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Presentasi berjudul: "PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS TIK"— Transcript presentasi:

Dr. Purwanto

TP memiliki dua unsur; soft tech dan hard tech pendidikan teknologi TP sbg. soft technology yakni Instructional System Development memberikan teori dan prinsip sebagai landasan kerja dalam merancang dan mengembangkan sistem pembelajaran TP sbg hard technology memperkaya dan menunjang praktek penyelenggaraan pendidikan dengan pemanfaatan media dan TIK

3 Communities of practice
Papart Vygotsky Learning by doing Constructivism Piaget Laurillard Social learning Mercer Kolb Melalui Pengalaman Melalui Dialog Theories of learning Belajar Dewey Wenger Melalui Refleksi Melalui Orang lain Situasi Sosial Jarvis Lave Cognitivism Communities of practice

4 Konvergensi Smart Phone

5 The Instructional Framework
Instructional Models Information Processing Instructional Strategies Instructional Methods Inquiry Behavioral Direct Instructional Skills Simulations Planning Evaluating Lecture Presenting Social Interaction Indirect Case Studies Direction-Giving Questioning Cooperative Learning Learning Contract Interactive Focused Imaging Debate Personal Experiential Independent Study TIK TIK

Access? Kemudahan akses Cost? Biaya Technology? User friendly Interactivity? Dua arah Organization? Dukungan Novelty? Baru & menarik

7 Peran TIK dalam Pendidikan (Perbandingan antar Paradigma Pedagogi )

Analysis Design Development Implementation Evaluation

9 DALAM, Deeper analysis of concepts, processes and visualisation
REAL, Iteration and modelling using ICT; eg in writing, design, maths, science PE and music – real life and work-related applications TERARAH, Learners taking more control over the direction of their learning with ICT KREATIF, Creative development and media literacy e.g. digital video, photography animation, music BERFIKIR TINGGI, Developing thinking skills and problem solving strategies ILMU LEBIH, Gaining knowledge, understanding and skills beyond that of the lecturer ICT in learning DALAM, Deeper analysis of concepts, processes and visualisation SARANA, Use of ICT to locate, gather, synthesis, analyse reconstruct, communicate and present information and understanding LINGKUNGAN, Learning out of college in other settings and environments KOLABORASI, Social collaboration on joint tasks both face-to-face and in online collaboration

Soft Skills Keterampilan interpersonal Bersikap Mengelola pekerjaan Melakukan perundingan Pengambilan keputusan Keterampilan bekerja kelompok

11 Manfaat ICT bagi Pendidikan
Peningkatan kecepatan layanan informasi yang integral, interaktif, lengkap, akurat dan mudah didapat. Memberikan pelayanan data dan informasi pendidikan secara terpadu. Menciptakan budaya transparan dan akuntabel. Merupakan media promosi pendidikan yang handal. Meningkatkan komunikasi dan interaksi baik secara lokal maupun internasional. Mengakses berbagai bahan ajar dari seluruh dunia, dan Meningkatkan efisiensi dari berbagai kegiatan pendidikan.

12 Awas setan maya! CYBER ETICS
Think Before You Click: Playing It Safe Online Awas setan maya!

13 LEARNER as producer, publisher, user, and reviewer
Internet Media Jejaring Sosial User: Download, Menggunakan Publisher: Upload, Mempublikasikan Reviewer: Menilai, Menyarankan Producer: Menulis, Merekam

14 Belajar Efektif Melalui TIK future learners, future learning
attributes strategies In our research we have begun to focus on ‘effective e-learners’, recognising that this is a complex concept. We don’t just mean learners who get high grades in an online course, but learners for whom learning technologies have a specific meaning and advantage. Many learners have extensive skills in the use of social software, in networking, and in sharing information online. Some even host their own web sites and create their own content, including podcasts. We know that institutions are poorly prepared for such learners (Conole 2006). Their skills, their willingness to experiment, their use of multiple personal technologies and their lack of respect for organisational boundaries all pose a challenge. Such adept users have an expectation of being able to access their favourite technologies within their place of learning and alongside the more formal technologies they are offered. However, their effectiveness is not just about access and skills. Increasingly we understand that effective e-learning involves complex strategies and sophisticated approaches, in which personal beliefs, values and motivations are also a factor. We have tried to represent these different aspects of the effective e-learner as a pyramid, rather like Maslow’s hierarchy of learning needs (MASLOW A (1987) Motivation and Personality (3rd edition) New York: Harper and Row)  skills access future learners, future learning

15 Belajar Efektif Melalui TIK future learners, future learning
attributes Melalui perangkat milik pribadi dan portabel, misalnya laptop, ponsel, pda, mp3 player, dan kamera digital Peserta didik memiliki akses ke alat yang relevan, sumber daya dan jasa dengan hambatan minimal, biaya murah, dan handal strategies Without reliable, convenient and cost-effective access to technologies and services, none of the other attributes of effective e-learners can be brought into play. The paper on ‘future learning’, associated with this presentation, speculates on the kinds of technology learners will expect to use in the near future. Perhaps the greatest organisational challenges are in supporting access to personal technologies within and alongside institutional systems. There are undoubtedly challenges to the integrity and identity of the institution in these apparently technical issues of access and integration. skills access future learners, future learning

16 Belajar Efektif Melalui TIK future learners, future learning
e-create e-collate e-collaborate e-investigate Siswa memiliki kesempatan untuk mengembangkan keterampilan praktek dalamkonteks, dan percaya diri menggunakan teknologi attributes strategies Learner experience studies show that the range of skills needed by effective e-learners go beyond technical ICT skills. Learners need opportunities to apply and practice these skills in different learning contexts, for different learning activities and objectives. Effective e-learners are categorised by Macdonald (2006) as e-writers, e-investigators and e-collaborators. These are certainly skills that effective e-learners will have mastered, but they fail to reflect how the new technologies are changing the nature of learning and knowledge. ‘e-create’ takes the idea of e-writing into other media besides text. E-collation is an essential new skill that Macdonald misses, but that forms the centrepiece of Siemens’ (2004) analysis of the ‘connectivist’ learner. Collation involves gathering of information nodes into new systems and networks, for example through tagging, mapping, modelling, editing and commenting, syndication, use of favourites, and the social software versions of the same (e.g. Social software is also to the fore in the development of new collaboration skills for learning, and e-investigation involves a host of search and research skills. Again these are explored in more detail in the accompanying paper. skills access future learners, future learning

17 Belajar Efektif Melalui TIK future learners, future learning
Systemic thinking Multiple ways of knowing Judgment Social entrepreneurialism Managing career paths Communication and collaboration skills (Seely Brown 2005) Siswa membuat pilihan memakai teknologi untuk belajar dan mengembangkan berbagai strategi sesuai situasi attributes strategies There is no clear demarcation between ‘skills’ and ‘strategies’, but the latter generally involve learners choosing from a repertoire of possible approaches. Tools, skills, social contacts and learning approaches are mixed and matched to suit immediate requirements or as part of an evolving personal ‘style’ of technology use. John Seely Brown (2005) is just one writer who has tried to characterise the evolving strategies of effective e-learners. Are these convincing? Are there others he has missed? skills Key dimensions of choice: Where I learn Who I learn with What technologies I learn with (LeXeL Phase II) access future learners, future learning

18 Belajar Efektif Melalui TIK
Digital pioneers Creative producers Everyday communicators Information gatherers (Green and Hannon 2007) Siswa menciptakan caranya sendiri dan aktif berpartisipasi dalam komunitas membangun dan berbagi pengetahuan attributes strategies Readiness Resourcefulness Resilience Remembering Reflecting (Higgins et al 2005) When strategies become unconscious through practice, they could be said to be fully appropriated. At this stage – maslow’s ‘self-actualisation’ – the learner has ‘creatively appropriated’ available technologies and learning opportunities to meet his/her own goals. At this stage, personal attributes and styles come to the fore, as do personal motivations for learning, and beliefs about both learning and technology. Learners will have their own reasons for how they choose to spend their time, which technologies they use in which situations, how social they are in their learning, how they manage and personalise the resources they need. Green & Hannon (2007) used this typology of learners: it has some apparent links with Seely Browns’ strategies: Digital pioneers were blogging before the phrase had been coined Creative producers are building websites, posting movies, photos and music to share with friends, family and beyond Everyday communicators are making their lives easier through texting and MSN Information gatherers are Google and Wikipedia addicts, ‘cutting and pasting’ as a way of life. A recent report on effective LEARNERS by Higgins et al (2005 – looking mainly at research in schools) concluded that five attributes stood out. Readiness, resourcefulness, resilience, remembering and reflecting can all be re-interpreted when new technologies are available to support them (for example e-portfolios, time management software on PDAs, memory sticks and so on). This approach ties our research into the long tradition of investigating what makes for effective learning and effective learners. Finally, we have taken some key terms from Owens et al (2007)’s FutureLab report into social software and the new demands it is placing on learners. None of these three approaches to understanding effective learners is necessarily more ‘right’ than the others, but they may be more useful in different contexts (e.g. Green and Hannon suggest a typology, while Higgins and Owen suggest attributes that all effective e-learners must expect to develop). skills access Attention Creativity Social participation Developing and projecting identities (based on Owens et al 2007)

19 BELAJAR Tantangan pengembangan lebih lanjut pembelajaran berbasis ICT
Media Komunikasi (radio, television) Mesin Informasi (komputer) Teknologi, telekomunikasi dan Network (satelit, fiber optik, dll)‏

Convergence well prepare sharing dan akses Kolaborasi dan networking terintegrasi dengan konteks mempublikasikan karya dan berbagi pengalaman Transparansi think about thinking Camera Desk Dairy SMS/Text MP3 Audio Television Video Radio/Alarm Internet Music Composer “Learn 365 days, 24 hours – place and time-independent” virtual classroom kapan saja, di mana saja & dengan siapa saja M-learning (dgn gatget) U-Learning: Education for a Mobile Generation

21 Dengan TIK jadilah otodidak yg lebih hebat lagi
Autodidacticism (also autodidactism) is self-education or self-directed learning Socrates, Descartes, Ibnu Sina, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Alva Edison, adalah autodidacts Di Indonesia, dg buku Agus Salim, Adam Malik, Buya Hamka, dll Dengan TIK jadilah otodidak yg lebih hebat lagi Cak Kandar melukis

22 Virtual-Generation (V-Generation)
BELAJAR KINI Pembelajaran Millennium Sekarang; Lancar menggunakan media, Lebih kolektif & belajar berbagi, Lebih realistis & kontekstual, Lebih non-linear Lebih terampil menggunakan simbol Banyak mengekstrak informasi dari gambar Freedom of action learning Motivation and involvement (digital native) (digital imigrant) (digital tourist) Virtual-Generation (V-Generation) Suka game komputer Masyarakat virtual

23 APA TINDAKAN KITA? Peluang TIK kita manfaatkan untuk: akses berbagai budaya unggul Tantangan TIK kita hindari: budaya instan, konsumtif, sikap negatif dan destruktif Marilah kita ajak anak-anak kita memanfaatkan Twitter, Facebook dan Friendster untuk hal-hal yang positif, untuk saling berbagi Informasi dan untuk tetap menggali Nilai-nilai Luhur Pancasila Memanfaatkan internet secara sehat & beretika (nettiquette) (a) tidak bersentuhan dengan pornografi, (b) tidak melakukan plagiasi, dan (c) tidak terus menerus main games/online

24 Terima Kasih Dr. Purwanto
HP: Terima Kasih


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