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Toward Sustainable Island Case Study : Untung Jawa Island

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Presentasi berjudul: "Toward Sustainable Island Case Study : Untung Jawa Island"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Toward Sustainable Island Case Study : Untung Jawa Island
Lead Cohort 15 Group Project

2 OUTLINE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Background Project
Objective of Concept Development 2 Sustainable Development vs Sustainable Island 3 Visioning Untung Jawa Island 2030 4 Mapping Issues 5 Analysis & Recommendation 6 Conclusion 7

3 Background Project Indonesia as archipelago consisting more than 17,000 islands – mostly made of small islands – and each of them has its own potential, include not fully- explored natural resources. These could become the source for future economic growth. Unlike the big islands, small islands in Indonesia tend to be under developed. The under developed islands have lots of issues, such as clean water sources, land use, waste management, nature conservation, and limited resources. Therefore solutions for those issues need to explored. The solutions should consider the local characteristics of each island (culture, geography, climate, and other local potential) Sustainable Island becomes relevant and integrates three bottom lines of development (economy, social, and environment) The study of Toward Sustainable Island :Case Study of Untung Jawa Island is a concept which has been developed by Lead Associate Cohort 15. Lead Associate Cohort 15 aims to provide alternative development concept for small islands in Indonesia by emphasizing the balance of economy, social, and environment align with marine and fisheries development policy based on green economy principles in Indonesia (pro poor, pro job, pro growth and pro enviroment)

4 Objective of Concept Development
Mapping the issues related sustainable development for small islands in Indonesia, Developing sustainable island concept for small island in Indonesia by maximizing local potential, improving the quality of coastal biodiversity, and increasing the quality of life of local people Identifying baseline indicators and measure improvement gaps to develop green economy recommendations towards Sustainable island

Based on Our Common Future, UN, 1987: Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs  Sustainable development should be ‘economically viable’, ‘socially just’, ‘environmentally sound’. SUSTAINABLE ISLAND: Sustainable Island living personalizes a process that enables everybody to enjoy a decent living and a good quality of life in terms of satisfying their needs (economic, social, ecological and cultural) and creates an enabling environment for the future generation to fulfill its aspirations. … addresses the control and distribution of resources and the decentralization of decision-making. Furthermore, it is based on core values such as a culture of partnership based on shared vision, good governance, autonomy of the community, and participatory approaches. CONCEPT PAPER ON SUSTAINABLE ISLAND LIVING - AIMS CIVIL SOCIETY PLATFORM. CEDREFI, Republic of Mauritius. From Sustainable Island Living to Sustainable Development: Time for Action ( SustIslLivconcept06.pdf)

6 Green Economy “the process of reconfiguring businesses and infrastructure to deliver better returns on natural, human and economic capital investments, while at the same time reducing greenhouse gas emissions, extracting and using less natural resources, creating less waste and reducing social disparities”. – UNEP “Green Economy is economic development model with the objective to balance the interdependency between human, natural ecosystems and economic activities with the challenge of climate change and global warming” – Indonesian Ministry of Environment Indonesia’s triple track strategy for improving prosperity (Bappenas) : Pro-growth : Pro-poor: Pro-job Pro-environment to anticipate climate change

7 Vision of Untung Jawa Island 2030
Vision of Kepulauan Seribu district: “Ladang dan Taman Kehidupan Bahari yang Berkelanjutan” “Islands of sustainable livelihood and marine park” Vision of Pulau Untung Jawa: “Pulau Pemukiman Wisata Bahari yang Berkelanjutan” “Sustainable marine eco-tourism island” Vision proposed by LEAD Associates Cohort 15 : “Pulau Pemukiman Wisata Bahari yang sehat secara ekonomi (economically viable), terjadi keseimbangan ekologis dan kualitas keanekaragaman hayati pesisir dan laut (ecological carrying capacity), serta tingginya kualitas hubungan social (social capital)” “Sustainable marine eco-tourism island that is economically viable, ecological and social capital balanced”

8 Overview Untung Jawa Island
Untung Jawa Island is one of the islands in Kepulauan Seribu, with unleashed potentials in fisheries, mass tourism, creative industries and yet alarming issues in environment, social and economic aspects Accessibility:Untung Jawa Island is only 30 minutes away or 2 kilometres from Tanjung Pasir Harbour, Tangerang, Banten or only one hour away or 2.8 kilometres from Muara Angke Harbour, North Jakarta Population: 553 household Number of house: 333 The boundary of Untung Island is as follow: North : Pari island and Panggang island East : Kabupaten Bekasi South : West Jakarta and North Jakarta West : Kabupaten Tangerang

9 Map of Untung Jawa Island

10 Indicators for a Sustainable Island
Environment Economy Social Amount of solid waste (ton/year) Amount of effluent (cubic/year) Average fuel consumption for boat transportation (liter/year) Average percentage of island spatial planning (green area vs housing settlement) Average amount of water consumption (cubic/year) Demographic data (population, gender, profession) Average revenue per year Number of economic facility Amount of business investment (rupiah/year) Jumlah komoditi laut yang dihasilkan nelayan lokal (kg/tahun) luasan dan jumlah unit budidaya laut di perairan sekitar Jumlah Budidaya Ikan Menurut Jenisnya Jumlah operator wisata/pengelola wisata Jumlah fasilitas akomodasi Jumlah kunjungan wisatawan (domestik & internasional) GDP Jumlah penduduk berdasarkan usia (produktif – non produktif) (orang/tahun) Jumlah fasilitas pendidikan (dasar hingga atas) Jumlah penduduk berdasarkan mata pencaharian (orang/tahun) Jumlah rata-rata pendapatan penduduk (rupiah/orang/tahun)

11 Issues Mapping of Untung Jawa Island
Sector Issue Remark Economy Volatile Pricing for goods and services (kuadran 2) High dependency on external resources Fluctuative fuel pricing No local warehouse for basic needs Imbalance economy growth with carrying capacity – Green GDP (kuadran 2) Despite good economic growth (8% per year), the long-term impact on social and environmental condition will be severe Resource quality to support economic growth Limited access which inhibits future economic growth - transportation capacity (kuadran 4) Limitation of transportation infrastructure for economy activity inter-islands.

12 Issues Mapping of Untung Jawa Island
Sector Issue Remark Environment Waste (kuadran 2) Effluent Solid waste from 13 rivers Coral reef ecosystem destruction Abrasion (kuadran 2) The decrease of green area at the southern part of the island Fresh water sources (kuadran 2) Limited source of fresh water Highly dependent on RO installation

13 Issues Mapping of Untung Jawa Island
Sector Issue Remark Social Limited access of drinking water (kuadran 2) Potential fresh water crisis due to RO operation disruption Potential health issue associated with water quality Limited higher education facility (kuadran 1) Higher cost inhibits people to higher education Population (kuadran 4) Existing number of people already higher than carrying capacity provided (esp. water, illegal settlement)

14 Issues based on systems
Problem Analysis Objective Indicator Recommendation/alternative solution Pertumbuhan populasi - society Pertambahan penduduk yang tidak terkendali akan mempengaruhi carrying capacity pulau Pengendalian populasi dikaitkan dengan pendapatan lokal (PAD)  berkaitan dengan supply dan demand pangan Perlunya pembatasan jumlah turis pengendalian populasi pengaturan dan pengawasan tata guna lahan Jumlah penduduk pulau untung jawa desity index Angka kelahiran Angka kematian Regulasi pembatasan kelahiran reviving KB Program Limbah Jakarta - environment Large amount of solid waste & domestic effluents fm 13-polluted-rivers flowing from Jakarta into Teluk Jakarta & Kepulauan Seribu Demand community-based environmental quality improvement & preservation in mainland Jabodetabek XX% solid waste & domestic effluents from 13-rivers flowing from Jakarta decreased Policy advocacy & development to the Governments of Jakarta & Bodetabek for clean rivers program Training government on waste managementnt plan Training Community for composting & recycling waste to energy scheme waste to business Infrastruktur Transportation - economy Pertambahan penduduk menyebabkan meningkatnya kebutuhan akan transporasi Jumlah dan infrastruktur transportasi yang ada saat ini belum mencukupi kebutuhan Penyediaan sistem transportasi yang efektif (jumlah, infrastruktur, moda, kapasitas, frekuensi transportasi) Pengaturan jadwal dan tujuan sesuai load factor passanger Pengaturan jadwal berdasarkan trend passanger Penyediaan moda transportasi Membangun depo bahan kebutuhan dasar rumah tangga

15 Recommendation Green Economy of Sustainable Islands
- Environment Aspect - Pengelolaan DAS di daerah hulu Jabodetabek dan pesisir Kementerian Kehutanan c CSO Penertiban pemanfaatan daerah sekitar DAS (permukiman kumuh, dll) Pemerintah Kabupaten & Provinsi Kementerian PU Rehabilitasi lahan kritis pada DAS Peningkatan kapasitas para pemangku kepentingan yang hidup di sekitar DAS dalam pengelolaan dan pembuangan limbah/sampah Kementrian Perencanaan Kelautan dan Perikanan Masyarakat Lokal Penerapan insentif dan disinsentif akan pengelolaan DAS kepada para pemangku kepentingan Kementerian LH Tujuan : Berkurangnya aliran sampah dari Jabotabek ke Pulau Untung Jawa sebesar xx% Ketua Masyarakat Swasta

16 Recommendation Green Economy of Sustainable Islands - Economy Aspect -
Angkutan Sungai, Danau dan Penyeberangan Kementerian/Dinas Perhubungan Strategy and coordination across sectors c Law and regulation enforcement NGO/LSM Dinas Perdagangan Sistem penjadwalan transportasi Infrastructure development Swasta Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata / PemProv Membangun depo bahan kebutuhan dasar rumah tangga Koperasi Masyarakat Tujuan : Penyediaan sistem transportasi yang efektif (jumlah, infrastruktur, moda, kapasitas, frekuensi transportasi) Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum

17 Recommendation Green Economy of Sustainable Islands - Social Aspect -
Kementerian Kesehatan NGO/LSM c Family planning and Migration Control BKKBN Private company Education & Outreach Masyarakat Lokal Health Facilities / KB Departemen Sosial Birth Regulation & Incentives Ketua Masyarakat Kementrian Lingkungan Hidup Tujuan : Pengendalian Populasi di Pulau Untung Jawa Departemen Pendidikan Nasional

18 Conclusion CHANGE! YES, WE CAN!
To achieve the following objectives in Pulau Untung Jawa: To decrease waste flow from Jabodetabek to Pulau Untung Jawa To promote effective transportation mechanism To improve population control continuous improvement is highly needed using holistic multi-stakeholder approaches Untapped potentials must be unleash through strengthened Ownership and Leadership, based on green economy pillars: pro-job, pro-poor, pro-growth and pro-environment LEAD Associate Cohort 15 will take concrete roles i.e. leverage C15 expertise to support sustainable plan in Pulau Untung Jawa Present & discuss the recommendation to local government & stakeholders Immediate activity: community-based activities for mangrove replantation CHANGE! YES, WE CAN!

19 Thank You !

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