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Infeksi Menular Seksual

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Presentasi berjudul: "Infeksi Menular Seksual"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Infeksi Menular Seksual
Beberapa contoh infeksi menular seksual yang umum dijumpai

2 GO (kencing nanah)

3 IMS Umum GO (kencing nanah)

4 IMS Umum Klamidia

5 Herpes

6 IMS Umum Herpes

7 Sifilis (raja singa)

8 IMS Umum Sifilis (raja singa)

9 Jengger Ayam IMS Umum

10 IMS Umum Hepatitis


12 Crabs

13 Scabies

14 Molluscum contagiosum

15 Sumber Foto: Atlas of HIV Infection Chiang Mai, Thailand Prakong Vithayasai, M.D and Vicharn Vithayasai, M.D., Ph.D. ABC of AIDS (5th ed) BMJ Publishing Group, London Michael W Adler Public Health Image Library, The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention September 2003

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