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PERILAKU KONSUMEN Maya Dewi Savitri, M.Si. PERTEMUAN 2 Kepuasan Konsumen.

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2 PERILAKU KONSUMEN Maya Dewi Savitri, M.Si.

3 PERTEMUAN 2 Kepuasan Konsumen

4 Materi 1.Pengertian kepuasan konsumen 2.Pengukuran kepuasan konsumen 3.Dimensi kepuasan konsumen 4.Loyalitas

5 Pengertian Kepuasan Konsumen Satisfaction means the client is feeling positive about the product or service purchased, it gives the feeling of conviction to the consumer that he/she has made a good choice in choosing between different alternatives (Ismajli et al., 2014). Ismajli, A., Panajoti, V.H. Fejza, L.E., Ismajli, D.A., Fejza, E. (2014). Consumer Satisfaction And Customer Loyalty In The Services Sector: A Case Study Of Bkt Bank- Prishtina, Kosovo. European Scientific Journal January 2014 edition vol.10, No 1, 301-311. Kepuasan mengarah pada penilaian konsumen bahwa suatu produk (atau jasa) memberikan tingkatan pemenuhan konsumsi yang menyenangkan

6 Pengertian Kepuasan Konsumen What is Satisfaction?  Satisfaction is a judgment of a pleasurable level of consumption related fulfillment.  Consumers can experience satisfaction when a product or service gives greater pleasure then anticipated.

7 What is dissatisfaction?  An unpleasant level of consumption related fulfillment.

8 Satisfaction focuses on fulfillment in varieties  Satisfaction fulfillment is achieved by removing any negativity.  For example having the hardware on your computer repaired.  Under-Fulfillment or Over-fulfillment satisfaction is experienced when unexpected pleasure is achieved  Internal state highlights the meanings that operates in the consumer field of awareness sociably and culturally.

9 Expectancy-disconfirmation theory According to ED-theory, satisfaction is a function of three variables:  expectations regarding product performance formed prior to purchase  perceptions of product performance resulting from experience with the product  comparison of perceived performance with prior expectations, leading to positive or negative disconfirmation or confirmation;

10 The expectancy disconfirmation model (EDM)  Disconfirmation of pre-consumption expectations is the key influence on consumer satisfaction.  Positive disconfirmation occurs when performances exceed expectations and customer satisfaction increases.  Negative disconfirmation occurs when expectations are not met, and customer dissatisfaction increases.

11 Attribution theory success and failure experiences with products lead to positive or negative overall emotional reactions, but may also elicit causal inferences along three dimensions: locus stability controllability (dis) satisfaction appears to be primarily related to locus of causality; in addition, particular attributions seem to be linked to specific emotions (e.g., failures controllable by the marketer lead to anger) and may influence the type of redress sought (e.g., consumers prefer a refund to an exchange in the case of stable attributions for product failure);

12 Consumer Attributions and the Satisfaction Process  Attribution Theory – How individuals find explanations for outcomes or behaviors Procedural Fairness Interactional Fairness Outcomes Distributional Fairness Satisfaction/ Dissatisfaction

13 Pengukuran Kepuasan Konsumen PENENTUAN PROGRAM KERJA : 1.Tentukan periode pelaksanaan pengukuran 2.Tentukan penanggungjawab pelaksanaan 3.Tentukan jenis produk/jasa yang akan disurvei 4.Tentukan segmen atau target pelanggan yang akan disurvei 5.Tentukan metode pengukuran.

14 13 Example: The Olive Garden The Lobby –Was the lobby staff friendly and did they welcome you to the restaurant? –Were you seated in a timely, efficient manner? The Table Area –Was your table area clean when you were seated? The Server –Was your server attentive and there when you needed him/her? –Was your server knowledgeable and able to answer your questions about our food and beverages? The Food –How was the pace of your meal? –How would you rate the taste of your food? –Please rate the temperature of your food, hot food being piping hot. –Please rate your visit on the value for the money. –Overall, how would you rate your visit –Would you recommend this Olive Garden to a close friend or relative? Scale: 1 = poor ….5 = excellent

15 14 Open-ended questions: –What one thing did you like most about your visit? –What one thing could we do to improve your experience at The Olive Garden? Example: The Olive Garden

16 15 Performance-Importance Analysis Performance Importance Low High Low High Who cares?Overkill Vulnerable Strengths

17 16 Difficulties with Customer Satisfaction Measurement Poor measurement schemes Failure to identify appropriate quality dimensions Failure to weight dimensions appropriately Lack of comparison with leading competitors Failure to measure potential and former customers Confusing loyalty with satisfaction

18 Market-based performance measure for firms, industries, economic sectors, and national economies; assessment of overall customer satisfaction as well as its antecedents and consequences; can be used for benchmarking over time and cross-sectionally; American Customer Satisfaction Index perceived quality customer expectations perceived value customer satisfaction customer complaints customer loyalty

19 Pengukuran Kepuasan Konsumen Measuring Customer Satisfaction: Discover customer perceptions of business effectiveness Compare company’s performance relative to competitors Identify areas for improvement Track trends to determine if changes result in improvements

20 Dimensi Kepuasan Konsumen Dimensi kualitas produk : Performance  Fungsi utama produk Reliability  Ketahanan uji. Feature  Fitur Durability  Keawetan produk Conformity  Konsistensi produk Design  Desain.

21 20 Dimensi kualitas jasa : 1. Tangible (keadaan fisik yang dapat dilihat) Lobby hotel, seragam karyawan, kerapihan ruangan. 2. Reliable (kehandalan pelayanan) Pemenuhan janji, tingkat kesalahan. 3. Responsiveness (kecepatan pelayanan) Kecepatan penyajian, antrinya sebentar. 4. Assurance (rasa percaya dan keyakinan pelanggan) Keramahan, komunikatif, kompetensi SDM, reputasi, security. 5. Emphaty (pengenalan pribadi pelanggan) Sentuhan penghargaan pribadi pelanggan (citigold, ucapan HUT) Dimensi Kepuasan Konsumen

22 Loyalitas Loyalty is known as one of the highest virtues that a person possesses (Ismajli et al., 2014). price loyalty - as long as the company remains competitive in terms of price, customers will remain loyal monopoly loyalty - if the enterprise has monopoly but treats its customers with care by offering quality services, then new competitor would find it even more difficult to attract these customers. inert loyalty - customer prefer a company because it is familiar and feels comfortable to them, the inert consumers will get tired of being ignored, if enterprises will take better care constantly for these customers, then the company will have greater opportunity to keep them.

23 22 Importance of Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty “Satisfaction is an attitude; loyalty is a behavior” Loyal customers spend more, are willing ot pay higher prices, refer new clients, and are less costly to do business with. It costs five times more to find a new customer than to keep an existing one happy.

24 Loyalitas Riset tentang pengaruh Kepuasan pada Loyalitas: Mohsan, F., Nawaz, M.M., Khan, M.S., Shaukat, Z., & Aslam, N. (2011). Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty dan Intention to Switch: Evidence from Banking Sector of Pakistan. International Journal of Businee and Social Science, Vol.2, No.16, September 2011, 263-270. The results of the study revealed that customer satisfaction was positively correlated with customer loyalty and negatively correlated with customer intentions to switch


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