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Graphic Standard Manual

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Presentasi berjudul: "Graphic Standard Manual"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Graphic Standard Manual
Brand identity session.10. November 13.07 Graphic Standard Manual Prepared by: Jacky Cahyadi, S.Sn.

2 Graphic Standards Manual can be slim and concise or multipaged
behemoths, depending on the personality and needs of the client, Whether they’re printed and bound pieces or whether they exist only on the client’s intranet, identity guidelines are the key to consistent use of a logo.- Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

3 What is Graphic Standard Manual?
Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

4 The brand identity visual system
basic guidelines to get consistent used or implementation of a logo. Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

5 example Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

6 example Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

7 example Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

8 Graphic Standards Manual
Anatomy of Graphic Standards Manual Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

9 CEO Letters Berisi gambaran singkat perusahaan klien anda, visi dan misi, strength point
perusahaan dan lain-lainnya Brand Image Message berisi pesan singkat citra/image yang ingin diciptakan dari perancangan identitas perusahaan klien anda How to Use This Manual berisi panduan teknis cara membaca dan menggunakan GSM ini untuk membantu di dalam implementasi identitas logo perusahaan klien anda A. Introduction Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

10 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10
example CEO Letters

11 B. Primary Identity Elements
Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

12 Brand Overview Tampilan keseluruhan redesain logo
The Mark: Logogram and/or Logotype berisi pembedahan logo berdasarkan logotype dan/atau logogram* dan tampilan logo dalam hitam-putih Typography berisi panduan jenis typeface yang digunakan dalam sistem identitas perusahaan klien anda Color Palette berisi panduan warna yang digunakan dalam identitas logo berupa CMYK dan RGB, atau Pantone color Grids berisi panduan mekanis dan teknis penciptaan logo Shape** berisi panduan bidang dasar pembentuk logo Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10 **A good Logo will involve a shape that is appropriate and memorable. Shape is at the core of mnemonic value (Circle, Ellipse, Triangle, Rectangle, Squares, and other unique shapes that are equally successful)

13 Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang putih.
Image/Iconography berisi panduan image ataupun ilustrasi yang dipakai sebagai pendukung Logo/identitas. Minimum Clear Area berisi panduan jarak sisi-sisi logo terluar dengan bidang kertas Staging Requirements Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang putih. Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang hitam. Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang warna logo. Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang colorful (bright and dark color). Penerapan warna logo dengan latar belakang image. Sizing berisi panduan ukuran logo hingga terkecil kurang lebih 20 x 20 mm Acceptable Usage (bila ada) berisi panduan penerapan modifikasi logo, apabila ada efek, cut graphic, atau croppin, dll Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

14 example Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10 Sizing

15 example Typography Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

16 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

17 B. Selected Identity Applications
Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

18 Contents: business card, Stofmap, letterhead, Stempel
STATIONERY Contents: business card, Stofmap, letterhead, Stempel amplop surat, Alat tulis (bolpoin, pensil, etc), Fax Voice notes/memo, invoice, ID card/name tag ENVIRONMENTS (SIGNAGE INTERIOR and EXTERIOR) Penanda navigasi baik yang terpasang pada interior maupun eksterior [ex: Sign Open-Close, EXIT, Free Parking, Company Signboard, Push-Pull Door, Board of Director Signs. VEHICLES Sarana atau fasilitas Transportasi yang dibutuhkan oleh perusahaan (ex: FedEx memiliki mobil operasional pengiriman berupa station wagon dengan aplikasi logo FedEx di mobilnya). Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

19 Seragam karyawan atau pegawai (seragam pria dan wanita)
UNIFORMS Seragam karyawan atau pegawai (seragam pria dan wanita) PROMOTIONAL TOOLS Print Advertising (Bagaimana implementasi logo pada media-media iklan seperti Billboard, Full Page Print Ad, Direct mail, etc) Below The Line Promotion Activity (Banner, Poster, Flyer, Flag Chain, etc) Merchandise (Payung, Gantungan Kunci, Topi, Mug,Jam Dinding, T-Shirt, Post card etc) Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

Merancang sebuah profile tentang perusahaan klien anda dalam bentuk buku yang memiliki content: CEO Letters (Sambutan dari Direktur Perusahaan) History of Company (Who, When, Where, Why, and How). Visi dan Misi Perusahaan Achievements Produk atau Jasa yang ditawarkan Fasilitas-fasilitas yang dimiliki Informasi Perusahaan baik kantor pusat maupun cabang (bila ada), dan sebagainya. Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

21 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

22 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

23 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

24 Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

25 example Signage Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

26 example Vehicles Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

27 example Uniform Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

28 example Stationery Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

29 C. Additional Information
Contact Person and Information (Who should someone call when they are confused about usage) Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

30 Creating a great graphic standards manual can be a long and
difficult job, but effectively launching and rolling out a new logo and identity system requires an intelligent set of standards and guidelines. Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

31 A client who values design and understands
its impact on business will invest in a design consultant to manage a well-planned identity rollout. This will save time, money, confusion, and frustration. And it will maintain the desired message in other hands. A designer should always include the Development of a graphic standards manual as a separate line item in proposals for an identity project. Visual Communication Design 02 .session.10

32 Thank You for your attention
and see you next week

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