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Mata Kuliah Geografi Pemasaran (GP-1) Triarko nurlambang 2009

2 Marketing strategy should fit with business strategy
TUJUAN PEMASARAN Memahami karakteristik konsumen/ pelanggan: siapa, apa yang diinginkan (needs) dan apa yang dibutuhkan (wants) Merancang dan menyampaikan produk dan/atau jasa untuk memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan tersebut Marketing strategy should fit with business strategy

3 Marketing (Pemasaran)
Needs, wants and demands Products Value, cost and satisfaction Marketing (marketer) Sales (salesman) Exchange, transactionand relationship Market

4 Needs, Wants, and Demands
Needs menggambarkan permintaan dasar manusia, seperti makanan, air, udara, baju, tempat tinggal, pendidikan, kesehatan, rekreasi, dan hiburan. describe basic human Needs dapat menjadi wants jika mereka diarahkan pada satu kebutuhan yang lebih spesifik yang dapat mewujudkan kepuasan mereka. Demands (permintaan) adalah satu bentuk kebutuhan produk/jasa yang spesifik dan dapat diperoleh karena adanya kemampuan membayar.(ability to pay).

5 Produk atau Penawaran Product adalah suatu penawaran yang dapat memberikan kepuasan terhadap keinginan atau kebutuhan. A brand (merk) adalah suatu penawaran dari sumber yang diketahui.

6 Definisi Pemasaran Pemasaran adalah suatu proses sosial dimana kumpulan individu atau kelompok memperoleh apa yang mereka inginkan atau butuhkan melalui tindakan kreatif, penawaran, dan pertukaran produk/jasa yang bernilai secara terbuka dengan pihak lain. - Philip Kotler (p. 7)

7 The Marketing Concept The Marketing Concept Profit Customer
This slide relates to the material on pp Instructor’s Note: This slide corresponds to Exhibit 2-1 on p. 37. Profit Customer Satisfaction Total Company Effort The Marketing Concept Summary Overview This slide and lecture material provide an introduction to the marketing concept. Additional information contrasts the production and marketing orientations and reviews the difficulties involved in adopting the marketing concept. The Marketing Concept Marketing Concept. The marketing concept means that the organization aims all its efforts at satisfying its customers -- at a profit. Business Orientations. Just as business in general has evolutionary eras from barter to marketing, specific businesses and their managers may still focus on more narrow concerns than satisfying customers. A typical example is the focus on a production orientation -- making whatever products are easy to produce and then trying to sell them. Discussion Note: Even innovative companies can fall into a production orientation. For example, Apple Computer’s Macintosh was years ahead of its competition. But in building automated assembly plans overseas, Apple shifted resources away from the focus on innovation that satisfied loyal customers. Most experts now agree that Windows-based Pentium machines are technologically superior to Macintosh computers. The Importance of Profit. Profits refer to the difference between a firm’s revenue and its total costs. Identifying, developing, and implementing the products and product changes that consumers demand requires that the company be profitable. Profits provide the resources to pay for satisfying customers. Adoption of the Marketing Concept. While consumer product companies adopted the marketing concept early on, many industrial products companies still have failed to do so. More surprisingly, many service companies, such as banks, have also been slow to adopt a philosophy of total commitment to customer satisfaction.

8 Societal Marketing Concept
(Human Welfare) Consumers (Satisfaction) Company (Profits)

9 Pemahaman tentang Pemasaran (Philip Kotler of Northwestern Univ.)
Pemasaran dan Pasar Pemahaman tentang Pemasaran (Philip Kotler of Northwestern Univ.) “Konsep Pemasaran mencakup pemahaman sebagai suatu kegiatan untuk memenuhi tujuan organisasi (atau individu) yang tergantung dari usaha untuk menciptakan keinginan (needs) dan kebutuhan (wants) target pasar dan memenuhi (atau bahkan melebihi) kepuasan target lebih efektif dan efisien dibandingkan para pesaing” Pemahaman tentang PASAR Produk Tipe pelanggan Geografi Tahapan dalam sistem distribusi – produksi

10 ‘Bangunan’ Pemasaran Definisi pasar dan peluang Segmentasi Targeting
Positioning Rancangan dan implementasi rencana pemasaran

11 Definis Umum Perspektif Geografi
PEMAHAMAN DASAR KONSEP EKONOMI DAN PEMASARAN Definis Umum Perspektif Geografi Ekonomi The study of methods of allocating scarce resources in production, the distribution of the resulting output and the effects of this allocation and distribution The geography of people making a living, dealing with the spatial patterns of production, distribution and consumption of goods and services Pemasaran Now, widely held to be the most important of industrial and commercial disciplines. In theory, before development, manufacturing or organization to provide services should be undertaken, the establishment of the nature and scale of consumer demand, and the price they are prepared to pay is regarded as a prerequisite The separation of consumption (demand side) and production (supply side) which is the reason for marketing is essential spatial concept and marketing geography is concerned with the problems of overcoming separation, i.e. with marketing a product efficiently. Sumber: Goodall, Brian, Dictionary of Human Geography. Penguin Reference, London Bullock, Alan, The Fontana Dictionary of Modern Thought. Fontana Press, London

12 Marketing Mix (Bauran Pemasaran) Bauran Pemasaran (4P) Product Place
TARGET PASAR Variasi Produk Kualitas Design Fitur Merk Kemasan Ukuran Layanan Jaminan Pengembalian Jalur/Channels Cakupan/ Coverage Daftar isi/ Assortments Lokasi Inventory Transport Price Promotion Daftar harga Diskon Daya beli Termin pembayaran Kredit Promosi Penjualan Iklan/ Advertising Pramuniaga/ Sales forces Public relations Direct marketing

13 Kajian Situasi Makro ekonomi
dan Bisnis Bagian awal dari setiap kajian pemasaran dalam merumuskan strategi pemasaran adalah memahami kondisi lingkungan makro pemasaran Mencakup permasalahan tren dari aspek demografi, ekonomi, sosial-politik, hukum, teknologi dan lingkungan fisik yang relevan dengan satu kategori produk/jasa tertentu yang dikaji Secara khusus dapat pula mengkaji situasi tata ruang suatu wilayah perkotaan, atau pedesaan Kajian ini dimanfaatkan untuk dapat memberikan arah bagi penetapan indikasi target pasar bagi suatu produk/jasa




17 Understanding customer Understanding competitor
Competitive Advantage should be reviewed & updated based on the new needs & holistic approaches Understanding customer Understanding competitor Understanding core competencies

18 Pasar Yang Cepat Berubah
Pemasaran muncul dalam perusahaan Jumlah pemain menurun (baik distributor maupun produsen) Pemasaran diintegrasikan dalam sekolah-sekolah bisnis Meningkatnya jumlah media Meningkatnya konsentrasi penjualan Profesional-profesional dilatih tentang strategi-strategi pemasaran Teknologi dijital Konsumen belajar menyaring iklan-iklan yang mereka minati secara cepat Segmentasi dan positionng diimplementasikan dalam semua pasar Menurunnya biaya manufaktur Internet Jumlah merk baru dalam pasar meningkat Pasar menjadi sangat terfragmentasi dan jenuh Meningkatnya kesulitan merebut perhatian konsumen Perusahaan yang tidak meluncurkan produk-produk inovatif/kreatif kehilangan pangsa pasar Muncul kebiasaan sosial meninggalkan produk lama dalam waktu singkat dan mencoba produk baru Keketatan Persaingan Meningkat Sumber: Kottler dan Trias, 2003

19 Sejarah Pemasaran

20 Ekonomi dan Bisnis selalu berubah...
Apalagi yang akan datang ? Hidup dari lingkungan terkonvergnsi Perdagangan regional baru Berburu dan bertani Tata dunia baru (metanasional) Export/ import globalisasi Berdagang / transaksi benda berharga (uang) Berdagang / barter Jaman imperialisme………….... Imperialisme gaya baru

21 “bentuk kurva pertama”
Perubahan Yang Sedang Terjadi ( dunia pemasaran, organisasi dan individu ) “bentuk kurva pertama” “bentuk kurva kedua” Pemasaran Modal Produser Atlantik Jepang Perdagangan internasional Komputer Uang Pengetahuan Konsumen Pasifik Cina Elektronik komersial Internet Manusia Organisasi Mekanistik Engineer / rekayasa Korporasi Integrasi horizontal & vertikal Proses bisnis Oraganik Ekologi Individual dan jaringan Integrasi virtual (maya) Budaya Individu Kerja keras Keamanan Karir saat ini Nasib Kesetiaan Hypereffectiveness (sangat efektif) Ketidakpastian Karir masa depan Harapan Keberanian

22 “Old-World” and “New-World”
Seluruh bagian dunia telah diketahui keberadaannya (discovered) Ekonomi Nasional berakar pada kedaulatan (kepemilikan tanah; termasuk aset lainnya) Kegiatan ekonomi negara satu berbeda dengan negara lainnya (entitasnya) dimana masing-masing mengkaitkan diri dengan pajak dan tarifnya Pemerintah (pimpinan) sebagai pengarah kegiatan ekonomi makro (money supply, inflasi, ketersediaan pekerjaan, dll) Ekonomi makro dipisahkan dari urusan ekonomi mikro There is no land. It exist only in our collective minds  that is why I (Ohmae) call it “invisible” Borderless Fluid political-economic environment 4 dimensi “The Invisible Continent”: 1. Dimensi “Visible”  …. Still entities that grow in steady, predictable ways, along a linear, step-by-step evolution (local commerce will continue to deliver goods and services) 2. Dimensi “Borderless” batas negara menjadi semakin tidak penting 3. Dimensi “Cyber”  tumbuhnya ICT sebagai tulang punggung kegiatan sosial-ekonomi 4. Dimensi “High Multiples”  fenomena bursa NASDAQ Kenichi Ohmae, 2000

23 Free Agents & Employees Enterprise, Partners, Suppliers, Customers
The NEW-WORLD 2. Dimensi Borderless Blurred Boundaries To…. Free Agents & Employees Work, Leisure, Home Enterprise, Partners, Suppliers, Customers Industry Convergence 1. Dimensi Visibles To…anywhere…. anytime 4. Dimensi High - Multiples Extreme Collaboration To…. 3. Dimensi Cyber Networked Organization To….

24 Evolusi Teori Pemasaran
Konsep Merkantilisme Negara harus lebih banyak mengekspor daripada impor Surplus disimpan dalam bentuk emas Teori Klasik Perdagangan bebas Kekayaan suatu negara didasarkan pada komoditi dan jasa bukan emas Keunggulan Komparatif Produksi yang lebih efisien dibandingkan negara lainnya Teori Proporsi Faktor Jumlah Tenaga Kerja lebih banyak dari luas negara dan modal sehingga biaya tenaga kerja lebih murah Memaksa satu negara memiliki keunggulan produksi dan cenderung mengekspor lebih intensif Teori Daur Ulang Produk Tahap pengenalan (introduction) Tahap pertumbuhan (growth) Tahap kedewasaan (maturity) Tahap penurunan (decline) Keunggulan Kompetitif Keterkaitan antara: Strategi perusahaan, struktur dan pesaing Kondisi-kondisi permintaan Industri-industri pendukung lainnya Kandisi-kondisi faktor determinan Konsep Strategi World Leader Mampu bersaing (mampu ekspor) Memperluas jaringan distribusi internasional Terus menerus meningkatkan kualitas manufaktur Memiliki jaringan sistem bisnis terintegrasi secara global Jaringan yang beroperasi secara global Penyempurnaan Konsep Marketing Mix 4 P (Prodution, Price, Place, Promotion) 4 C (Customer Solution, Customer Cost, Customer Convinience, Communication) 4 F (Flexible benefit, Flexible priority & superrior customer value, Flexible distribution, Flexible communication)

25 Perubahan Orientasi Pemasaran
( ) PRODUCT DRIVEN (Production-driven, technology driven) (1980s) MARKET - DRIVEN (Market focused, customer - driven) (1990s) MARKET DRIVING (Innovation - driven)

26 How Market-Centered is Your Business?
Key Success Factors Primitive Basic Mature Sophisticate Marketing Planning Budgeting only Annual operating planning Strategic Planning Strategic Management 2. Marketing Research None Focus Groups and Surveys Markt Info. System Customers d.base & DSS 3. Product Orientation Low cost product Standard product and service High Quality prod and augmented services Total differential targeted offer 4. Market Orientation Mass market Market segments Market Niches Mass Customization 5. Competitive Orientation Ignore competition Reacts to competitors Collects competitive intelligence Competitive benchmarking 6. Pricing Orientation Cost-based pricing Competition-based pricing Perceived-Valued pricing Component-Value pricing 7. Channel Orientation Salesforce only Salesforce + distributors Salesforce + distributors + direct marketing Integrated channels 8. Marketing Communication Sales Sales + advertising Sales + adv. + sales promotion + direct marketing Integrated communication 9. Speed Orientation Normal speed Distribution speed Manufacturing speed Innovation, manufacturing and distribution speed 10. New Products R&D develop R&D + marketing Interdepart-mental teamwork + customer

27 How Market-Centered is Your Business?
Key Success Factors Primitive Basic Mature Sophisticated 11. Marketing Organization Sales department Sales + marketing department Product managers Segment managers and key account managers 12. Marketing Dept. Role No Marketing Dept. Marketing supports sales Marketing direct sales Marketing and sales plan together 13. Customer Oriented attitudes and training None Sales and marketing only Product Managers All Managers and employees 14. Customer Satisfaction Management Complaint handling Customer Satisfaction Surveys Guaranteed customer satisfaction 15. Marketing Performances No recognition Informal compliments Occasional bonuses Marketing excellence recognition program 16. Marketing Dept. Role Sales Market Share Mindshare, heartshare and customer and employee satisfaction Profit by product, customer, and market segment 17. Geographical focus Local Regional International Global + Local Kottler, 1990


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