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Overview SIL International Indonesia – I-NGO Reaching the isolated people groups which are often marginalized due to disparities in language, remoteness,

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Presentasi berjudul: "Overview SIL International Indonesia – I-NGO Reaching the isolated people groups which are often marginalized due to disparities in language, remoteness,"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Overview SIL International Indonesia – I-NGO Reaching the isolated people groups which are often marginalized due to disparities in language, remoteness, or education Assisting the government The IRI process : a case study in Literacy Measurement Instrument design for Cibago, West Java Packet setup Components The results obtained from a random sampling Time for a few questions and a summary paper

2 LANGUAGES OF ASIA Kosonen. Education for All in the Multilingual World – is it Feasible? An Overview. CIES Annual Conference, Baltimore. February 2007. Page 2.

3 PRESIDENT’S GOAL The government desires to reduce illiteracy in Indonesia to 5% by 2009 (helping to meet the HDI).

4 LITERACY MEASUREMENT One way to collect real statistical data on literacy proficiency is to use an IRI. (Informal Reading Inventory)

5 Hands-on training Jayagiri NFE Staff

6 LITERACY MEASUREMENT Accountability in programming for EFA is extremely important. One must: Set baseline data for program participants Measure real progress Document proficiency levels Assist with those making future program plans

7 DESIGN OF AN INSTRUMENT IRI Indonesia  Based on a well-known proficiency tool : the FRY GRAPH  Tested in 15 language settings over 10 years  Adapted to the Indonesian language and context  Uses a powerful software tool to generate reports

8 IRI KIT IN TWO LANGUAGES Plastic file box Forms Laminated sheets Sheets for the data gatherer Lined paper for writing samples

9 IRI consists of… Individual components IRI for each language measured Sociolinguistic form Registration form for participant Table of letter combinations and List of words for 4 Levels Graded reading texts in 4 levels Evaluation forms for oral and silent reading results Lined form for writing samples

10 Sociolinguistic Form… Filled in by implementer in 15 minutes Gathers the following background information on the participant :  Personal information  Level of person’s education and of family members  Condition of supporting facts for literacy in the home  Attitudes towards language being measured

11 Collecting writing samples

12 Graded reading texts HALAMAN RUMAH SANI Halaman rumah Sani bersih. Di pinggir halaman ada lubang. Untuk apa lubang itu? Lubang itu untuk sampah. Sampah akan menjadi busuk. Sampah yang busuk menjadi kompos. Kompos itu untuk pupuk.

13 Graded reading texts PERKAKAS PARA FIRAUN Piramida Mesir merupakan suatu keajaiban, bahkan pada zaman modern ini. Akan tetapi, soal bagaimana piramida itu dapat dibangun dengan begitu tepat telah membingungkan para penyelidik selama berabad-abad. Pada waktu makam para firaun digali, para arkeolog telah menemukan rincian teknologi Mesir dan berbagai perkakas yang telah dipakai untuk mendirikan piramida. Penduduk kawasan Nil mempunyai keterampilan untuk memahat, melicinkan, mengangkut, mencocokkan, menyemen, dan menggilapkan batu karang yang keras dan berat. Dalam makam para firaun, arkeolog telah menemukan perkakas yang dipakai pada tahap-tahap terakhir pekerjaan tukang batu, bersama-sama dengan berbagai mata pisau yang indah dan ujung panah dari batu api. Beberapa piramida dibangun dengan perkakas besi. Kolonel Howard Vyse menemukan perkakas jenis itu di dalam Piramida Besar – petunjuk pertama bahwa orang Mesir menggunakan besi. Sebuah belati besi ….

14 Actual IRI in progress

15 REAL STATISTICS Literacy Level Whole PopulationMenWomen 0-3 yrs Education 4-6 yrs Education 7-9 yrs Education 10+ yrs Education Level 0 (pre-literate) 26%17%34%83%16% 0% Level 1 (rudimentary) 22%21%23%10%42%17% 6% Level 2 (basic) 19%21%18% 7%31%21%11% Level 3 (functional) 27%31%24% 0% 8%55%66% Level 4 (advanced) 6%10% 1% 0% 3%17% Tewoyan IRI Results

16 Mean Literacy Scores Figure 5.4.1 Figure 5.4.2 Source: Summary paper, IRI Jayagiri September, 2006, page 9 Statistics were created using Minitab, a Computer software tool.

17 Development timeline for IRI, Jayagiri Phase 1: Develop Instrument In local language Phase 3 Evaluate the use of the instrument Phase 2: Train the trainers and conduct the survey in Cibago village Expert Resource Personnel 24-26 July 200611-16 August 20066-8 September 2006

18 Training local leaders

19 Thank you Contact: Kay Ringenberg or Heather Meyers

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