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FOME – FK Univ Andalas Padang

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1 FOME – FK Univ Andalas Padang
Portfolio Wirsma Arif Harahap FOME – FK Univ Andalas Padang 2013

2 Why Portfolio ? What is it ? What for ? How ?

3 “…a systematic and organized collection of evidence used by the teacher and student to monitor growth of students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes in a specific area.” What is a portfolio?

4 A portfolio is a systematic collection of one’s work.
It is the primary way professionals display their work. Artists, models, architects, etc. What is a portfolio?

5 Portfolios Portfolio assessment is an ongoing process.


7 (Pyramid Miller) Portfolio Mini-CEX OSCE MCQ

8 Types of Portfolios Process Portfolio may include: journals, reflections, independent work, teacher evaluations, self evaluations Product Portfolio: short, more accessible documents at mastery level

9 Types of Portfolios Celebration Portfolio:
Student’s use as mementos of their favorite learning activities and experiences; creative and imaginative

10 Showcase Portfolio: Displays student’s best work; takes time
Digital Portfolio: May include text, graphics, video, and audio components; student’s gain computer skills Types of Portfolios

>> Action: <<< Reflection! Emotional exp: never processed Accurate & holistic Involves student Why use portfolios? Allows difference A story the growth Improve teaching

12 Why use portfolio? Limitations of single measure assessment
Shift in pedagogical theory to student- centered classrooms Suited to collaboration Students become independent learners Portfolios combine instruction and assessment Why use portfolio?

13 Portfolios can be tailored for individual student needs.
Portfolios can improve motivation. Why use portfolio ?

14 Purposes of Portfolios
1. Documenting what is 2. Showcasing achievements 3. Reflecting on the experience 4. Developing expertise 5. Empowering the learner

15 Career-Portfolio USE/Research of PORTFOLIO
Portfolios as a Novel Approach for Student Evaluation PORTFOLIO AS A LEARNING TOOL FOR MEDICAL STUDENTS Portfolios: Measuring the Art and the Science in Medical Education The Individual Learning Planning & Portfolio: Skills for Adult Learners Portfolio Use for Learning and Assessment Career-Portfolio Rules & Guidelines for Teacher Recruitment

16 Reflective Portfolio Competency based reflections
The questions: 1. What did you learn? 2. Who helped you with the patient? 3. What might you do differently next time? 4. Were your values challenged? 5. What made you feel good? 6. How to share with others?

17 Benefits of Portfolios
Documentation Showcase Reflection Developmental Access Achievement Introspection Show improvement

18 book Portfolio Provided Portfolio binder
 all the necessary documents/components Some components: - Logbook - Letter/certificate - Reflection - Results of tests - Research - Photograph

19 Characteristics of a good portfolio
Decide the purpose. Carefully select the contents. Determine the collection schedule. Plan assessment criteria. Characteristics of a good portfolio

20 UMN E-Portfolio Homepage


22 Dokumen pada portfolio:
 Bentuk BINDER ISI PORTFOLIO: - Logbook - Surat2 tugas - Nilai – nilai tugas / ujian - Nilai presentasi - Aktivitas lain - Sertifikat - Penelitian - Refleksi Kasus/Self assesment - Mentoring/Umpan balik - Foto-2 dokumentasi

23 Refleksi kasus: 1 kasus tiap dua minggu.
CONTOH REFLEKSI KASUS Identitas Kasus Analisis KAP (knowledge, attitude, practice) dari sisi pasien / masy Evidence base diagnosis dan manajemen Adakah empati pribadi terhadap kasus ini sehubungan penyakit, kondisi sosial ekonomi, psikologis, dan lain lain. Evaluasi: pengalaman yang dapat diambil dari kasus ini Tindak lanjut: jika terjadi kasus serupa, apa yang akan dikerjakan berdasarkan EBM/data Refleksi kasus: 1 kasus tiap dua minggu.

24 Mentoring pada refleksi kasus:
Apa yang telah kamu pelajari? Siapa yang membantu kamu ? Apa yang kamu kerjakan berbeda untuk yang akan datang? Apakah kasus memberi tantangan/menarik atau biasa saja? Apa yang membuat kamu merasa suka? Bagaimana kamu berbagi pengalaman dengan teman lain?  SARAN-SARAN untuk perbaikan

25 Portfolio: > Complex
Log book Experiences learning  Chronological arrange Portfolio: > Complex Evidence collection of learning results Reflection of learning experiences  Improvement aspect Formative & summative Assessment

26 Portfolio Conferences
Consist of meetings in which students review learning goals and discuss progress is a key element in the portfolio assessment process. Most conferences are between students and their teachers They give students opportunities to consider their interests and to access their abilities, such as: Reflective discussion Enable students to participate actively in the assessment process

27 Student-Led Conferences
Peer, Small-Group and Student-Led Conferences

28 Student-Lead Conferences
Student-Lead Conferences- allow students to share their progress with their parents in structured conferences.

29 Peer Conferences Peer Conferences- meetings between two students to discuss portfolio goals, activities, and progress.

30 Small-Group Conferences
Small-Group Conferences- meetings with three to five students.

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