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Pemrograman Internet Mobile Antonius R.C, S.Kom, M.Cs M-commerce.

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Presentasi berjudul: "Pemrograman Internet Mobile Antonius R.C, S.Kom, M.Cs M-commerce."— Transcript presentasi:

1 Pemrograman Internet Mobile Antonius R.C, S.Kom, M.Cs M-commerce

2 E-Commerce “A modern business methodology that addresses the needs of organizations, merchants, and consumers to cut costs while improving the quality of goods and services and increasing the speed of service delivery over the Internet” Penggunaan media elektronik untuk melakukan perniagaan / perdagangan –Telepon, fax, ATM, handphone, SMS –Banking: ATM phone banking, internet banking Secara khusus –Penggunaan Internet untuk melakukan perniagaan Disukai? karena kenyamanannya?

3 Manfaat E-Commerce Suatu gerakan baru Market exposure, melebarkan jangkauan Menurunkan biaya Memperpendek waktu product cycle Meningkatkan customer loyality Meningkatkan value chain

4 Tradisional vs Elektronik Sulit promosi & akses pasar ketimpangan persaingan dagang paperwork ekonomi biaya tinggi & birokrasi prosedur manual pasar kurang kompetitif Akses pasar mudah penilaian independent paperless negosiasi & penawaran standard kemudahan permintaan produk baru. Alur informasi transparant pelayanan interaktif

5 Jenis E-Commerce Business to business (B2B) –Antra perusahaan, data berulang, e- procurement Business to consumer (B2C) –Retail, pelanggan yang bervariasi, konsep Portal Consumer to consumer (C2C) –Lelang (auction) Government: G2G, G2B, G2C (citizen) –e-procurement

6 Pasar Indonesia Potensi –Jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang besar –Masih banyak yang belum terjangkau oleh Internet Jumlah pengguna Internet masih sekitar 5 juta orang Orang Indonesia gemar berbicara (tapi kurang suka menulis / dokumentasi) Contoh layanan khas Indonesia –Wartel & Warnet –SMS –Berganti-ganti handphone (lifestyle?) –Games, kuis Peluang bisnis baru yang khas Indonesia –SMS-based applications –nonton TV dengan chatting –Games, kuis

7 Hambatan / Tantangan Internet bust! Hancurnya bisnis Internet Infrastruktur telekomunikasi yang masih terbatas dan mahal Delivery channel Kultur dan Kepercayaan (trust) Security Munculnya jenis kejahatan baru Ketidakjelasan hukum Efek sampingan terhadap kehidupan

8 Delivery Channel Pengiriman barang masih ditakutkan hilang di jalan. Masih banyak “tikus” Ketepatan waktu dalam pengiriman barang Jangkauan daerah pengiriman barang Peluang: pengiriman barang yang terpercaya

9 Kultur & Kepercayaan Orang Indonesia belum (tidak?) terbiasa berbelanja dengan menggunakan catalog Masih harus secara fisik melihat / memegang barang yang dijual –Perlu mencari barang-barang yang tidak perlu dilihat secara fisik. Misal: buku, kaset, …

10 Kultur & Kepercayaan [2] Kepercayaan antara penjual & pembeli masih tipis Kepercayaan kepada pembayaran elektronik masih kurang. Penggunaan kartu kredit masih terhambat Peluang: model bisnis yang sesuai dengan kultur orang Indonesia, membuat sistem pembayaran baru, pembayaran melalui pulsa handphone

11 Security Masalah keamanan membuat orang takut untuk melakukan transaksi Persepsi merupakan masalah utama Ketidak mengertian (lack of awareness) merupakan masalah selanjutnya Merupakan topik tersendiri...

12 Munculnya Jenis Kejahatan Baru Penggunaan kartu kredit curian / palsu Penipuan melalui SMS, kuis Kurangnya perlindungan kepada konsumen –Hukum? Awareness? Kurangnya kesadaran (awareness) akan masalah keamanan

13 Ketidakjelasan Hukum Masih belum tuntas status dari –Digital signature –Uang digital / cybermoney –Status hukum dari paper-less transaction –[de]Regulasi

14 Efek terhadap kehidupan Kemajuan teknologi komputer dan komunikasi seharusnya meningkatkan tingkat kualitas hidup kita. Kenyataannya… –Bekerja lebih panjang –Pekerjaan dibawa pulang: no life, single terus –Melebarnya jurang si kaya dan si miskin Siapkah kita menghadapi tantangan yang tidak dapat kita hindari?

15 Perangkat Internet

16 Mobile Commerce: Overview Mobile commerce (m-Commerce, m-Business)—any e-Commerce done in a wireless environment, especially via the Internet –Can be done via the Internet, private communication lines, smart cards, etc. –Creates opportunity to deliver new services to existing customers and to attract new ones

17 Contoh M-commerce Pembayaran tagihan melalui mobile phones Pengenalan suara melalui mobile phones untuk membeli karcis bioskop Pembelian tiket pesawat melalui mobile phones Transfer dana melalui mobile phones

18 Mobile commerce from the Customer‘s point of view The customer wants to access information, goods and services any time and in any place on his mobile device. He can use his mobile device to purchase tickets for events or public transport, pay for parking, download content and even order books and CDs. He should be offered appropriate payment methods. They can range from secure mobile micropayment to service subscriptions.

19 Mobile commerce from the Provider‘s point of view The future development of the mobile telecommunication sector is heading more and more towards value-added services. Analysts forecast that soon half of mobile operators‘ revenue will be earned through mobile commerce. Consequently operators as well as third party providers will focus on value-added-services. To enable mobile services, providers with expertise on different sectors will have to cooperate. Innovative service scenarios will be needed that meet the customer‘s expectations and business models that satisfy all partners involved.

20 m-Commerce Terminology Generations –1G: 1979-1992 wireless technology –2G: current wireless technology; mainly accommodates text –2.5G: interim technology accommodates graphics –3G: 3 rd generation technology (2001-2005) supports rich media (video clips) –4G: will provide faster multimedia display (2006- 2010)

21 Terminology and Standards GPS: Satellite-based Global Positioning System PDA: Personal Digital Assistant—handheld wireless computer SMS: Short Message Service EMS: Enhanced Messaging Service MMS: Multimedia Messaging Service WAP: Wireless Application Protocol Smart-phones—Internet-enabled cell phones with attached applications

22 M-Commerce Infrastructure Unseen infrastructure requirements –Suitably configured wireline or wireless WAN modem –Web server with wireless support –Application or database server –Large enterprise application server –GPS locator used to determine the location of mobile computing device carrier

23 M-commerce Infrastructure Software –Micro browser –Mobile client operating system (OS) –Bluetooth—a chip technology and WPAN standard that enables voice and data communications between wireless devices over short-range radio frequency (RF) –Mobile application user interface –Back-end legacy application software –Application middleware –Wireless middleware

24 Early content and applications have all been geared around information delivery but as time moves on the accent will be on revenue generation. m-Commerce Entertainment Music Games Graphics Video Communications Short Messaging Multimedia Messaging Unified Messaging e-mail Chat rooms Video - conferencing Transactions Banking Broking Shopping Auctions Betting Booking & reservations Mobile wallet Information News City guides Directory Services Maps Traffic and weather Corporate information Market data

25 Mobile Application: Financial Tool As mobile devices become more secure Mobile banking Bill payment services Mobile money transfers Replace ATM’s and credit cards??

26 Mobile Applications : Marketing, Advertising, And Customer Service Shopping from Wireless Devices –Have access to services similar to those of wireline shoppers Shopping carts Price comparisons Order status –Future Will be able to view and purchase products using handheld mobile devices

27 Mobile Applications : Marketing, Advertising, And Customer Service Targeted Advertising –Using demographic information can personalize wireless services ( –Knowing users’ preferences and surfing habits marketers can send: User-specific advertising messages Location-specific advertising messages

28 Limitations of m-Commerce Usability Problem small size of mobile devices (screens, keyboards, etc) limited storage capacity of devices hard to browse sites Technical Limitations lack of a standardized security protocol insufficient bandwidth 3G

29 Limitations of m-Commerce Technical Limitations… transmission and power consumption limitations –poor reception in tunnels and certain buildings –multi-path interference, weather, and terrain problems and distance-limited connections WAP Limitations Speed Cost Accessibility

30 Limiting Technological Factors Mobile Devices Battery Memory CPU Display Size Networks Bandwidth Interoperability Cell Range Roaming Localization Upgrade of Network Upgrade of Mobile Devices Precision Mobile Middleware Standards Distribution Security Mobile Device Network Gateway

31 Potential Health Hazards Cellular radio signals = cancer? –No conclusive evidence yet –mobile devices may interfere with sensitive medical devices such as pacemakers

32 Kebutuhan M-Commerce Device independence –M-Commerce harus bisa dijalankan pada platform mobile device apapun Bearer Independence –Perlu mendukung WAP, SMS, GPRS, dan UMTS Security yg handal Reliability –Menjamin bahwa data-data tetap benar, valid, dan tidak terjadi inkonsistensi data Notifications –Menginformasikan semua kebutuhan ke pengguna


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