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Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  If a statement is unclear we cannot assess its.

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1 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  If a statement is unclear we cannot assess its accuracy or relevance.  Can you elaborate further?  Can you express it another way?

2 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  What is wrong with this program?  Too General  Are there artistic elements that fail to communicate the producer’s ideas?

3 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  A statement may be true but not accurate.  Is the statement really true?  How could we check it?

4 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  WSIL has no African American reporters.  A clear statement  BUT not accurate.

5 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  You need to make your points specific enough to be useful.  Can you give more detail?  Can you be more specific?

6 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  The program was too long.  The program spent too long dealing with the female lead without development.

7 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  You may not be talking about an important or even connected issues.  How does that bear on this issue?

8 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  There were too many commercials in the program.  A specific point that can be checked but an issue outside the producer’s control.

9 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  A superficial statement lacks the ability to deal with the most important issues or complexity.  Is that dealing with the most significant factors?

10 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  Just say no!  A simplistic response to a complex issue.  Understand there is a big difference between the needs of advertisement or sound bite and an argument.

11 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  An argument may only consider one point of view.  Is there another way to look at the question?  What would you say if I were ….?

12 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  Civic Journalism.  Instead of just considering two sides of an issue, what about the ambivalent.  Considers nontraditional sources of information.

13 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  When the combination of thoughts are mutually supporting and make sense together. The thinking is logical.  How does that follow from what you just said or about to say?

14 Universal Intellectual Standards  Clarity  Accuracy  Precision  Relevance  Depth  Breadth  Logic  A local ISP advertises:  You will get though because we are small.  We are the most popular in the area.

15 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  Understanding the limits of one’s knowledge. l Sensitivity to bias l Limitations of one’s viewpoints  Does not imply spineless. Just not pretentious.

16 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  Willingness to face and fairly address ideals and beliefs which we do not like and have not been given a fair hearing.  Not passively accept what we have learned.

17 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  The ability to put yourself in the place of another.  Understand their long held truths, bias, and beliefs AND why they hold them.

18 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  The ability to be consistent in the intellectual standards  To hold to the same rigorous standards demanded of others.  Honestly admit problems in ones own thinking.

19 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  The ability to work through a problem despite the difficulties  Despite the irrational opposition of others.

20 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  Confidence that, in the long run, the interest of both you and humanity are best served by the free play of reason.

21 Valuable Intellectual Traits  Humility  Courage  Empathy  Integrity  Perseverance  Faith in reason  Fairness  The need to treat all viewpoints alike  Getting past your own opinion to consider others.

22  Setelah Kuningan, Giliran Umat Islam Garut Siap Sweeping Ahmadiyah  Garut ( -Karena keberadaannnya yang juga membuat masyarakat resah, akhirnya Gerakan Rakyat Anti-Ahmadiyah (Geram) Kabupaten Garut, Jawa Barat, mendesak aparat kepolisian untuk segera menghentikan kegiatan Ahmadiyah.  “Kami minta polisi untuk bergerak cepat, kalau tidak jangan salahkan saya bila kejadiannya seperti di Kuningan,” ancam Penasihat Geram, Endang Yusuf, Jumat (30/7).  “Kami minta polisi untuk bergerak cepat, kalau tidak jangan salahkan saya bila kejadiannya seperti di Kuningan,”  Menurut dia, desakan serupa juga telah dilayangkan saat unjuk rasa pada Rabu 14 Juli lalu. Karena itu, pihaknya memberikan batas waktu sebelum Ramadan kegiatan jamaah Ahmadiyah harus sudah dihentikan. Bila tidak, seluruh komponen islam akan turun langsung melakukan sweeping. Dia menilai, keberadaan Ahmadiyah di wilayahnya telah membuat resah masyarakat. Surat keputusan bersama yang telah disepakati beberapa waktu lalu tidak dijalankan. Jamaah Ahmadiyah masih tetap saja menjalankan kegiatannya. “Tadi juga Ahmadiyah masih melakukan dakwah dan salat Jumat di masjidnya,” ujar Endang. Endang berjanji akan terus melakukan pengawasan terhadap jamaah Ahmadiayah. Dia berharap kegiatan Ahmadiayah dapat dihentikan secepatnya sesuai dengan surat keputusan bersama. (Ibnudzar/tio)

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