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Regulasi sistem reproduksi jantan

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Presentasi berjudul: "Regulasi sistem reproduksi jantan"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Regulasi sistem reproduksi jantan

2 1. Regulasi organ reproduksi jantan:
testis, skrotum, epididimis, vas deferent, uretra, dan kelenjar asesoris 2. Struktur pendukung: jaringan saraf dan peredaran darah

3 Pengaturan di TESTIS Spermatogenesis Hormonal control

4 Produksi Spermatozoa Seminiferous tubules Interstitial tissue
Spermatids Spermatocytes Spermatozoa Sertoli cells Interstitial tissue Leydig cells Capillaries

5 Spermatozoa Structure and Functions
Head Acrosome Nucleus Midpiece Centrioles Mitochondria Tail: flagellum Microtubules Figure 26-10: Sperm structure

6 Testicular Compartmentalization

7 Sel Sertoli

8 Fungsi sel Sertoli Nourish healthy cells & phagocytize damaged germ cells Synthesize luminal proteins Maintain tubular fluid Convert androgens to estrogens

9 The blood-testis barrier (BTB)
BTB (in rats)  composed: tight junction basal ectoplasmic specialization basal tubulobulbar complex desmosome-like junction, at side-by-side in the seminiferous epithelium

10 Tight junctions sebagai tempat komunikasi antar sel
ANCHORING JUNCTION COMMUNICATING JUNCTION Plasma membranes of adjacent cells Extracellular matrix

11 The BTB physically  divides the seminiferous epithelium into basal and apical compartments  spermatogenesis The function: Immunological barrier -cell antigens from the systemic circulation, Creates a microenvironment for germ-cell development

12 Spermatogenesis  the BTB to permit the preleptotene & leptotene spermatocytes (Late stage VII - VIII of the epithelial cycle) BTB to facilitate germ-cell migration is regulated two cytokines to activated protein kinases: 1. Transforming Growth Factor-beta3 (TGF-beta3) 2. tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNFalpha)

13 Sel Intersisial Terletak di antara seminiferous tubules
Di jumpai banyak kapiler darah dan populasi sel somatik lainnya Menghasilkan hormone testosteron (Franz von Leydig, , German) Bentuk: cuboidal & in groups of 2-20 cells Testosteron menstimuli perkembangan sek sekunder jantan (rambut & bentuk tubuh) The pituitary hormone ICSH (Interstitial Cell Stimulating Hormone) menstimuli produksi testosteron saat puber

14 Leydig cells

15 Saluran Reproduksi: Rete Testis Efferent ducts Epididymis
channels lined with a low cuboidal epithelium, like channels in a river delta Efferent ducts The efferent ducts (7-15 seminiferous tubules ) Epididymis Long & extremely coiled single duct Extra testicular organ Ductus Deferens relatively short & highly coiled ducts pseudostratified columnar epithelium

16 Rete Testis

17 Efferent ducts

18 Epididymis

19 Kelenjar Asesoris Prostate gland Seminal Vesicle
radially around the urethra (upper right) 20% total volume semen Seminal Vesicle 60 % total volume semen Bulbourethral gland (Cowper gland) Ejaculat pH 7,2-8,2


21 Penis Tersusun atas: Korpus spongiosum: terletak disekitar uretra, penuh kapiler darah Korpus cavernosum: terletak di bagian dorsal, terdapat pembuluh darah besar

22 Pengaturan seresi protein epididymis
Sintesis protein di epididymis: tergantung konsentrasi androgen dan kepekatan cairan Sintesis hormon steroid: 5-alpha dihydroxytestosterone (DHT), disekresikan di sitoplasma bagian caput, corpus, & cauda Secretion of epididymal segments → epithelium epididymal In rats, the proximal & in the distal epididymis → * the proximal epididymis → 27 & 29-kD * the distal epididymis → kD


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