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Keteknikan Hutan Kuliah II Kuliah 2.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Keteknikan Hutan Kuliah II Kuliah 2."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Keteknikan Hutan Kuliah II Kuliah 2

2                     Bahasan Kuliah II Posisi Keteknikan Hutan/ Pembukaan Wilayah Hutan (PWH) dalam Pengelolaan Hutan Urgency PWH Jenis-jenis PWH Beberapa hal lain yang berkaitan dengan perkuliahan

3 Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari (paradigma lama)
                    Pengelolaan Hutan Lestari (paradigma lama) Cotta dkk (Abad 17) – sustainable yield principle – timber resources Hans Carl von Carlowitz (1713) – concern for the future European forests G.L. Hartig (1804): Every wise forest director has to have evaluated the forest stands without losing time, to utilize them to the greatest possible extent, but still in a way that future generation will have at least as much as benefit as the living generation”

4                     Konteks Masa Kini Isu kerusakan hutan dan lingkungan: environmental-related hysteria (Ottman, 1998) Pemanenan hasil hutan termasuk kegiatan yang bisa menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan hutan, bahkan dipandang sebagai salah satu penyebab kerusakan hutan


6 Konsensus tentang pengelolaan hutan lestari (paradigma baru)
                    The Bruntland Report (WCED, 1987): "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Economic Social Environmental

7 Kaitannya dengan pemanenan
                    1. FAO Council (1988): - Environmentally non-degrading - Economically viable - Socially acceptable - Technically appropriate 2. UNCED, 1992 – Agenda 21, Chapter 11 “Combating Deforestation” Efficient utilization of forest resources 3. FAO Model Code of Forest Harvesting (1996) Environmentally-sound forest harvesting practices

8 PWH dalam C&I International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO)
                    International Tropical Timber Organization (ITTO) Criterion 4: Forest production 4.5 a existence and implementation of forest harvesting/ operation plans Criterion 6: Soil and water protection 6.4 Procedures for forest engineering, including: (a) drainage requirements; (b) conservation of buffer strips along streams and rivers; (c) protection of soils from compaction by harvesting machinery; and (d) protection of soil from erosion during harvesting operations Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) Principle 6: Environmental Impact Criterion 6.5: Written guidelines shall be prepared and implemented to: control erosion; minimize forest damage during harvesting, road construction, and all other mechanical disturbances; and protect water resources

9                     Jenis-jenis PWH Lewat Sungai Lewat Udara Lewat Darat

10                     Lewat Sungai


12                     Karakteristik Murah Mudah Tergantung alam

13                     Lewat Udara


15 Lewat Udara                    


17 Karakteristik Mahal Hanya cocok untuk kayu mahal
                    Karakteristik Mahal Hanya cocok untuk kayu mahal Cocok untuk lokasi remote dan sulit Cocok untuk kayu-kayu besar dan berat JARANG DIGUNAKAN

18 Lewat Darat Cukup mahal
                    Cukup mahal Kemungkinan berdampak negatif terhadap lingkungan sangat besar Bisa diintegrasikan untuk kegiatan lain dan pengembangan wilayah PALING BANYAK DIGUNAKAN


20                     PWH lewat darat Konsekuensi dari perencanaan dan pembuatan jalan yang tidak benar: Biaya tinggi Sedimentasi yang berlebihan Erosi tanah yang berlebihan Berpotensi untuk memicu tanah longsor


22 dan sampai jumpa minggu depan……
                    Terima kasih dan sampai jumpa minggu depan……

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