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Product & Brand.

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1 Product & Brand

2 Definitions Product Anything offered to a market for attention, acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Service A form of product that consists of activities, benefits or satisfactions offered for sale that are essentially intangible and do not result in the ownership of anything.

3 What is a Product? Products, Services, and Experiences
Market offerings may consist of a combination of goods and services Experiences are used to differentiate offerings Levels of Product and Services Core benefit, actual and augmented product Product and Service Classifications Consumer products and industrial products

4 Types of Consumer Products
What is a Product? Types of Consumer Products Frequent purchases bought with minimal buying effort and little comparison shopping Low price Widespread distribution Mass promotion by producer Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought

5 Types of Consumer Products
What is a Product? Less frequent purchases More shopping effort for comparisons. Higher than convenience good pricing Selective distribution in fewer outlets Advertising and personal selling Types of Consumer Products Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought

6 Types of Consumer Products
What is a Product? Types of Consumer Products Strong brand preference and loyalty, requires special purchase effort, little brand comparisons, and low price sensitivity High price Exclusive distribution Carefully targeted promotions Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought

7 Types of Consumer Products
What is a Product? Types of Consumer Products Little product awareness and knowledge (or if aware, sometimes negative interest) Pricing varies Distribution varies Aggressive advertising and personal selling by producers and resellers Convenience Shopping Specialty Unsought

8 Product and Service Classifications
Consumer products Industrial products Materials and parts Capital items Supplies and services

9 Product and Service Classifications
Organizations, persons, places, and ideas Organizational marketing makes use of corporate image advertising Person marketing applies to political candidates, entertainment sports figures, and professionals Place marketing relates to tourism Social marketing promotes ideas

10 Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions Product attributes Quality, features, style and design Branding Packaging Labeling Product support services Individual Product Product Line Product Mix

11 Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions Product line A group of products that are closely related because they may: function in a similar manner be sold to the same customer groups, be marketed through the same types of outlets fall within given price ranges Individual Product Product Line Product Mix

12 Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions Product line length Line stretching: adding products that are higher or lower priced than the existing line Line filling: adding more items within the present price range Individual Product Product Line Product Mix

13 Product and Service Decisions
Key Decisions Product mix Also known as product assortment Consists of all the product lines and items that a particular seller offers for sale Individual Product Product Line Product Mix

14 Strategi produk : dua tingkat kebijakan
Strategi Lini produk. Strategi Bauran Produk

15 Strategi pada tingkatan lini produk
Menambah produk baru di dalam lini. Cost Reduction. Product Improvement. Mengganti Strategi pemasaran produk seperti merubah pasar sasaran dan positioning produk. Product Elimination. Dilakukan jika strategi cost reduction, product improvement dan strategi pemasaran tidak memungkinkan lagi.

16 Strategi pada tingkatan Bauran produk
Menambah lini produk. Mengurangi lini produk. Merubah prioritas lini produk

17 Product VS Brand A product is anything that can be offered to the market for attention , acquisition, use, or consumption that might satisfy a need or want. Thus, a product can be a physical good, service, organization, place or ideas. A brand is a product but adds other dimensions that differentiate it in some way from other products designed to satisfy the same need. 17

18 What is a Brand? A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. 18 1

19 Examples of brands of computer products
19 JeWWave (Thailand) Co.,Ltd. All rights reserved. Best view by IE5.5 or higher, Set screen in 1024 x768 pixels mode.

20 Brand Elements A variety of brand elements can be chosen that inherently enhance brand awareness or facilitate the formation of strong, favorable, and unique brand associations: Brand Name Logo Symbol Character Packaging Slogan 20 20

21 Brand Mark

22 Logo/Name

23 23

24 Why do brand matter? To consumers
Identification of sources of product Assignment of responsibility to product maker. Risk reducer (functional, financial, physical, social, psycological and time) Search cost reducer Symbolic device Signal of quality Promise or bond with product or maker 24

25 Why do brand matter? To Manufacturer
Means of identification to simplifying handling and tracing. Means of legally protecting unique feature. Signal of quality Means of endowing products with unique associations. Sources of competitive advantage Sources of financial returns. 25

26 Branding Challenges & Opportunities
Knowledgeable consumers. Brand Proliferation Media Fragmentation Increased competition Increased costs of introducing new product or supporting existing product. Greater accountability 26

27 Brand Elements Choice Criteria: General Considerations
Memorable Easily Recognized Easily Recalled Meaningful Credible & Suggestive Rich Visual & Verbal Imagery Appealing Fun & Interesting Aesthetics 27 21

28 Brand Elements Choice Criteria: General Considerations (continue)
Adaptable Flexible & Updateable Protectable Legally Competitively Transferable Within & Across Product Categories Across Geographical Boundaries & Cultures 28 21

29 Can anything be branded?
Physical goods Services Retailers On-line product On-line service People Organization Sports, Arts, Entertainment Geographic location Ideas 29

30 Brand Value Examples of brand value 2001 ( Million US$) Coca-cola 69
Microsoft 65 IBM 52 GE 42 Nokia 35 Intel 34 Disney 32 McDonald 25 Sony 15 Honda 14 BMW 13 30

31 Keys to enduring Brand Leadership
Vision of mass market Managerial persistence Financial commitment Relentless innovation Asset Leverage 31

32 tingkatan arti/makna dari suatu merek produk
Atribut. Manfaat. Nilai. Budaya. Kepribadian. Pengguna.

33 Creating Good Brand Suggest something about product benefit
Suggest product quality Easy to pronounce ,recognize & remember Distinctive Carry appropriate symbolism Culturally sensitive Source : Kotler, Philip & Team, Marketing Management : An Asia Perspective

34 Aspek dalam strategi dan manajemen merek
Brand Equity. Brand Identification Strategy. Brand Leveraging Strategy. Brand System Management.

35 Brand Equity Seperangkat aset dan liabilitas merek yang menambah atau mengurangi nilai yang diberikan oleh sebuah barang atau jasa kepada perusahaan atau para pelanggan perusahaan.

36 Aset dan dan liabilitas yang menjadi dasar ekuitas merek
Brand Loyalty. Brand Awarennes. Perceived Quality. Brand Assosiation. Asset merek lainnya seperti paten, cap, saluran hubungan dan lainnya.

37 Brand Equity Awareness Loyalty Competitive Perceived Advantage Quality
Associations For more see: Aaker, David A. (1995), Strategic Market Management, 4th ed., Wiley, NY

38 The Concept of Customer-Based Brand Equity
Brand Salience Brand awareness Feeling Judgment Brand Imagery Brand Performance Resonance Brand Relationship (What about you and me?) Brand response (What about you?) Brand Meaning (what are you?) Brand Identity (Who are you?) 38 12

39 Brand Identification Strategy
Bagaimana setiap produk yang ada di dalam perusahaan diberi merek. Strategi-strategi ini meliputi : Specific Product Branding. Memberikan nama merek untuk produk tertentu dengan cara yang beragam. Product Line Branding. Memebrikan suatu nama merek untuk satu lini produk yang berkaitan. Corporate Branding. Menggunakan nama perusahaan sebagai nama merek untuk produk yang dijual. Combination Branding. Mengkombinasikan strategi di atas. Private Branding. Strategi pengecer untuk menjual produk yang diperoleh dari pemasok dengan nama merek sendiri.

40 Brand Leveraging Strategy
Menggunakan nama merek yang sudah ada sekarang untuk memperkenalkan produk lainnya di dalam perusahaan. Strategi ini dapat dilakukan dalam bentuk : Line Extension. Menggunakan merek lini produk untuk produk produk baru yang yang ada di dalam lini. Seperti BMW memilki BMW300, BMW500 dan BMW700. Stretching the Brand Vertically. Strategi ini dimaksudkan untuk memberikan nama merek untuk produk sejenis yang dibuat secara bertingkat dalam hal kualitas/harga. Brand Extension. Menggunakan nama merek produk perusahaan yang ada sekrang untuk produk baru di lini yang berbeda atau untuk lini produk baru. Cobranding. Strategi yang menggunakan dua nama merek untuk mempromosi suatu produk. Licensing. Menggunakan nama merek melalui lisensi

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