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LOGO Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) for Computer Dhaniyar Seno Isbiyantoro.

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Presentasi berjudul: "LOGO Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) for Computer Dhaniyar Seno Isbiyantoro."— Transcript presentasi:

1 LOGO Occupational Health and Safety (OSH) for Computer Dhaniyar Seno Isbiyantoro

2 1.What the definition of OSH ( Computer ) ? 2. How the Health and Safety OSH Use a computer ? 3. what is the result of ignoring OSH ? TOPIC

3 PURPOSE The purpose of this paper is 1.Understand definition of OSH (Computer) 2.Knowing the Health and Safety OSH Using a computer 3.Knowing result of ignoring OHS

4 WHAT OHS(K3)? According to Mathis & Jackson (2002,), state that Safety is a reference to the protection of a person's physical well-being of the work-related injury. Health is a reference to the general conditions of physical, mental and emotional stability in general.

5 OSH Use to Computer 1) Use a chair that is dynamically adjustable high-low and back of the shoulder 2) Position the monitor at least as high as the top of the 5-8 cm above the eye direction 3) To avoid the effects of glare from the screen, can use filters or anti - glare protector 4) Sit at a distance of about an arm span of the monitor;

6 5)Feet should be able to set foot on the floor or on a footrest stable 6)High Low monitor can be adjusted as needed. 7)Between the elbow and the wrist parallel and straight when using the keyboard / mouse 8)Arms and elbows are in a relaxed position near your body; OHS K3 Use Computer

7 9.Monitor and keyboard positioned in front of you 10.Use the keyboard that has a lever in under to set position 11.Use stool is sturdy and stable computer 12.occasionally do it short break with stand up stretch and look the other way OHS K3 Use Computer

8 Position Table and Chair Position Table and Chairs : Tables and chairs must be in a position that makes us comfortable that did not make our muscle tension or fatigue, try having a foam seat and backrest mampunyai comfortable. High a good desk is 55- 75 cm.

9 Back pain if you sit for hours and rarely walk or stand the risk of pain experience back pain is very great. Correct posture is one of the keys to prevent back pain. Ideally shoulder toward the back and head straight ahead. Do not sit hunched and walk every two hours to avoid back pain.

10 eye disorders Long hours in front of a computer can make dry eyes, stress and irritation. Radiation from the monitor also can make the vision impaired. Therefore, make sure your computer monitor is equipped with a radiation shield. Set also the color of the monitor so as not to make eye strain. Make sure the lighting is good, so the eyes feel comfortable. Blink often to avoid eye eyeball lubricated and protected from dry eye.

11 hand pain Many feared the computer can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome, but researchers from Harvard Medical School refute a few years ago. However, the use of a keyboard and mouse for a long time can cause tingling, pain to numbness. To avoid this, make sure the correct position of the keyboard and mouse (Lubis,2009)

12 LOGO Dhaniyar & Seno isbiyantoro

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