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3: Software Engineering

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1 3: Software Engineering
Critical System ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

2 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Tujuan Menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud dengan sistem kritis, dimana kegagalan sistem memiliki konsekuensi disisi manusia atau ekonomi Menjelaskan 4 dimensi kebergantungan – ketersediaan, kehandalan, safety dan security Untuk menjelaskan bahwa memperoleh kebergantungan, kita harus menghindari kesalahan, mendeteksi dan menyingkirkan error dan membatasi kerusakan yang disebabkan oleh sebuah kesalahan ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

3 Topics covered A simple safety-critical system System kebergantungan
Availability and reliability Safety Security

4 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Sistem kritis Sistem keamanan kritis Kesalahan menghasilkan nyawa hilang, cidera atau kerusakan pada lingkungan Sistem keamanan pabrik kimia Sistem Misi kritis Kesalahan menghasilkan kegagalan pada aktivitas pencarian tujuan Sistem navigasi pesawat ruang angkasa Sistem kritis bisnis Kesalahan dapat mengakibatkan kerugian ekonomi yang sangat tinggi Sistem akuntansi customer di bank ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

5 System kebergantungan ( kepercayaan)
Untuk sistem kritis, biasanya properti sistem yang paling penting adalah tingkat kepercayaan dari sistem tersebut Tingkat kepercayaan sistem merefleksikan derajat kepercayaan user pada sistem. Hal ini merefleksikan kepercayaan user yang meyakini bahwa sistem akan beroperasi sesuai dengan keinginan user dan tidak akan ada kekeliruan pada pemakaian normal ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

6 Pentingnya kebergantungan
Sistem yang tidak memiliki tingkat kepercayaan tinggi, tidak handal dan tidak aman mungkin akan ditolak oleh user Kerugian kegagalan sistem mungkin sangat tinggi Sistem yang tidak dapat dipercaya dapat menimbulkan hilangnya informasi dan biaya recovery yang mahal ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

7 Metode pengembangan untuk sistem kritis
Biaya kegagalan sistem kritis sangat tinggi sehingga metode pengembangan tidak ‘cost-effective’ dibanding tipe sistem yang lain Contoh metode pengembangan : Metode formal dari pengembangan software External quality assurance ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

8 Sistem kritis socio-technique
Hardware failure Kegagalan hardware yg disebabkan kesalah desain atau produksi, atau karena komponen telah mencapai batas waktu bekerja Software failure Kegagalan software karena kesalahan spesifikasi, desain atau implementasi Operational failure Operator manusia membuat kesalahan, sekarang mungkin menjadi penyebab error terbesar pada kegagalan sistem ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

9 Software kontrol Pompa insulin
Digunakan oleh penderita diabetes untuk mensimulasikan fungsi pankreas sebagai pemroduksi insuln dan hormon penting pada metabolisme glukosa darah Mengukur glukoas darah menggunakan sensor mikro dan menghitung dosis insulin yang diperlukan untuk metabolisme ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

10 Insulin pump organisation
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

11 Insulin pump data-flow
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

12 Requirement tingkat kepercayaan
System seharusnya dapat memberi insulin ketika dibutuhkan untuk di lakukan Sistem seharusnya menunjukkan kehandalan dan pemberian jumlah yang insulin yang tepat untuk memberikan reaksi counter level gula darah Pentingnya safety requirement sehingga kelebihan dosis insulin tidak boleh terjadi karena mengancam nyawa ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

13 Tingkat kebergantungan
Tingkat kebergantungan sistem sama dengan tingkat kepercayaannya Sistem yang dapat dibergantungkan adalah sistem yang dipercayai oleh users A dependable system is a system that is trusted by its users. Dimensi penting dari kebergantungan sistem adalah : Availability; Reliability; Safety; Security ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

14 Dimensi kebergantungan
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

15 Properti kebergantungan yang lain
Repairability Merefleksikan bagaimana sistem dapat di perbaiki apabila terdapat kesalahan Maintainability Merefleksikan bagaimana sistem dapat beradaptasi dengan requirement baru Survivability Merefleksikan bagaimana sistem dapat memberikan layanan dalam tekanan Error tolerance Merefleksikan bagaimana error input user dapat dihindari dan di toleransi ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

16 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Maintainability Atribut sistem yang fokus pada kemudahan perbaikan dari sistem setelah terjadi failure atau perubahan sistem seperti penambahan fitur baru Sangat penting untuk sistem kritis karena kegagalan sering terjadi pada sistem karena adanya permasalahan maintenance Maintenability dibedakan dari dimensi kebergantungan yang lain karena merupakan atribut sistem yang statis ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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Survivability Kemampuan sistem untuk melanjutkan pelayanan kepada user meskiput terjadi serangan/kesalahan mendadak Atribut yang penting untuk sistem terdistribusi dimana security dapat dikompromikan Kemampuan sistem untuk melanjutkan operasi meskipun terdapat kegagalan komponen ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

18 kebergantungan vs performance
Sistem yang tidak dapat dipercaya mungkin akan ditolah oleh penggunanya Biaya kegagalan sistem sangat tinggi Sangat sulit untuk melakukan tunning sistem untuk membuatnya lebih bergantung Tidak mungkin mentoleransi performansi yang jelek Sistem yang tidak dapat dipercaya dapat mengakibatkan kehilangan informasi yang sangat berharga ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

19 Costs of increasing kebergantungan
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

20 kebergantungan economics
Karena tingginya cost untuk memperoleh kebergantungan, akan lebih mudah untuk lebih menerima sistem yang tidak dipercaya dan siap untuk membayar kerugian Bagaimanapun hal ini bergantung pada faktor sosial dan politis. Reputasi produk yang tidak dapat dipercaya dapat mengakibatkan buruknya bisnis tersebut dimasa depan. Bergantung juga dengan keinginan sosial dari sebuh sistem ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

21 Availability and reliability
Kemngkinan operasi sistem bebas dari kesalahan pada waktu tertentu yang diberikan lingkungan atau tujuan yang diberikan Availability Kemungkian sistem pada satu waktu dapat beroperasi dan mampu untuk memberikan layanan yang diinginkan Dapat diexpresikan secara kuantitatif ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

22 Reliability terminology
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

23 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Faults and failures kegagalan umumnya terjadi pada eror sistem yang diturunkan dari kesalahan sistem Bagaimanan kegagalan tidak perlu terjadi pada sistem eror Sistem yang salah dapat di betulkan sebelum error tersebut muncul Error tidak perlu menimbukan kegagalan sistem Eror dapt di betulkan dengan pendeteksi dan recovery error built in ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

24 Perceptions of reliability
The formal definition of reliability does not always reflect the user’s perception of a system’s reliability The assumptions that are made about the environment where a system will be used may be incorrect Usage of a system in an office environment is likely to be quite different from usage of the same system in a university environment The consequences of system failures affects the perception of reliability Unreliable windscreen wipers in a car may be irrelevant in a dry climate Failures that have serious consequences (such as an engine breakdown in a car) are given greater weight by users than failures that are inconvenient ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

25 Reliability achievement
Fault avoidance Development technique are used that either minimise the possibility of mistakes or trap mistakes before they result in the introduction of system faults Fault detection and removal Verification and validation techniques that increase the probability of detecting and correcting errors before the system goes into service are used Fault tolerance Run-time techniques are used to ensure that system faults do not result in system errors and/or that system errors do not lead to system failures ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

26 Reliability modelling
You can model a system as an input-output mapping where some inputs will result in erroneous outputs The reliability of the system is the probability that a particular input will lie in the set of inputs that cause erroneous outputs Different people will use the system in different ways so this probability is not a static system attribute but depends on the system’s environment ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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Input/output mapping ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

28 Reliability perception
ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

29 Reliability improvement
Removing X% of the faults in a system will not necessarily improve the reliability by X%. A study at IBM showed that removing 60% of product defects resulted in a 3% improvement in reliability Program defects may be in rarely executed sections of the code so may never be encountered by users. Removing these does not affect the perceived reliability A program with known faults may therefore still be seen as reliable by its users ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

30 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Safety Safety is a property of a system that reflects the system’s ability to operate, normally or abnormally, without danger of causing human injury or death and without damage to the system’s environment It is increasingly important to consider software safety as more and more devices incorporate software-based control systems Safety requirements are exclusive requirements i.e. they exclude undesirable situations rather than specify required system services ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

31 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Safety criticality Primary safety-critical systems Embedded software systems whose failure can cause the associated hardware to fail and directly threaten people. Secondary safety-critical systems Systems whose failure results in faults in other systems which can threaten people Discussion here focuses on primary safety-critical systems Secondary safety-critical systems can only be considered on a one-off basis ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

32 Safety and reliability
Safety and reliability are related but distinct In general, reliability and availability are necessary but not sufficient conditions for system safety Reliability is concerned with conformance to a given specification and delivery of service Safety is concerned with ensuring system cannot cause damage irrespective of whether or not it conforms to its specification ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

33 Unsafe reliable systems
Specification errors If the system specification is incorrect then the system can behave as specified but still cause an accident Hardware failures generating spurious inputs Hard to anticipate in the specification Context-sensitive commands i.e. issuing the right command at the wrong time Often the result of operator error ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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Safety terminology ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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Safety achievement Hazard avoidance The system is designed so that some classes of hazard simply cannot arise. Hazard detection and removal The system is designed so that hazards are detected and removed before they result in an accident Damage limitation The system includes protection features that minimise the damage that may result from an accident ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

36 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Normal accidents Accidents in complex systems rarely have a single cause as these systems are designed to be resilient to a single point of failure Designing systems so that a single point of failure does not cause an accident is a fundamental principle of safe systems design Almost all accidents are a result of combinations of malfunctions It is probably the case that anticipating all problem combinations, especially, in software controlled systems is impossible so achieving complete safety is impossible ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

37 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Security The security of a system is a system property that reflects the system’s ability to protect itself from accidental or deliberate external attack Security is becoming increasingly important as systems are networked so that external access to the system through the Internet is possible Security is an essential pre-requisite for availability, reliability and safety ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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Fundamental security If a system is a networked system and is insecure then statements about its reliability and its safety are unreliable These statements depend on the executing system and the developed system being the same. However, intrusion can change the executing system and/or its data Therefore, the reliability and safety assurance is no longer valid ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

39 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Security terminology ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

40 Damage from insecurity
Denial of service The system is forced into a state where normal services are unavailable or where service provision is significantly degraded Corruption of programs or data The programs or data in the system may be modified in an unauthorised way Disclosure of confidential information Information that is managed by the system may be exposed to people who are not authorised to read or use that information ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

41 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Security assurance Vulnerability avoidance The system is designed so that vulnerabilities do not occur. For example, if there is no external network connection then external attack is impossible Attack detection and elimination The system is designed so that attacks on vulnerabilities are detected and neutralised before they result in an exposure. For example, virus checkers find and remove viruses before they infect a system Exposure limitation The system is designed so that the adverse consequences of a successful attack are minimised. For example, a backup policy allows damaged information to be restored ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

42 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Key points A critical system is a system where failure can lead to high economic loss, physical damage or threats to life. The kebergantungan in a system reflects the user’s trust in that system The availability of a system is the probability that it will be available to deliver services when requested The reliability of a system is the probability that system services will be delivered as specified Reliability and availability are generally seen as necessary but not sufficient conditions for safety and security ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

43 ian sommerville 2004 Software engineering chapter 3
Key points Reliability is related to the probability of an error occurring in operational use. A system with known faults may be reliable Safety is a system attribute that reflects the system’s ability to operate without threatening people or the environment Security is a system attribute that reflects the system’s ability to protect itself from external attack kebergantungan improvement requires a socio-technical approach to design where you consider the humans as well as the hardware and software ian sommerville Software engineering chapter 3

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