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Freud's Psychosexual Stage Theory Sigmund Freud developed a theory of how our sexuality starts from a very young ages and develops through various fixations.

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1 Freud's Psychosexual Stage Theory Sigmund Freud developed a theory of how our sexuality starts from a very young ages and develops through various fixations. Sigmund Freud developed a theory of how our sexuality starts from a very young ages and develops through various fixations. Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud If these stages are not psychologically completed and released, we can be trapped by them and they may lead to various defense mechanisms to avoid the anxiety produced from the conflict in and leaving of the stage. If these stages are not psychologically completed and released, we can be trapped by them and they may lead to various defense mechanisms to avoid the anxiety produced from the conflict in and leaving of the stage.defense mechanismsdefense mechanisms

2 The stages The stages AgeNamePleasure sourceConflict 0-2Oral Mouth: sucking, biting, swallowing Weaning away from mother's breast 2-4Anal Anus: defecating or retaining faeces Toilet training 4-5PhallicGenitals Oedipus (boys), Electra (girls) 6-pubertyLatency Sexual urges sublimated into sports and hobbies. Same-sex friends also help avoid sexual feelings. puberty onward Genital Physical sexual changes reawaken repressed needs. Direct sexual feelings towards others lead to sexual gratification. Social rules

3 Fixation Strong conflict can fixate people at early stages. Strong conflict can fixate people at early stages. 1. Oral fixation Oral fixation has two possible outcomes. Oral fixation has two possible outcomes. a) The Oral receptive personality is preoccupied with eating/drinking and reduces tension through oral activity such as eating, drinking, smoking, biting nails. They are generally passive, needy and sensitive to rejection. They will easily 'swallow' other people's ideas. b) The Oral aggressive personality is hostile and verbally abusive to others, using mouth-based aggression.

4 Fixation 2. Anal fixation Anal fixation, which may be caused by too much punishment during toilet training, has two possible outcomes. Anal fixation, which may be caused by too much punishment during toilet training, has two possible outcomes. a) The Anal retentive personality is stingy, with a compulsive seeking of order and tidiness. The person is generally stubborn and perfectionist. b) The Anal expulsive personality is an opposite of the Anal retentive personality, and has a lack of self control, being generally messy and careless.

5 3. Phallic fixation At the age of 5 or 6, near the end of the phallic stage, boys experience the Oedipus Complex whilst girls experience the Electra conflict, which is a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible. At the age of 5 or 6, near the end of the phallic stage, boys experience the Oedipus Complex whilst girls experience the Electra conflict, which is a process through which they learn to identify with the same gender parent by acting as much like that parent as possible.Oedipus ComplexOedipus Complex Boys suffer a castration anxiety, where the son believes his father knows about his desire for his mother and hence fears his father will castrate him. He thus represses his desire and defensively identifies with his father. Boys suffer a castration anxiety, where the son believes his father knows about his desire for his mother and hence fears his father will castrate him. He thus represses his desire and defensively identifies with his father. Girls suffer a penis envy, where the daughter is initially attached to her mother, but then a shift of attachment occurs when she realizes she lacks a penis. She desires her father whom she sees as a means to obtain a penis substitute (a child). She then represses her desire for her father and incorporates the values of her mother and accepts her inherent 'inferiority' in society. Girls suffer a penis envy, where the daughter is initially attached to her mother, but then a shift of attachment occurs when she realizes she lacks a penis. She desires her father whom she sees as a means to obtain a penis substitute (a child). She then represses her desire for her father and incorporates the values of her mother and accepts her inherent 'inferiority' in society. This is Freud, remember. He later also recanted, noting that perhaps he had placed too much emphasis on sexual connotations. This is Freud, remember. He later also recanted, noting that perhaps he had placed too much emphasis on sexual connotations. Fixation

6 So what? Freud's theories are largely criticized now as lacking in substantial corroborative data. He was, however, using a model to describe observed behavior. His ideas may thus still be used as metaphors for actual developmental issues. Freud's theories are largely criticized now as lacking in substantial corroborative data. He was, however, using a model to describe observed behavior. His ideas may thus still be used as metaphors for actual developmental issues.

7 Defense Mechanisms Description In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention. In the Oedipus complex, a boy is fixated on his mother and competes with his father for maternal attention. The opposite, the attraction of a girl to her father and rivalry with her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex. The opposite, the attraction of a girl to her father and rivalry with her mother, is sometimes called the Electra complex.

8 Sigmund Freud describes how the Ego uses a range of mechanisms to handle the conflict between the Id, the Ego and the Super ego, which is why these mechanisms are often called 'Ego defense mechanisms'. Sigmund Freud describes how the Ego uses a range of mechanisms to handle the conflict between the Id, the Ego and the Super ego, which is why these mechanisms are often called 'Ego defense mechanisms'. Sigmund FreudEgoId, the Ego and the Super ego Sigmund FreudEgoId, the Ego and the Super ego

9 Anxiety and tension Freud noted that a major drive for most people is the reduction in tension, and that a major cause of tension was anxiety. He identified three different types of anxiety. Freud noted that a major drive for most people is the reduction in tension, and that a major cause of tension was anxiety. He identified three different types of anxiety.tension 1. Reality Anxiety This is the most basic form of anxiety and is typically based on fears of real and possible events, such as being bitten by a dog or falling from a ladder. This is the most basic form of anxiety and is typically based on fears of real and possible events, such as being bitten by a dog or falling from a ladder. The most common way of reducing tension from Reality Anxiety is taking oneself away from the situation, running away from the dog or simply refusing to go up the ladder. The most common way of reducing tension from Reality Anxiety is taking oneself away from the situation, running away from the dog or simply refusing to go up the ladder.

10 Anxiety and tension 2. Neurotic Anxiety This is a form of anxiety which comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the ID (the primitive part of our personality) will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment (this is thus a form of Moral Anxiety). This is a form of anxiety which comes from an unconscious fear that the basic impulses of the ID (the primitive part of our personality) will take control of the person, leading to eventual punishment (this is thus a form of Moral Anxiety). 3. Moral Anxiety This form of anxiety comes from a fear of violating values and moral codes, and appears as feelings of guilt or shame. This form of anxiety comes from a fear of violating values and moral codes, and appears as feelings of guilt or shame. values guiltshame values guiltshame

11 Defense Mechanisms When anxiety occurs, the mind first responds by an increase in problem-solving thinking, seeking rational ways of escaping the situation. If this is not fruitful (and maybe anyway), a range of defense mechanisms may be triggered. In Freud's language, these are tactics which the Ego develops to help deal with the Id and the Super Ego. When anxiety occurs, the mind first responds by an increase in problem-solving thinking, seeking rational ways of escaping the situation. If this is not fruitful (and maybe anyway), a range of defense mechanisms may be triggered. In Freud's language, these are tactics which the Ego develops to help deal with the Id and the Super Ego. All Defense Mechanisms share two common properties : All Defense Mechanisms share two common properties : 1. They often appear unconsciously. 2. They tend to distort, transform, or otherwise falsify reality.

12 Defense Mechanisms In distorting reality, there is a change in perception which allows for a lessening of anxiety, with a corresponding reduction in felt tension. In distorting reality, there is a change in perception which allows for a lessening of anxiety, with a corresponding reduction in felt tension.

13 Defense Mechanisms Freud's Defense Mechanisms include: Freud's Defense Mechanisms include: 1. Denial: claiming/believing that what is true to be actually false. Denial 2. Displacement: redirecting emotions to a substitute target. Displacement 3. Intellectualization: taking an objective viewpoint. Intellectualization 4. Projection: attributing uncomfortable feelings to others. Projection 5. Rationalization: creating false but credible justifications. Rationalization 6. Reaction Formation: overacting in the opposite way to the fear. Reaction Formation Reaction Formation 7. Regression: going back to acting as a child. Regression 8. Repression: pushing uncomfortable thoughts into the subconscious. Repression 9. Sublimation: redirecting 'wrong' urges into socially acceptable actions. Sublimation

14 Defense Mechanisms So what? Psychoanalysis often involves a long series of sessions with the client in which original causes are sought out (often searching through childhood relationships) and cathartic experiences of realization are used to teach the client how these mechanisms are no longer appropriate. Psychoanalysis often involves a long series of sessions with the client in which original causes are sought out (often searching through childhood relationships) and cathartic experiences of realization are used to teach the client how these mechanisms are no longer appropriate. Psychoanalysis For Freud, the purpose of psychoanalysis was to bring repressed memories, fears and thoughts back to the conscious level of awareness. Two techniques he used are free association and dream analysis. He considered dreams as the "royal road" to the unconscious. He also analyzed and interpreted the various defense mechanisms. For Freud, the purpose of psychoanalysis was to bring repressed memories, fears and thoughts back to the conscious level of awareness. Two techniques he used are free association and dream analysis. He considered dreams as the "royal road" to the unconscious. He also analyzed and interpreted the various defense mechanisms. In persuasion, you can watch for these dysfunctional mechanisms in people and either work around them or with them as appropriate. In persuasion, you can watch for these dysfunctional mechanisms in people and either work around them or with them as appropriate. You should also watch for these mechanisms in yourself, and either learn to handle them or get professional help in doing so. You should also watch for these mechanisms in yourself, and either learn to handle them or get professional help in doing so.

15 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Kompleks Oedipus (Oedipus complex) dalam aliran psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud merujuk pada suatu tahapan perkembangan psikoseksual di masa anak-anak saat anak dari kedua jenis kelamin menganggap ayah mereka sebagai musuh dan saingan dalam meraih cinta secara eksklusif dari ibunya. Kompleks Oedipus (Oedipus complex) dalam aliran psikoanalisis Sigmund Freud merujuk pada suatu tahapan perkembangan psikoseksual di masa anak-anak saat anak dari kedua jenis kelamin menganggap ayah mereka sebagai musuh dan saingan dalam meraih cinta secara eksklusif dari ibunya. psikoanalisisSigmund Freudperkembangan psikoseksualanakayahibunya psikoanalisisSigmund Freudperkembangan psikoseksualanakayahibunya Nama ini diambil dari mitos Yunani tentang Oedipus, yang tanpa diketahui membunuh ayahnya, Laius, dan menikahi ibunya, Jocasta. Nama ini diambil dari mitos Yunani tentang Oedipus, yang tanpa diketahui membunuh ayahnya, Laius, dan menikahi ibunya, Jocasta.Yunani Pada masa selanjutnya, Freud sedikit mengubah pandangannya dengan mengatakan bahwa untuk anak laki-laki sudah ada sejarah identifikasi dengan ayahnya, yang tidak menyertakan persaingan dengannya. Pada masa selanjutnya, Freud sedikit mengubah pandangannya dengan mengatakan bahwa untuk anak laki-laki sudah ada sejarah identifikasi dengan ayahnya, yang tidak menyertakan persaingan dengannya. Lebih jauh, untuk anak perempuan Freud beranggapan bahwa hubungan dengan ibunya sebagai sangat penting untuk memahami perkembangan psikoseksualnya, yang mempengaruhinya dalam memasuki kompleks oedipus. Lebih jauh, untuk anak perempuan Freud beranggapan bahwa hubungan dengan ibunya sebagai sangat penting untuk memahami perkembangan psikoseksualnya, yang mempengaruhinya dalam memasuki kompleks oedipus.

16 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Kompetisi dengan Ayah Oedipus complex adalah istilah Sigmund Freud untuk menggambarkan kecenderungan anak laki-laki usia 3-5 tahun (masa phallic) berkompetisi dengan ayahnya untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang ibu; dan dorongan seksual terhadap ibu dikendalikan karena rasa takut akan hukuman dari ayah. Kompetisi dengan Ayah Oedipus complex adalah istilah Sigmund Freud untuk menggambarkan kecenderungan anak laki-laki usia 3-5 tahun (masa phallic) berkompetisi dengan ayahnya untuk mendapatkan perhatian dan kasih sayang ibu; dan dorongan seksual terhadap ibu dikendalikan karena rasa takut akan hukuman dari ayah. 1. Pada anak laki-laki, ketakutan terhadap ayah tersebut mewujud dalam ketakutan akan dipotong penisnya (castration complex). 2. Sementara itu, electra complex merupakan keadaan yang sama dengan oedipus complex, tetapi terjadi pada anak perempuan.

17 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Konsep oedipus complex dan electra complex merupakan bagian dari penjelasan Freud mengenai tahapan- tahapan perkembangan kepribadian (dari lahir hingga akil balik) yang tidak lepas dari adanya libido. Konsep oedipus complex dan electra complex merupakan bagian dari penjelasan Freud mengenai tahapan- tahapan perkembangan kepribadian (dari lahir hingga akil balik) yang tidak lepas dari adanya libido.

18 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Libido (dorongan erotis-biologis) menurut ahli Psikoanalisis ini tidak muncul secara mendadak pada masa pubertas, melainkan sudah ada sejak lahir dan perwujudannya berbeda-beda menurut tahapan usia. Libido (dorongan erotis-biologis) menurut ahli Psikoanalisis ini tidak muncul secara mendadak pada masa pubertas, melainkan sudah ada sejak lahir dan perwujudannya berbeda-beda menurut tahapan usia. Teori perkembangan dari Freud ini disebut teori perkembangan Psikoseksual. Teori perkembangan dari Freud ini disebut teori perkembangan Psikoseksual.

19 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Dalam teori perkembangan tersebut dinyatakan bahwa seseorang dapat gagal mengatasi konflik yang terjadi dalam tiap-tiap tahapan (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital). Dalam teori perkembangan tersebut dinyatakan bahwa seseorang dapat gagal mengatasi konflik yang terjadi dalam tiap-tiap tahapan (oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital). Perkembangannya berhenti dalam tahap tersebut hingga dewasa. Perkembangannya berhenti dalam tahap tersebut hingga dewasa. Jadi, bila seorang anak pada masa phallic tidak berhasil mengatasi oedipus complex, akan terbawa terus hingga dewasa. Jadi, bila seorang anak pada masa phallic tidak berhasil mengatasi oedipus complex, akan terbawa terus hingga dewasa.

20 Oedipus Complex Oedipus Complex Namun, teori perkembangan Psikoseksual dari Freud tersebut ditentang oleh tokoh-tokoh Psikoanalisis yang lain. Namun, teori perkembangan Psikoseksual dari Freud tersebut ditentang oleh tokoh-tokoh Psikoanalisis yang lain. Mereka menolak anggapan libido merupakan hal yang mendasari perilaku dan perkembangan kepribadian. Mereka menolak anggapan libido merupakan hal yang mendasari perilaku dan perkembangan kepribadian. Memang, teori tersebut dibangun Freud atas dasar kasus-kasus klinis yang ditanganinya sebagai psikiater, sehingga tidak mencerminkan perkembangan individu yang normal. Memang, teori tersebut dibangun Freud atas dasar kasus-kasus klinis yang ditanganinya sebagai psikiater, sehingga tidak mencerminkan perkembangan individu yang normal.

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