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HOW TO. Scientifically, wave bone is a natural event that is quite rare and infrequent. Where we will see a big wave like hapened in the middle of the.

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Presentasi berjudul: "HOW TO. Scientifically, wave bone is a natural event that is quite rare and infrequent. Where we will see a big wave like hapened in the middle of the."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Scientifically, wave bone is a natural event that is quite rare and infrequent. Where we will see a big wave like hapened in the middle of the sea, but that happened freshwater rivers. Wave coused by the collision of three water flow coming from the strait of Malacca, The South China, see and waterflow Kampar river.

3 River it the opposite di rection to where the river was tidal wave. When tidal wave propagates the face becomes increasingly steep ramps wave front finally this fall the breaking waves.

4 Before a wave of Bono, will usually be preceded by further will be heard roaring water. The sound of whistling sound, the rumble of the longer will be the hardest and the wave emerges with Bono. Velocity of waves Bono realize 40 km


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