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Oleh : Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM

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1 Oleh : Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM
Serikat Pekerja : Sejarah, Perannya di Perusahaan & Teknik Menangani-nya Oleh : Dr.Ir.J.F.X.Susanto.S.MBA.,MM

2 History of Labor Union in Indonesia
Before the Independence (17th August 1945) After the Independence During the Guided Democracy era (1959) During the New Order era (1969)

3 Labor Union Before Independence
First Union : Dutch Teachers Union First Union by Indonesian in 1908: Railway Workers Union, followed by others In 1912 first federation established, Gabungan Serikat Pekerja, affiliated to politic In 1919 Communist established GSBV (Gabungan Serikat Buruh Revolusioner), by Samaun In the 1920th Dutch government jailed the Union leaders because of so many strike

4 Labor Union After Independence
To keep the Independence, because Dutch was back to Indonesia, BBI a labor federation was established BBI broke into 2 groups : Affiliated to politic : PBI (Partai Buruh Indonesia) Not affiliated to politic : GASBI (Gabungan Serikat Buruh Indonesia) In 1946 GASBI joined GSBV, formed SOBSI SOBSI joined WFTU - under the influence of Communist countries ICFTU - under the influence of democratic countries In the 50th many Unions were affiliated to political parties

5 Labor Union during guided democracy era
Presidential Decree 5 July 1959, start of guided democracy Effort to unite the labor unions in one umbrella, called OPPI (Organisasi Persatuan Pekerja Indonesia) Opposed by SOBSI SOBSI was banned after Communist coup in 1965

6 Labor Union during the New Order era
Pancasila was introduced as the only “basic principle” In Nov MPBI (Majelis Permusyawaratan Buruh Indonesia) was established, to unite all the Trade Unions (21 Labor Organization) In 20 Feb Deklarasi Persatuan Buruh Seluruh Indonesia formed FBSI, with 21 SBLP. Historical because of “united”, and “not political affiliated” 20 Feb declared as National Labor Day

7 Labor Union during the New Order (continued)
In 1985 FBSI was changed to “unitary” system Therefore FBSI became SPSI Problems happened due to lack of personnel in the organization, no support In 1990, 13 Sectors in SPSI were formed Not pure unitary anymore, close to “federation” 10,569 UK (In-company Union) and 269 DPC already formed

8 Company Level Union (SPTP)
ILO Convention No. 87 and 98 : Free to unite and free to negotiate In line with UUD 1945 UU 18/1956 Since 1973 only one Union, national and federal Company Level Union (SPTP) may be established SPTP is free to merge with any sector or independent, PMTK No1/1994 Since then SPSI is no longer the only Union

9 The establishment of Company Level Union (SPTP)
The name of company must be clearly indicated Must have a Committee, Article of Association and ART Committee members must be the employees of the company Must be agreed by more than 50% employees Company must be informed Must be registered at Manpower office

10 The Establishment of Union in the Company
The existence is important The reputation depends on how it was formed Management shall have to accept. Qualified committee members will show up Conduct effective briefing for all employees about Union. Involve Tripartite Body Voting of the committee must be democratic without others’ involvement

11 Criteria of Union Chairman you should expect
Educated, at least academy graduate Good leadership Trustworthy Respect people Well respected Good communication skill Broad minded Strong personality

12 SBLP (Trade Unions) Bangunan dan Pekerjaan Umum
2. Rokok dan Tembakau, 3. Makanan dan Minuman, 4. Karet dan Kulit, 5. Perkayuan 6. Pariwisata 7. Transport Udara 8. Assembling Mesin dan Perbengkelan 9. Kesatuan Pelaut Indonesia 10. Pertanian, Perkebunan 11. Niaga, Bank dan Asuransi 12. Percetakan dan Penerbitan 13. Maritim 14. Farmasi dan Kimia 15. Kesehatan 16. Minyak, Gas Bumi dan Pertambangan Umum 17. Elektronik 18. Tekstil dan Sandang 19. Logam dan Keramik 20. Angkutan Jalan Raya 21. Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Ferry

13 Tujuan Federasi Serikat Pekerja antara lain adalah :
“Menciptakan kehidupan dan penghidupan perburuhan yang selaras dan serasi dengan jalan membela dan mempertahankan kepentingan kaum Buruh menuju kearah terwujudnya tertib sosial, tertib hukum dan tertib demokrasi”. “Meningkatkan kesejahteraan kaum Buruh serta memperjuangkan nasib, syarat-syarat kerja penghidupan yang layak sesuai dengan kemanusiaan yang adil dan beradab.”

14 Recommended attitude towards the Union Leaders
Kenali dengan baik dan secara pribadi semua anggota PUK. Lakukan pertemuan rutin. Buat jadwal diskusi hubungan industrial mengangkat hal-hal yang berhubungan dengan buruh/pekerja. Ikut memberikan pendidikan buruh. Dukung kegiatan sosial pekerja. Ciptakan komunikasi yang lancar dengan PUK, beri mereka kantor beserta tilpun. Ikutkan anggota PUK dalam training supervisory management untuk meningkatkan visi mereka terhadap fungsi-fungsi management. Tingkatkan peran counseling bagi karyawan yang memerlukan.

15 How to handle your Union Leaders
Never free them from their main job Educate them from time to time Watch outside influence (DPC/DPD SP) Avoid the establishment of the second Union Facilitate easy communication, do not isolate them Maximize their contact to your HR Manager Provide office, furniture and equipment

16 Law 21/2000 – Labor Union Diterbitkan setelah pemerintah meratifikasi ILO Convention No. 87 mengenai kebebasan berserikat, oleh Keputusan Presiden No. 83/1998. Dengan UU ini terbuka sistim multi union diperusahaan. Pada prakteknya akan lebih sulit bagi perusahaan. Perusahaan tidak punya opsi untuk menolak kehadiran serikat pekerja.

17 Sikap terhadap Union di perusahaan
Terima kehadiran mereka. Jadikan mereka partner dalam berbagai hal. Rangkul tapi jaga jarak dengan PUK SP. Ciptakan hubungan baik dengan peringkat SP. Manfaatkan kehadiran petugas pengawas Disnaker dalam meningkatkan hubungan kerja yang harmonis, serasi, selaras dan seimbang.

18 Pesan menutup session ini : Jadikan kehadiran Serikat Pekerja sebagai partner dalam berproduksi, salah menangani maka HRD Manager adalah “sasaran tembak” mereka yang pertama. Semoga anda berhasil dalam mengelola Hubungan Industrial diperusahaan.

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