dilepaskan dari tenses Ada 16 tenses yang dikenal walaupun tidak semuanya sering diaplikasikan dalam komunikasi Belajar 16 tenses tidak sesulit yang dibayangkan… bahkan memahaminya itu sangat mudah jika kita memulainya dengan persepsi awal fositif dan step-step yang benar.

3 Test… test… Who can memorize 16 tenses well?
How long have you learned English? How much time and money have you spent? Have you learned English with good method? Who do you blame?

4 In the name of Allah, the most merciful and the beneficent
One hour step by step Mastering 16 Tenses …… it is about time to start…

5 5 Finger concept mastering 16 tenses
Sederhanakan 1. Present Simple Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous 2. Past Simple 3. Future Simple 4. Past future Simple 1.Present Simple 2 Past Continuous Perfect Perfect Continuous 3.Future Simple 4. Past future Continuous Present Simple Past Continuous Future Perfect Past Future Perfect Continuous Simplify

6 Cara menghapalkan Istilah
Pertama Hapalkan : Present > Past > Future > Past future … ini mengambarkan bentuk waktu, Gunakan jari jari tangan sebelah kiri anda Present > Jari Kelingking Past > Jari Manis Future > Jari Tengah Past future > JariTelunjuk Hapalkan yang berikutnya; Simple > Continuous > Perfect > Perfect Continuous, ini menyatakan pola keberlangsungan kalimat, Gunakan jari-jari sebelah kanan Anda; Simple > Jari Kelingking Continuous > Jari Manis Perfect > Jari Tengah Perfect Continuous > JariTelunjuk Coba gabungkan; Present > Simple/continuous/perfect/perfect continuous Past > Simple/continuous/perfect/perfect continuous Future > Simple/continuous/perfect/perfect continuous Past Future > Simple/continuous/perfect/perfect continuous Note : Untuk Present, Past, future dan past future diucapkan berulang-ulang; perhatikan contoh; Present SIMPLE, Present CONTINUOUS … Present PERFECT, Present PERFECT CONTINUOUS Past SIMPLE , Past CONTINUOUS … Past PERFECT, Past PERFECT CONTINUOUS, dst..

7 Cara menghapalkan rumus
Hapalkan rumus bentuk Present terlebih dulu Present Simple S + verb-1 Continuous S + [is/am/are] + Verb-ing Perfect S + [have/has] + Verb-3 perfect Continuous S + [have/has] + been + Verb-ing Nb: Untuk menghapal rumus bentuk Past; Past simple, Past continuous, past perfect, past perfect continuous, perhatikan perubahannya, seperti dibawah; Present Past Verb-1 Verb-2 is/ama/are was/were have/has Had Future Simple S + [Will/shall] + Verb-1 Continuous S + [Will/shall] + Be + Verb-Ing perfect S + [Will/shall] + have + Verb-3 perfect Continuous S + [Will/shall] + Have + been + Verb-ing Nb :Untuk menghapal rumus dari bentuk present ke lampau (Past); Past future simple, Past future continuous, past future perfect, past future perfect continuous, ubahlah [Will/Shall] menjadi [Would/Should], dan bentuk selanjutnya tidak berubah. Kita juga bisa mengunakan Modal yang lain, CAN/COULD, MAY/MIGHT, dst. Dan tentu saja akan mempengaruhi arti tapi tidak mempengaruhi pola kalimat.

8 Hasil Akhir…. Dipisahkan…
Present Simple S + verb-1 Continuous S + [is/am/are] + Verb-ing Perfect S + [have/has] + Verb-3 perfect Continuous S + [have/has] + been + Verb-ing Past Simple S + verb-2 Continuous S + [was/were] + Verb-ing Perfect S + [had] + Verb-3 perfect Continuous S + [had] + been + Verb-ing Future Simple S + [Will/shall] + Verb-1 Continuous S + [Will/shall] + Be + Verb-Ing perfect S + [Will/shall] + have + Verb-3 perfect Continuous S + [Will/shall] + Have + been + Verb-ing Past Future Simple S + [Would/should] + Verb-1 Continuous S + [Would/should] + Be + Verb-Ing perfect S + [Would/should] + have + Verb-3 perfect Cont S + [Would/should] + Have + been + Verb-ing

9 Hasil Akhir…. Disatukan..
Present Simple S + Verb-1 Past Verb-2 Continuous S + [is/am/are] [was/were] Perfect S + [have/has] [had] perfect Continuous S + [have/has] [Had] Future Simple S + [Will/shall] Past Futur [Would/should] Continuous S + [Will/shall] [Would/should] Perfect S + [Will/shall] [would/Should] Perfect Continuous S + [Will/shall] [Would/Should] + Verb-ing + Verb-3 + been + Verb-ing + Verb-1 + be + Verb-ing + Have + Verb-3 + have + been + Verb-ing

10 Hasil Akhir…. NEGATIVE Present Simple S + [Do/Does ] Past [Did] Continuous S + [is/am/are] [was/were] Perfect S + [have/has] [had] perfect Continuous S + [have/has] [Had] Future Simple S + [Will/shall] Past Futur [Would/should] Continuous S + [Will/shall] + [Would/should] Perfect S + [Will/shall] [would/Should] Perfect Continuous S + [Will/shall] + [Would/Should] Note: Untuk membuat kalimat Negative ; Tambahkan NOT setelah Kata bantu kerja [Auxiliary Verbs], dan untuk membuat kalimat tanya [question] pindahkan kata bantu kerja [Auxilliary verb] pada sebelum Subject. + [NOT] + Verb-1 + [NOT] + Verb-ing + [NOT] + Verb-3 + [NOT] + been + Verb-ing + [NOT] + Verb-1 + [NOT] + be + Verb-ing + [NOT] + Have + Verb-3 + [NOT] + Have + been + Verb-ing

11 Hasil Akhir…. Simple Question
Present Simple [Do/Does] Past [Did ] Continuous [is/am/are] [was/were] Perfect [have/has] [had] perfect Continuous [have/has] [Had] Future Simple [Will/shall] Past Futur [Would/should] Continuous [Will/shall] [Would/should] Perfect [Will/shall] [would/Should] Perfect Continuous [Will/shall] [Would/Should] Note: Untuk membuat kalimat Negative ; Tambahkan NOT setelah Kata bantu kerja [Auxiliary Verbs], dan untuk membuat kalimat tanya [question] pindahkan kata bantu kerja [Auxilliary verb] pada sebelum Subject. + Subject + Verb-1 ? + Subject + Verb-ing ? + Subject + Verb-3 ? + Subject + been + Verb-ing ? + Subject + Verb-1? + Subject+ be + Verb-ing? + Subject + Have + Verb-3 ? + Subject + Have + been + Verb-ing ?

12 Hasil Akhir…. Information Question
Present Simple [Do/Does] Past [Did ] Continuous [is/am/are] [was/were] Perfect [have/has] [had] perfect Cont [have/has] [Had] Future Simple [Will/shall] Past Futur [Would/should] Continuous [Will/shall] [Would/should] Perfect [Will/shall] [would/Should] Perfect Cont [Will/shall] [Would/Should] Note: Untuk membuat INFORMATION QUESTION, tinggal tambahkan QUESTION WORDS (WHAT, WHY, WHERE, WHICH, WHOM, WHO, HOW, WHOSE) sebelum Kata Kerja Bantu (AUXILIARY VERB) What Who Where When Which Whom Whose Why How + Subject + Verb-1 ? + Subject + Verb-ing ? + Subject + Verb-3 ? + Subject + been + Verb?-ing What Who Where When Which Whom Whose Why How + Subject + Verb-1? + Subject + be + Verb-ing ? + Subject + Have + Verb-3 ? + Subject + Have + been + Verb-ing ?

13 Tobe- tenses (dilihat dari bentuk waktu dan yang mengikutinya)
Subject + Predicate Complement [is/am/are] [was/were] [Is/am/are] + being] [was/were] +Being] [will/shall] +be] [would/should] + be] [will/shall be + being] [would/should + be + being] [have/has]+been] [had + been] [Have/has] + Been + being] [Had] + been + Being] [will] + Have + been] [Would] + Have + been] [will]+ have +been+ being] [Would]+have + been + being] Noun Adjective Adverb Verb-ing Verb-3 To + Verb-1 Preposition + Noun Rc+ S+Predicate Subject + +

14 verb tenses - complement (dilihat dari bentuk waktu dan yang mengikutinya)
Subject + Predicate Complement [verb-1/Verb1(+s/es)] [Verb2] [Is/am/are] + Verb-ing] [was/were] + Verb-ing] [will/shall] + Verb-1] [would/should] + verb-1] [will/shall] +be + Verb-ing] [would/should] + be + verb-ing] [have/has]+ Verb-3] [had ] + Verb-3 [Have/has] + Been + Verb-ing] [Had] + been + Verb-ing] [Will] + Have + Verb-3 [Would] + Have + Verb-3 [will ]+ have + been + Verb-ing] [Would] + have + been + Verb-ing] Noun Adjective Adverb Verb-ing Verb-3 To + Verb-1 Preposition + Noun Rc+ S+Predicate Subject + +

15 You are so Wonderful….. You are the winner!
Berapa rumus yang sudah anda kuasai? 16 X 3 X 8= 384 x 9 = 3456 rumus Dalam waktu 1 jam saja….. BISA kita akan BISA jika kita fikir kita BISA Al Hamdulilahirobbil ‘alamiin

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