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Strategy Implementation

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1 Strategy Implementation
Strategies in Action Long-Term Objectives Grand Strategies Strategy Implementation Fauzan Asmara

2 Contoh soal Uniliver selain memproduksi pasta gigi pepsodent juga membuat sikat gigi formula Samsung mengeluarkan tipe baru yang bisa dual on card gsm dan cdma. PT. Sampoerna menjual sahamnya ke Philip morries. Sonny dan Erickson sepakat membuat perusahaan Sony Erickson © 2001 Prentice Hall

3 Contoh soal SCTV membuat SCFM
PT Bogasari diakuisisi oleh Indofood untuk menjamin ketepatan pasokan terigu untuk industrinya. Toyota mendirikan Auto 2000 untuk showroom, penjualan, service, dan suku cadang. © 2001 Prentice Hall

4 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives (Results expected from pursuing certain strategies; time line 2 to 5 years) Quantitative Measurable Realistic Understandable Challenging Hierarchical Obtainable Congruent among organizational units © 2001 Prentice Hall

5 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives Objectives are associated with a time line and stated in terms: Growth in assets Growth in sales Profitability Market share HRD Increasing Capability Social responsibility © 2001 Prentice Hall

6 Nature of Long-Term Objectives
Strategies in Action Nature of Long-Term Objectives Objectives are the basis for: Designing jobs Organizing activities Providing direction Organizational synergy Standards for evaluation © 2001 Prentice Hall

7 Grand Strategies Vertical Integration Strategies Forward integration
Backward integration Horizontal integration © 2001 Prentice Hall

8 Grand Strategies Forward Integration Example Defined
General Motors mengakuisisi 10 persen saham dealer Forward Integration Defined Memperoleh kepemilikan atau meningkatkan kendali atas distributor atau dealer © 2001 Prentice Hall

9 Guidelines for Forward Integration
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Forward Integration Distributor yang ada saat ini mahal, tidak dapat diandalkan, tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan Kualitas distributor saat ini terbatas Bila perusahaan bersaing dalam industri yang diharapkan sedang tumbuh Keunggulan berproduksi stabil sangat tinggi Distributor yang ada saat ini memiliki profit margin yang tinggi © 2001 Prentice Hall

10 Grand Strategies Backward Integration Example Defined
Hotel membeli perusahaan biro perjalanan; mebel;etc. Backward Integration Defined Mendapatkan kepemilikian atau meningkatkan kendali atas pemasok © 2001 Prentice Hall

11 Guidelines for Backward Integration
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Backward Integration Pemasok yang ada saat ini mahal, tidak dapat diandalkan, tidak dapat memenuhi kebutuhan perusahaan Jumlah pemasok kecil, sedang jumlah pesaing besar Sektor industri tumbuh besar Perusahaan memiliki modal dan sumberdaya untuk mengelola bisnis baru Keunggulan dari harga yang stabil sangat penting Pemasok yang ada mendapatkan profit margin yang tinggi © 2001 Prentice Hall

12 Horizontal Integration
Grand Strategies Horizontal Integration Example Hotel Hilton membeli Hotel Promus Defined Mendapatkan kepemilikan atau mengambil alih perusahaan pesaing © 2001 Prentice Hall

13 Guidelines for Horizontal Integration
Grand strategies Guidelines for Horizontal Integration Perusahaan dapat memperoleh monopoli tanpa menentang aturan yang berlaku Bersaing di industri yang sedang tumbuh Meningkatnya skala ekonomi memberikan keunggulan bersaing yang besar Ada keraguan tidak memiliki kehlian managerial atau membutuhkan sumberdaya khusus © 2001 Prentice Hall

14 Grand Strategies Intensive Strategies Market penetration
Market development Product development © 2001 Prentice Hall

15 Grand Strategies Market Penetration Example Defined
Unilever membelanjakan uang untuk iklan TV sebesar 1.2 Trilyun sepanjang tahun 2005 Defined Meningkatkan pangsa pasar dengan produk dan jasa yang ada pada pasar yang ada dengan usaha-usaha pemasaran © 2001 Prentice Hall

16 Guidelines for Market Penetration
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Market Penetration Pasar yang ada belum jenuh Tingkat penggunaan pelanggan yang ada dapat ditingkatkan secara signifikan Market shares of competitors declining while total industry sales increasing Increased economies of scale provide major competitive advantages © 2001 Prentice Hall

17 Grand Strategies Market Development Example Defined
Fren pemain seluler CDMA sekarang mulai merambah ke Makasar dan palembang setelah Jawa, Madura dan Bali . Defined Memperkenalkan produk atau jasa yang ada pada daerah atau pasar baru © 2001 Prentice Hall

18 Guidelines for Market Development
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Market Development Adanya saluran distribusi baru yang dapat diandalkan, murah, dan berkualitas. Bila perusahaan sangat sukses dalam kegiatannya Adanya pasar baru yang belum tergarap dan belum jenuh Adanya modal dan sumberdayamanusia yang dapat digunakan untuk perluasan operasi Adanya kelebihan kapasitas Industri dasarnya dengan cepat menjadi global © 2001 Prentice Hall

19 Grand Strategies Product Development Example Defined
Apel mengembangkan Chip G4 yang memiliki kecepatan 500 megahertz. Defined Merubah atau memodifikasi produk perusahaan dan dijual pada pasar yang sudah ada © 2001 Prentice Hall

20 Guidelines for Product Development
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Product Development Produk berada pada tahap kedewasaan di siklus kehidupannnya Bila organisasi bersaing pada karekteristik teknologi yang berkembang cepat Bila pesaing menawarkan produk dengan kualitas yang lebih baik dengan harga yang sebanding (pantas) Bersaing dalam industri yang tumbuh tinggi Meniliki kapabilitas riset dan pengembangan yang kuat © 2001 Prentice Hall

21 Grand Strategies Diversification Strategies Concentric diversification
Conglomerate diversification © 2001 Prentice Hall

22 Concentric Diversification
Grand Strategies Concentric Diversification Example Sebuah bank membeli perusahaan asuransi. Defined Menambah produk atau jasa baru, yang masih berkaitan (pasar, produk, dan teknologi) © 2001 Prentice Hall

23 Guidelines for Concentric Diversification
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Concentric Diversification Bersaing dalam industri tanpa pertumbuhan atau lambat Bila penambahan produk baru dan berkaitan akan secara signifikan menambah penjualan produk yang sudah ada Produk baru dan berkaitan dapat ditawarkan dengan harga yang bersaing Produk yang ada berada dalam tahap penurunan dalam siklus produknya Memiliki tim manajemen yang kuat © 2001 Prentice Hall

24 Conglomerate Diversification
Grand Strategies Conglomerate Diversification Example PT. Sampoerna mulai melirik bisnis properti untuk kelangsungan hidup grup sampoerna Defined Menambah produk atau jasa baru yang tidak berkaitan © 2001 Prentice Hall

25 Guidelines for Conglomerate Diversification
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Conglomerate Diversification Penjualan dan laba tahunan mengalami penurunan Ada modal dan bakat (talenta) manejerial yang diperlukan untuk sukses di industri baru Ada sinergi keuangan antara perusahaan yang dibeli dan yang membeli Pasar yang ada untuk produk saat ini sudah jenuh © 2001 Prentice Hall

26 Grand Strategies Defensive Strategies Joint venture Retrenchment
Divestiture Liquidation © 2001 Prentice Hall

27 Grand Strategies Joint Venture Defined Example
Lucent Technologies and Philips Electronic NV formed Philips Consumer Communications to make and sell telephones. Defined Dua atau lebih perusahaan mensposnori untuk membentuk perusahaan baru terpisah dengan tujuan yang sama © 2001 Prentice Hall

28 Guidelines for Joint Venture
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Joint Venture Kombinasi perusahaan swasta dan publik dapat secara sinergis dikombinasikan Perusahaan domestik dan perusahaan asing membentuk usaha patungan, dapat memperoleh sumberdaya lokal dan mengurangi risiko Kompetensi khusus dua perusahaan atau lebih dapat saling melengkapi Bila seuatu proyek berisiko besar memerlukan sumberdaya besar, namun juga memiliki potensi keuntungan yang besar. Dua atau lebih perusahaan kecil memiliki masalah dalam bersaing dengan perusahaan besar Ada kebutuhan untuk memperkenalkan teknologi baru secara cepat © 2001 Prentice Hall

29 Grand Strategies Retrenchment Turn Around Defined Example
Perusahaan Perkebunan Negara merampingkan organisasi; melakukan rasionalisasi; pengurangan perjalanan dinas dan fasilitas mewah untuk menekan kerugian. Defined Mengubah pengelompokan melalui pengurangan biaya dan aset untuk memperbaiki penjualan dan laba yang menurun. © 2001 Prentice Hall

30 Guidelines for Retrenchment
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Retrenchment Firm has failed to meet its objectives and goals consistently over time but has distinctive competencies Firm is one of the weaker competitors Inefficiency, low profitability, poor employee morale, and pressure from stockholders to improve performance. When an organization’s strategic managers have failed Very quick growth to large organization where a major internal reorganization is needed. © 2001 Prentice Hall

31 Grand Strategies Divestiture Defined Example
Harcourt General, the large US publisher, is selling its Neiman Marcus division. Defined Selling a division or part of an organization © 2001 Prentice Hall

32 Guidelines for Divestiture
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Divestiture When firm has pursued retrenchment but failed to attain needed improvements When a division needs more resources than the firm can provide When a division is responsible for the firm’s overall poor performance When a division is a misfit with the organization When a large amount of cash is needed and cannot be obtained from other sources. © 2001 Prentice Hall

33 Grand Strategies Liquidation Defined Example
Bank Summa menjual seluruh asetnya untuk menutup kewajibannya Defined Selling all of a company’s assets, in parts, for their tangible worth © 2001 Prentice Hall

34 Guidelines for Liquidation
Grand Strategies Guidelines for Liquidation When both retrenchment and divestiture have been pursued unsuccessfully If the only alternative is bankruptcy, liquidation is an orderly alternative When stockholders can minimize their losses by selling the firm’s assets © 2001 Prentice Hall

35 Michael Porter’s Generic Strategies
Cost Leadership Strategies Differentiation Strategies Focus Strategies © 2001 Prentice Hall

36 Types of Business-Level Strategies
Business-level strategies are intended to create differences between the firm’s position relative to those of its rivals To position itself, the firm must decide whether it intends to perform activities differently or to perform different activities as compared to its rivals © 2001 Prentice Hall

37 Five Generic Strategies
Competitive Advantage Cost Uniqueness Cost Leadership Differentiation Broad target Integrated Cost Leadership/ Differentiation Competitive Scope Narrow target Focused Cost Leadership Focused Differentiation © 2001 Prentice Hall

38 Cost Leadership Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed to produce or deliver goods or services at the lowest cost, relative to competitors with features that are acceptable to customers relatively standardized products features acceptable to many customers lowest competitive price © 2001 Prentice Hall

39 Cost Leadership Strategy
Cost saving actions required by this strategy: building efficient scale facilities tightly controlling production costs and overhead minimizing costs of sales, R&D and service building efficient manufacturing facilities monitoring costs of activities provided by outsiders simplifying production processes © 2001 Prentice Hall

40 Differentiation Strategy
An integrated set of actions designed by a firm to produce or deliver goods or services (at an acceptable cost) that customers perceive as being different in ways that are important to them price for product can exceed what the firm’s target customers are willing to pay nonstandardized products customers value differentiated features more than they value low cost © 2001 Prentice Hall

41 Differentiation Strategy
Value provided by unique features and value characteristics Command premium price High customer service Superior quality Prestige or exclusivity Rapid innovation © 2001 Prentice Hall

42 Differentiation Strategy
Differentiation actions required by this strategy: developing new systems and processes shaping perceptions through advertising quality focus capability in R&D maximize human resource contributions through low turnover and high motivation © 2001 Prentice Hall

43 Factors That Drive Differentiation
Unique product features Unique product performance Exceptional services New technologies Quality of inputs Exceptional skill or experience Detailed information © 2001 Prentice Hall

44 Focused Business-Level Strategies
A focus strategy must exploit a narrow target’s differences from the balance of the industry by: isolating a particular buyer group isolating a unique segment of a product line concentrating on a particular geographic market finding their “niche” © 2001 Prentice Hall

45 Factors That May Drive Focused Strategies
Large firms may overlook small niches Firm may lack resources to compete in the broader market May be able to serve a narrow market segment more effectively than can larger industry-wide competitors Focus may allow the firm to direct resources to certain value chain activities to build competitive advantage © 2001 Prentice Hall

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