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1.Pengantar Mikrobiologi Bahan kuliah bagi mahasiswa S-1 FMIPA UNMUL Samarinda Tahun 2010 Oleh Drs. Sudrajat,S.U. FMIPA UNMUL SAMARINDA 18/12/20141 Pengenalan.

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Presentasi berjudul: "1.Pengantar Mikrobiologi Bahan kuliah bagi mahasiswa S-1 FMIPA UNMUL Samarinda Tahun 2010 Oleh Drs. Sudrajat,S.U. FMIPA UNMUL SAMARINDA 18/12/20141 Pengenalan."— Transcript presentasi:

1 1.Pengantar Mikrobiologi Bahan kuliah bagi mahasiswa S-1 FMIPA UNMUL Samarinda Tahun 2010 Oleh Drs. Sudrajat,S.U. FMIPA UNMUL SAMARINDA 18/12/20141 Pengenalan Mikrobiologi

2 2 Mikroba dan Kita 10 14 cell di dalam tumbuh kita 10% adalah sel asli manusia 90% adalah mikroba komensalisme

3 3 Can’t live with ‘em, can’t live without ‘em… Virus telah membunuh banyak orang dibandingkan perang BUT, kehidupan kita tanpa mikroba maka kita tak dapat eksis Microba menyebar di mana-mana

4 4 Kita memerlukan mereka… Bakteri mengubah suatu bentuk tanaman untuk dapat digunakan Mikroba bertanggung jawab melakukan degradasi: Mikroba membantu menguraikan material menjadi lebih sederhana – Berperanan di dalam proses penjernihan kotoran dan air limbah – Hidup di dalam usus ruminansia, seperti sapi, kambing dan rusa

5 5 Kita menggunakan mikroba… aplikasi biologi untuk menyelesaikan masalah praktis dan menghasilkan produk bernilai ekonomis –Yeast membantu membuat roti dan bir (yum!) –Bakteria membantu membuat yogurt, cheese dan buttermilk (yum again!) – menggunakan mikroba hidup untuk mendegradasi polutan lingkungan –Membantu membersihkan tumpahan minyak –Membantu perlakuan terhadap limbah radioakatif –Bakteri dapat merusak polutan senyawa kimia berbahaya –Suatu bakteri dapat hidup pada TNT? That’s right!

6 6 Genetic Engineering Produce medically important products Engineer plants Transfer antibody-eliciting genes into plants Gene therapy Produce vaccines We can introduce genes from one organism into an unrelated organism →

7 7 They can kill us… 1918-1919 more Americans killed by influenza than WWI, WWII, Korean War and Vietnam War combined! –Where did this flu come from? Can we overcome?

8 8 Worldwide Flu Epidemic – 1910’s

9 9 Small Pox – Eradicated worldwide 1980

10 10 Polio – Worldwide eradication soon?

11 11 SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome): a recently emerging viral disease (a) (b)

12 12 Emerging Viruses: Hantavirus and Ebola Virus Hantavirus Ebola Virus

13 13 Emerging Viruses: Avian Flu

14 14 Emerging Diseases! Diseases –Change in infectious agents allows them access to new hosts –Changing lifestyles bring new opportunities for infectious agents

15 15 Chronic Diseases Caused by Bacteria Illnesses thought be result from other causes now shown to be caused by microbes –– thought be caused by diet, stress → responsive to antibiotics –– known to be caused by a worm → worm must be carrying a specific bacterium which causes disease

16 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans –Microorganisms can be both beneficial and harmful to humans –Emphasis typically on harmful microorganisms (infectious disease agents, or pathogens) –But many more microorganisms in nature are beneficial than are harmful Microorganisms as Disease Agents –Control of infectious disease during last century (Figure 1.8)

17 Death Rates and the Leading Causes of Death in the U.S. Figure 1.8

18 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Microorganisms and Agriculture –Many aspects of agriculture depend on microbial activities Nitrogen-fixing bacteria Cellulose-degrading microbes in the rumen Regeneration of nutrients in soil and water

19 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Figure 1.7

20 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Microorganisms and Food –Negative impacts Food spoilage by microorganisms requires specialized preservation of many foods –Positive impacts Microbial transformations (typically fermentations) yield –Dairy products (e.g., cheeses, yogurt, buttermilk) –Other food products (e.g., sauerkraut, pickles, leavened breads, beer)

21 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Microorganisms, Energy, and the Environment –The role of microbes in biofuels production e.g., methane, ethanol, hydrogen –The role of microbes in cleaning up pollutants (bioremediation)

22 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Microorganisms and Their Genetic Resources –Exploitation of microbes for production of antibiotics, enzymes, and various chemicals –Genetic engineering of microbes to generate products of value to humans, such as insulin (biotechnology)

23 1.5 The Impact of Microorganisms on Humans Microbiology as a Career –Clinical medicine –Research and development – pharmaceutical, chemical/biochemical, biotechnology –Microbial monitoring in food and beverage industries, public health, government “The role of the infinitely small in nature is infinitely large” – Louis Pasteur

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