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Bambang Riyanto, LP4-ITB

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Presentasi berjudul: "Bambang Riyanto, LP4-ITB"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Bambang Riyanto, LP4-ITB

2 Perkembangan Internet, Mobile Computing & Social Networks

3 Revolusi Digital & Generasi-C (http://www. briansolis

4 Pengguna Internet di Indonesia (http://www. internetworldstats
YEAR Users Population % Pen. GDP p.c.* Usage Source 2000 2,000,000 206,264,595 1.0 % US$ 570 ITU 2007 20,000,000 224,481,720 8.9 % US$ 1,916 2008 25,000,000 237,512,355 10.5 % US$ 2,238 APJII 2009 30,000,000 240,271,522 12.5 % US$ 2,329 2010 242,968,342 12.3 % US$ 2,858

5 “John Hennessy : Risk Taker”, IEEE Spectrum, April 2012
In June Hennessy will receive the 2012 IEEE Medal of Honor “for pioneering the RISC processor architecture and for leadership in computer engineering and higher education.” I’m a believer in online technology in education. I think we have learned enough about this to understand that it will be transformative. It’s going to change the world, and it’s going to change the way we think about education.

6 Pengalaman Univ. Stanford
1990s : kuliah online melalui Internet 2009 : aplikasi iPhone untuk kuliah Pemrograman, diunduh oleh lebih dari 1 juta kali 2010 : mengembangkan alat bantu untuk memproduksi, mendistribusikan, dan memungkinkan social networking untuk kuliah online 2011 : lebih dari siswa di seluruh dunia mengambil matakuliah online: Machine Learning Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Introduction to Databases.

7 “John Hennessy : Risk Taker”, IEEE Spectrum, April 2012
“The biggest way this could go wrong is if we assume that we can fully automate this, if we think that we can throw students in front of terminals, that we don’t need any live instructors anywhere, that students can be totally successful without ever talking to anybody. I think this is a model that will leave many students behind”

8 “John Hennessy : Risk Taker”, IEEE Spectrum, April 2012
“Because the Internet enables everybody to be a publisher, we could have a lot of things out there that are of lesser quality. Will people be able to distinguish quality in online education? This isn’t resolved” “But online education is going to happen; it’s not going to wipe everything else out, but it is going to happen. We have to embrace it.”

9 Pembelajaran Online Mode pembelajaran Teknologi Sinkron Asinkron
Internet Web Blog Video conferencing, video streaming Chat Social network Cloud computing Learning management system (mis. Moodle)

10 Online vs Tatap-muka Online Tatap-muka
Materi pelajaran mudah diakses kapan saja, dimana saja Dapat disesuaikan dengan kecepatan belajar (memahami) siswa Materi kuliah mudah diupdate Biaya murah Melayani siswa dlm jumlah besar Tatap-muka Perhatian langsung Interaktif Responsif

11 Blended Learning A new educational paradigm that integrates the strengths of face-to-face and online learning A design approach whereby both face-to-face and online learning are made better by the presence of the other D.R. Garrison & N.D. Vaughan, Blended Learning in Higher Education : Framework, Principles and Guidelines, John Wiley& Sons, 2008

12 Merancang Blended Learning
Mengintegrasikan dg cermat pembelajaran melalui tatap-muka dengan online Merancang ulang kuliah untuk mengoptimalkan keterlibatan siswa Merestrukturisasi class contact hours

13 Aplikasi Blendedlearning :: ITB

14 Mobile Learning

15 Statistik Pengguna (April 2012)
Quantity ITB Active Internet User 3261 user , 6451 peak ITB Blendedlearning Member User ITB Kuliah Online Member user ITB Blendedlearning Daily Visitor 651 user , 1200 peak ITB Kuliah Online Daily Visitor 311 user, 636 peak ITB Praktum PTI Online Daily Visitor 207 user

16 Statistik Kuliah (April 2012)
NAMA SERVER E-LEARNING JML MATA KULIAH E-LEARNING ITB Blendedlearning Matakuliah 264 Mata Kuliah ITB Kuliah Online 425 Mata Kuliah ITB Praktikum PTI Online (mandatory) 1 Mata Kuliah PTI

17 Aktivitas Pembelajaran Berbasis Internet
School On Internet (SOI) Distance Learning

18 Aktivitas School on Internet
Comlabs USDI-ITB

19 Aktivitas Distance Education

20 Forum Online

21 Fasilitas dan Sarana


23 Beberapa Issue Inquiry based learning Active learning
Problem based learning Student centered learning Collaborative learning Critical thinking

24 Dasar Hukum [1] RENSTRA ITB 2011-2015
BAB IV SASARAN, PROGRAM STRATEGIS DAN INDIKATOR KINERJA 4.1.1 (b) : Penyelenggaraan program pendidikan yang produktif dengan metoda pembelajaran inovatif berbasis teknologi informasi; 4.1.1 (c) Penyelenggaraan program pendidikan bertaraf internasional;  Standarisasi ABET : Distant Learning/E-learning

25 Dasar Hukum [2] RENSTRA ITB BAB IV SASARAN, PROGRAM STRATEGIS DAN INDIKATOR KINERJA 3. Memperkokoh posisi dan memperluas wilayah keunggulan dalam proses pendidikan dan pembelajaran 3.1 Menyelenggaran joint lecture series dengan pusat unggulan dunia lain melalui fasilitas teleconference atau distance learning 6. Pengembangan ITB sebagai wahana professional development 6.1 Pengembangan competency-based learning (CBL) dan Magister Orientasi Terapan 6.2 Pengembangan sistem continuing-education (CE) dan distance- learning (DL)

26 6.2 Pengembangan sistem continuing-education (CE) dan distance-learning (DL).
Jumlah program studi yang menawarkan credit earning system. N/R 10 Program Studi (kumulatif) ( ) LP4, F/S Jumlah program studi yang menawarkan pelatihan dan workshop non-degree à continuing education 50 Program Studi ( ) LP4, F/S  c. Jumlah peserta continuing education 210 peserta (kumulatif) LP4, F/S d. Sistem distance-learning Ada 2011 implementasi, implementasi LP4, F/S


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