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1 Konsep dan Klasifikasi Biaya 2 - 2 Biaya dan Terminologi Biaya: sumber daya yang dikorbankan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Biaya aktual : biaya yang.

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Presentasi berjudul: "1 Konsep dan Klasifikasi Biaya 2 - 2 Biaya dan Terminologi Biaya: sumber daya yang dikorbankan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Biaya aktual : biaya yang."— Transcript presentasi:


2 1 Konsep dan Klasifikasi Biaya

3 2 - 2 Biaya dan Terminologi Biaya: sumber daya yang dikorbankan untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Biaya aktual : biaya yang telah terjadi (biaya historis). Obyek biaya : segala sesuatu (item atau aktivitas) dimana pengukuran biaya diinginkan

4 2 - 3 Biaya dan Terminologi Akumulasi Biaya Obyek Biaya Penugasan Biaya Penelusuran (Tracing) Pengalokasian (Allocating)

5 2 - 4 Membedakan biaya langsung dan biaya tak langsung.

6 2 - 5 Biaya Langsung dan Tak Langsung Direct Costs Contoh: Kertas dimana majalah tertentu dicetak Indirect Costs Contoh: Biaya sewa rumah dinas para editor senior majalah COST OBJECT Example: Majalah COST OBJECT Example: Majalah

7 2 - 6 Biaya Langsung dan Tak Langsung Direct Costs: Maintenance Department$40,000 Personnel Department$20,600 Assembly Department$75,000 Finishing Department$55,000 Asumsikan bahwa biaya Maintenance Department dialokasikan merata pada production departments. How much is allocated to each department?

8 2 - 7 Biaya Langsung dan Tak Langsung Dialokasikan $20,000 Maintenance $40,000 Assembly Direct Costs $75,000 Finishing Direct Costs $55,000 $20,000

9 2 - 8 Biaya berubah (variable costs) dan biaya tetap (fixed costs)

10 2 - 9 Pola Perilaku Biaya Biaya pembelian sebuah handlebar sepeda adalah $52. Berapa total biaya handlebar untuk merakit 1,000 sepeda?

11 2 - 10 Pola Perilaku Biaya 1,000 units × $52 = $52,000 Berapa total biaya handlebar untuk merakit 3,500 sepeda? 3,500 units × $52 = $182,000

12 2 - 11 Pola Perilaku Biaya Sewa bangunan pabrik sepeda pertahun : $94,500. Ini sebuah contoh biaya tetap Terkait jumlah sepeda yang dirakit.

13 2 - 12 Pola Perilaku Biaya Berapa biaya sewa per sepeda jika perusahaan merakit 1,000 sepeda? $94,500 ÷ 1,000 = $94.50 Berapa biaya sewa per sepeda jika perusahaan merakit 3,500 sepeda? $94,500 ÷ 3,500 = $27

14 2 - 13 Pengarah Biaya (Cost Drivers) The cost driver of variable costs is the level of activity or volume whose change causes the (variable) costs to change proportionately. The number of bicycles assembled is a cost driver of the cost of handlebars.

15 2 - 14 Relevant Range Assume that fixed (leasing) costs are $94,500 for a year and that they remain the same for a certain volume range (1,000 to 5,000 bicycles). 1,000 to 5,000 bicycles is the relevant range.

16 2 - 15 Relevant Range $94,500

17 2 - 16 Hubungan Beberapa Tipe Biaya Direct Indirect VariableFixed

18 2 - 17 Interpretasi biaya per unit.

19 2 - 18 Biaya Total dan Biaya Per Unit What is the unit cost (leasing and handlebars) when Bicycles assembles 1,000 bicycles? Total fixed cost $94,500 + Total variable cost $52,000 = $146,500 $146,500 ÷ 1,000 = $146.50

20 2 - 19 Biaya Total dan Biaya Per Unit $94,500 $94,500 + $52x $146,500

21 2 - 20 Use Unit Costs Cautiously Assume that Bicycles management uses a unit cost of $146.50 (leasing and wheels). Management is budgeting costs for different levels of production. What is their budgeted cost for an estimated production of 600 bicycles? 600 × $146.50 = $87,900

22 2 - 21 Use Unit Costs Cautiously What is their budgeted cost for an estimated production of 3,500 bicycles? 3,500 × $146.50 = $512,750 What should the budgeted cost be for an estimated production of 600 bicycles?

23 2 - 22 Use Unit Costs Cautiously Total fixed cost$ 94,500 Total variable cost ($52 × 600) 31,200 Total$125,700 $125,700 ÷ 600 = $209.50 Using a cost of $146.50 per unit would underestimate actual total costs if output is below 1,000 units.

24 2 - 23 Use Unit Costs Cautiously What should the budgeted cost be for an estimated production of 3,500 bicycles? Total fixed cost$ 94,500 Total variable cost (52 × 3,500) 182,000 Total$276,500 $276,500 ÷ 3,500 = $79.00

25 2 - 24 Membedakan manufacturing companies, merchandising companies, dan service-sector companies.

26 2 - 25 Manufacturing Manufacturing companies purchase materials and components and convert them into finished goods. Manufacturing companies purchase materials and components and convert them into finished goods. A manufacturing company must also develop, design, market, and distribute its products. A manufacturing company must also develop, design, market, and distribute its products.

27 2 - 26 Merchandising Merchandising companies purchase and then sell tangible products without changing their basic form. Merchandising companies purchase and then sell tangible products without changing their basic form.

28 2 - 27 Merchandising Service companies provide services or intangible products to their customers. Service companies provide services or intangible products to their customers. Labor is the most significant cost category.

29 2 - 28 Tiga kategori persediaan di manufacturing companies.

30 2 - 29 Tipe Persediaan Manufacturing-sector companies typically have one or more of the following three types of inventories: 1. Direct materials inventory 2. Work in process inventory (work in progress) 3. Finished goods inventory

31 2 - 30 Tipe Persediaan Merchandising-sector companies hold only one type of inventory – the product in its original purchased form. Service-sector companies do not hold inventories of tangible products.

32 2 - 31 Klasifikasi Biaya Manufaktur (Manufacturing Costs) Direct materials costs Direct manufacturing labor costs Indirect manufacturing costs

33 2 - 32 Membedakan antara inventoriable costs dan period costs.

34 2 - 33 Inventoriable Costs Inventoriable costs (assets)… become cost of goods sold… after a sale takes place.

35 2 - 34 Period Costs Period costs are all costs in the income statement other than cost of goods sold. Period costs are recorded as expenses of the accounting period in which they are incurred.

36 2 - 35 Manufacturing Company Materials Inventory Finished Goods Inventory Revenues Cost of Goods Sold INCOME STATEMENT Period Costs Inventoriable Costs BALANCE SHEET Equals Operating Income when sales occur deduct Equals Gross Margin deduct Work in Process Inventory

37 2 - 36 Merchandising Company INCOME STATEMENTBALANCE SHEET when sales occur Inventoriable Costs Merchandise Purchases Inventory Revenues deduct Cost of Goods Sold Equals Gross Margin deduct Period Costs Equals Operating Income

38 2 - 37 Prime Costs Direct Materials Direct Labor Prime Costs +=

39 2 - 38 Prime Costs What are the prime costs for Bicycles by the Sea? Direct materials used$200,000 + Direct labor 105,500 =$305,000

40 2 - 39 Conversion Costs Direct Labor Manufacturing Overhead += Conversion Costs Indirect Labor Indirect Materials Other

41 2 - 40 Conversion Costs What are the conversion costs for Bicycles by the Sea? Direct labor $105,500 + Indirect manufacturing costs 194,500 =$300,000

42 2 - 41 Measuring Costs Requires Judgment Manufacturing labor-cost classifications vary among companies. The following distinctions are generally found: Direct manufacturing labor Manufacturing overhead

43 2 - 42 Measuring Costs Requires Judgment Manufacturing overhead Indirect laborManagers’ salariesPayroll fringe costs Forklift truck operators (internal handling of materials) JanitorsRework labor Overtime premiumIdle time

44 2 - 43 Measuring Costs Requires Judgment Overtime premium is usually considered part of overhead. Assume that a worker gets $18/hour for straight time and gets time and one-half for overtime.

45 2 - 44 Measuring Costs Requires Judgment How much is the overtime premium? $18 × 50% = $9 per overtime hour If this worker works 44 hours on a given week, how much are his gross earnings? Direct labor44 hours × $18 = $792 Overtime premium 4 hours × $ 9 = 36 Total gross earnings $828

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