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Menyelenggarakan Lokakarya Sehari SECURITY IN HIGH ALERTNESS WITH HOSPITALITY MANNERS Don’t miss this opportunity to meet an international trainer of.

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2 Menyelenggarakan Lokakarya Sehari SECURITY IN HIGH ALERTNESS WITH HOSPITALITY MANNERS Don’t miss this opportunity to meet an international trainer of high caliber in security/safety & hospitality !!! Bila Anda Director of Loss & Prevention, Security Manager, Chief Security, Security Supervisor, Security Officer, wajib mengikuti lokakarya yang sangat penting ini. FASILITATOR: Mr. Terry Upsall, warganegara Inggeris, merupakan In-flight Security Instructor & Course facilitator on IATA In-flight Security Courses dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir. Dia telah melakukan pelatihan ini untuk para awak/crew penerbangan di berbagai perusahaan penerbangan international, antara lain: Singapore Airlines, Garuda, Silk Air, Royal Brunai Airlines, Tiger Airways, dsb. Dia juga memberikan pelatihan ttg “Travel Security and Security Contingency Planning for multinationals based in Singapore, China, Dubai, Turki, Israel. Juga memberikan pelatihan “Women’s Self-defence Training”. Selain itu dia juga merupakan instruktur Bahasa Inggeris untuk international students baik di Inggeris maupun di Singapore. The Workshop will cover four sessions: Session 1: Delegate introduction session and needs analysis. What are the expectations for the workshop? Threat analysis: what and who is the threat? Suicide terrorism: Is the threat real? How can we recognize the threat and what can we do to combat the threat? A look at terrorism around the world and in the region and the modus operandi of these groups. Session 2: Technological and Human security processes: what technology have we deployed to counter security threats and discussion about the pro’s and con’s of various technology, ie: metal detectors, X-ray machines, CCTV, Hand held wands, backscatter X-ray, sniffer dogs, etc. Human body search demonstration and practice. Profiling: how to recognize suspicious behavior and deal with aggressive behavior. Warning signs and danger signs.. What are the triggers to aggressive/disruptive behavior? Security with good hospitality skills. Session 3: Safety and security inside and outside the hotel environment for staff and customers. Weapons and explosive recognition, chemical and biological threat awareness. Crisis management in the event of a bomb threat or CBW threat. Session 4: Physical skills.. To include control and restraint, pressure point control and defensive tactics.. Self defense for front line staff to include.. Escaping from wrist grabs, chokes, strangle holds, hair pulls, and fighting from the ground. Hotel Fave Denpasar Jl. Teuku Umar (seberang Hero Teuku Umar) Jumat, 25 Mei 2012 (08.00-17.00) Untuk reservasi silahkan menghubungi: Stefan Fenanlampir : 0817187404 / 082146932944 Telephone & Fax : 0361- 702146 Email: Pembayaran : Transfer to : Acc No: 0840034577 BCA Wisma Asia, Jl. S.Parman. Jakarta a/n : Stefanus Fenanlampir Rp. 650,000/peserta termasuk Rehat Kopi dan makan siang, materi lokakarya dalam bentuk CD, dan sertifikat. Discount 10% bagi perusahaan/organisasi yang dapat mengirim peserta lebih dari 1 orang. Berbagi ilmu demi generasi penerus…

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