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Presentasi berjudul: "Tugas-Tugas."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Tugas-Tugas


3 Writing 1: composition Write a composition about your personal information! Introduction Body Conclusion

4 Writing 2: Argumentative Essay untuk Arsitek AB, Far A, Ilkom
Which one do you prefer? To be a famous but not rich architect/pharmacist/communication practitioners or rich person but not an architect/pharmacist/communication practitioners. Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer. Introduction Body Conclusion

5 Writing 2: Argumentative Essay Farmasi B dan Psikologi
Alternative A What is your future dream? Why do you want to achieve that future dream. Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer. Alternative B What is your resolution in 2013? Why do you want to achieve that resolution? Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer.

6 Writing 3: Argumentative essay
Why do you prefer to take Architecture/Pharmacy/Psychology/Communication Science as majoring course? Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer. Introduction Body Conclusion

7 Writing 4: Argumentative Essay
Why do you prefer to study in Yogyakarta, not in the other city? Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer. Introduction Body Conclusion

8 Writing 5: Argumentative Essay
Why do you prefer to study at UII, not at the other university? Support by reasons and specific information and examples to explain your answer. Introduction Body Conclusion


10 20 Imbuhan Contoh: Collect = mengumpulkan Collection = koleksi Collector = org yang me- Collective = dikumpulkan bersama-sama Collectively = secara bersama-sama

11 Lalu sebanyak mungkin dituliskan dalam 1 kalimat
Lalu sebanyak mungkin dituliskan dalam 1 kalimat. Contoh: A collector of unique things collects many collections and he does it collectively with his friends to make up all collective things valuable.

12 Di ketik Dijadikan 1 (5 tulisan dan 20 kata yang masing-masing sudah di tambahi awalan dan akhiran serta dituliskan dalam 1 kalimat) Di jilid Hard copy dikumpulkan ke petugas UAS dan Soft copy di kumpulkan di e-learning pada tanggal UAS Bahasa Inggris deadline

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