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Presentasi berjudul: "MASTER OF TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING PROGRAM."— Transcript presentasi:



3  Admitted students status:  S2  S2 through bridging (S2+)  Minimum SKS to graduate  S2 : 37 SKS  Through bridging: vary, at max 48 SKS  To be a master  IP (GPA) >= 2,75  There are no Ds,Es, and Ts

4 Curriculum  Mandatory Courses (ITB):  ET5099 Metoda Penelitian 3SKS  ET 6099 Tesis 6 SKS  Bridging courses  ET5280 Jaringan Telekomunikasi 2 SKS  ET5281 Sistem Komunikasi 2 SKS  ET5282 Sistem Komunikasi II 2 SKS  ET5283 Komunikasi Data 2 SKS  ET5284 Rekayasa Trafik Telekomunikasi 2 SKS  ET5285 Pemrosesan Sinyal 2 SKS  ET5286 Elektronika Komunikasi dan Gelombang Mikro 2 SKS  ET5287 Antena & Propagasi Gelombang 2 SKS  ET5288 Sistem Komunikasi Optik 2 SKS  ET5289 Medan Elektromagnetik II 2 SKS  Total SKS bridging : 12 SKS

5 New Paradigm in Telecomm. Industry Regulation & Telecommunication Policy Telecom Economics & Revenue Assurance IP-based Infrastrcuture & Optical Network Cellular Comm System Data Communication Business Data Comm & Net. Telecom Services & System Planning Telecom Project Management Multimedia Comm System Broadcast satellite & Terestrial Example of relevant courses in the program 5

6 Streams in Telecommunication Master Program  Telematics and Services  Telecommunication Networking & Security  Wireless & Mobile Communication  Radar and Observation Technology

7 Common Mandatory Courses for All Streams  ET5181 Jaringan Antrian (Queueing Network)  ET5182 Sistem Observasi (Observation System)  ET5184 Teori Informasi dan Pengkodean Sumber (Information Theory and Source Coding)  ET5099 Metoda Penelitian (Research Method)  ET6099 Thesis

8 Mandatory Courses for Telematics & Services Stream  ET5083 Sistem Komunikasi Multimedia,  ET5068 Ekonomi Telekomunikasi dan Jaminan Revenue,  ET5069 Regulasi dan Kebijakan Telekomunikasi,  ET5066 Manajemen Proyek Layanan Telekomunikasi,  ET5082 Sistem Komunikasi Satelit, Terestrial dan Broadcast,  ET5087 Manajemen Jaringan Telekomunikasi  IF5232 Pemrograman Beorientasi Objek

9 Economics, Business ( Finance, Operations, HR )

10 Mandatory Courses for Telecommunication Networking & Security Stream  ET5187 Jaringan Telekomunikasi Lanjut,  ET5086 Jaringan Komunikasi Data,  ET5085 Keamanan Jaringan Telekomunikasi,  ET5088 Infrastruktur berbasis IP dan Jaringan Optik

11 Mandatory Courses for Wireless and Mobile Communication Stream  ET5183 Sistem Komunikasi Digital Lanjut,  ET5185 Pengolahan Sinyal Secara Statistik,  ET5186 Teori Pengkodean Kanal,  ET5188 Sistem Komunikasi Nir-Kawat

12 Mandatory Courses for Radar and Observation Technology Stream  ET5185 Pengolahan Sinyal Secara Statistik,  ET5180 Elektromagnetika,  ET5084 Sistem Radar, Navigasi dan Telemetri Recommended Electives  ET6180 Desain Rangkaian RF Berbantuan Komputer  ET6181 Metoda Komputasi untuk Gelombang Mikro  ET6182 Sistem Antena  ET5065 Pengolahan Sinyal II  ET5089 Wavelet & Analisis Multiresolusi  ET6083 Topik Khusus Pengolahan Sinyal

13 Electives  Choose number of electives by your own to fullfil your minimum number of SKS  There are two kinds of electives courses  Electives from telecommunication courses  Non-telecommuniation electives courses, maximum 6 SKS

14 Telecommunication Electives


16 Non-telecommunication electives (samples)

17 ITB – TU Delft Double Degree Program

18 Objective  Aimed at the following application fields:  Electromagnetic Research  Wireless and Mobile Communications  Network Architecture  Observation Technology

19 Admission Requirements  BSc degree or Sarjana Teknik (ST) / Sarjana Sains (SSi) from an accredited university  GPA >= 3.0  TOEFL >= 550 or IELTS Overall Band score >= 6.5  Transcript  Curriculum Vitae  Letters of reference  A letter of intension  Interview

20 The Curriculum  The program comprises of 4 semesters (2 years), for which the first year is carried out at ITB and the second year at TU Delft.





25  Page di FB: S2 Teknik Telekomunikasi STEI ITB  Wordpress:


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