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Engineering triiodothyronine (T3) nanoparticle for use in ischemic brain stroke.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Engineering triiodothyronine (T3) nanoparticle for use in ischemic brain stroke."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Engineering triiodothyronine (T3) nanoparticle for use in ischemic brain stroke

2 Pendahuluan Stroke

3 Pendahuluan Terapi Stroke Antikonvulsan Trombolitik (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator) Anti Platelet (aspirin) Antikoagulan (heparin) Tindakan pembedahan Neuroprtektor Dan lain-lain

4 A significant impediment to the clinical success of neuroprotective agents has been the efficient delivery of the neuroprotectant agent in high enough local concen- trations to exert protective effects [4].

5 Here, we have turned attention to thyroid hormone or L-3,5,3 ′ -triiodothyronine (T3) as a neuroprotective agent.











16 Kesimpulan Thyroid hormone (T3) has been shown to protect against ischemic damage in middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) model of ischemic brain stroke While thyroid hormone is permeable across the blood–brain barrier, we hypothesized that efficacy of thyroid hormone in ischemic brain stroke can be enhanced by encapsulation in nanoparticulatedeliveryvehicles We have previously reported that glutathione coating of PLGA-PEG nanoparticles is an efficient means of brain targeted drug delivery.

17 Post Test 1.Thyroid hormon (T3) termasuk terapi terbaru stroke golongan? A. Neuroprotektor B. Antikoagulan C. Antiplatelet

18 2.Jenis stroke pada journal diatas termasuk tipe? A. Hemoragik B. Non-Hemoragik kausa iskemik C. Non-Hemoragik kausa kompresi

19 3.Sampel yang digunakan adalah? A. Mice B. Cat C. Dog

20 4.Dalam melalui BBB, digunakan mikroenkapsulasi partikel? A. Surfactan P-188 B. PLGA-PEG C. Glutation coated

21 5.Dalam meningkatkan efektivitasnya lagi, digunakan coated (pelapisan) nanopartikel dengan? A. Surfactan P-188 B. PLGA-PEG C. Glutation coated

22 6.Penggabungan partikel-partikel yang dibutuhkan dalam jurnal ini menggunakan metode? A. Zetasizer (Malvern) B. Fluorosens C. Nanopresipitasi

23 7. A. PLGA-PEG-COOH B. Coated T3 NP C. Uncoated T3 NP

24 8. A. Zetasizer (Malvern) B. Fluorosens C. Nanopresipitasi

25 9. PLGA-PEG-COOH memiliki kadar? A.RESOMER® RGP d 50105, copolymer ratio 50:50, PEG content 8 % B.RESOMER® RGP d 50105, copolymer ratio 50:50, PEG content 20 % C.RESOMER® RGP d 50105, copolymer ratio 50:50, PEG content 75%

26 10.Cerebral blood flow diukur dengan? A.laser Doppler flowmetry B. Zetasizer (Malvern) C. Fluorosens


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