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Lesson Material Fundamental of Management & Organization

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1 Lesson Material Fundamental of Management & Organization
Dr. Teguh Widodo, SE., ST., MM. 14 Mar 15 Week-end-2

2 The fact is that temptations exist in every organization.
the values and manner of doing businessadopted by managers as they carry out their corporate and business strategies. explore ways of applying ethics (the system of rules that governs the ordering of values) Premis: when the managers apply ethical standards that direct them to act with integrity, their organizations, and their communities thrive (berkembang) over the long term organizations may have a responsibility to meet social obligations beyond earning profits within legal and ethical constraints The fact is that temptations exist in every organization. What kind of manager you want to be What reputation do you hope to have? How would you like others to describe your behavior as a manager?

3 “How (Un)Ethical Are You?”
most people have unconscious biases that favor themselves and their own group

4 Pertamina Values Spirit of 6 C: Clean Competitive Confident
Customer focus Commercial Capable

5 BCA Values FOCUS First class team work Orientation to quality
Customer Focus Uncompromise integrity Striving for excellence


7 KELOMPOK 1 Describe how different ethical perspectives guide decision making. p. 165 Anggota: Anka Januar Brahmandi Andria Sastra Melia Ajani Nurwulansari Siti Aisyah Wulandari A

8 KELOMPOK 2 Explain how companies influence their ethics environment. p. 167 ANGGOTA: Arinda Yulia Winda Kristihansari Sediyoko Bambang Sunaryo M. Haerdiansyah S. Gita Genia Fatihat *

9 KELOMPOK 3 Outline a process for making ethical decisions. p. 173
Anggota: Indriana Anjarsari Madihah Salwa Sari Rahmawati Tri Widarmanti Yudha Ryandieka *

10 KELOMPOK 4 Summarize the important issues surrounding corporate social responsibility. p. 175 Anggota : Riyadhi Fernanda Nisa Rahmawati Reva Yuliani Dadan Ramdhan Melva Irine Damanik Positron Diki Akbar

11 KELOMPOK 5 Discuss reasons for businesses’ growing interest in the natural environment. p. 180 Anggota: Hendri Purnatman Wahyu Widodo Fuadi Hilman Aprila Wiguna Verdy Firman Johni Purwantoro

12 KELOMPOK 6 Identify actions managers can take to manage with the environment in mind. p. 181 Anggota: Akhmad Ludfy M. Hasan Jauhari Muhammad Haris Irwan Syah Andri Alferus S*

13 Pada email ‘subject’ agar diisi : Tugas Kel-X, MM Kelas WE2.
Jawaban kelompok diketik rapih (standar penulisan tesis) dikumpulkan via ke paling lambat tanggal 19 Mar 15. Pada pertemuan tgl xy Mar (ditentukan kemudian), masing2 kelompok presentasi. Pada ‘subject’ agar diisi : Tugas Kel-X, MM Kelas WE2. Dalam naskah tugas-1 sebutkan nama2 anggotanya. Komunikasi : Phone/WA : Twitter : broTeguh. BB, PIN : 2AFC7E61.

14 Tugas 2 Critic/summary paper:
Tiap kelompok membuat kritik thd reputation journal (proquest, emerald insight, ) tentang hubungan Ethick / Social Responsibility terhadap Business Performance. isi kritik/ringkasan: Research problem Kontroversi teori /konsep/hasil riset Tujuan riset Teori yang digunakan Variable dan indcator variables yang digunakan Model teoritis dan model empirik Kesimpulan Waktu pengumpulan tugas dan diskusi masih icari waktunya.

15 Social Responsibility
Ethic v Business Performance Social Responsibility

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