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Chapter 10 Manajemen Perubahan (Change management)

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1 Chapter 10 Manajemen Perubahan (Change management)

2 Tugas Paparkanlah sebuah ide viral marketing yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk e-commerce Anda. TULIS TANGAN Kriteria penilaian: Ide original, penjelasan baik dan dapat dipahami Ide original, namun penjelasan kurang baik atau penjelasan baik namun ide kurang fresh Ide dan penjelasan kurang baik Anda memberi contekan atau menyalin teman Anda

3 Learning outcomes Identify the different types of change that need to managed for e-commerce Develop an outline plan for implementing e-commerce change Describe alternative approaches to organizational structure resulting from organizational change.

4 Management issues What are the success factors in managing change?
Should we change organizational structure in response to e-business? If so, what are the options? How do we manage the human aspects of the implementation of organizational change? How do we share knowledge between staff in the light of high staff turnover and rapid changes in market conditions?

5 Key change management issues
Schedule – what are the suitable stages for introducing change? Budget – how do we cost e-business? Resources needed – what type of resources do we need, what are their responsibilities and where do we obtain them? Organizational structures – do we need to revise organizational structure? Managing the human impact of change – what is the best way to introduce large-scale e-business change to employees? Technologies to support e-business change – the role of knowledge management, groupware and intranets are explored. Risk management approaches to e-business led change.

6 Tantangan Transformasi e-business
Faktor sukses perubahan: Keikutsertaan manajemen Manajemen proyek yang efektif Langkah-langkah untuk menarik dan menjaga karyawan yang tepat mencapai perubahan Kepemilikan perubahan oleh karyawan

7 Figure 10.1 Key factors in achieving change

8 Diskusi Bayangkan apabila ada perubahan yang diinformasikan oleh CEO pada 4 hal di bawah ini, di mana perusahaan Anda adalah B2C. Apakah yang akan menjadi reaksi Anda dan apa peran Anda apabila Anda adalah: Marketing Manager Warehouse Manager HR Manager IS Manager Karyawan Call Center

9 Tantangan untuk Sell Side e-commerce
The 7S strategic framework Strategy: Kontribusi dari e-business dalam mempengaruhi dan mendukung strategi organisasi Structure: Perubahan struktur organisasi untuk mendukung e-business Systems: Pengembangan dari proses, prosedur atau sistem informasi untuk mendukung e-business Staff: masalah perubahan staf disebabkan karena perubahan struktur dan sistem. Contoh isu: outsourcing/insourcing, rekrutmen dan retensi, virtual working Style: Bagaimana tingkah laku para manajer dalam mencapai tujuan organisasi dan juga bagaimana budaya perusahaan Skills: Kebutuhan skill set yang berbeda untuk mendukung e-business Superordinate: Masalah supervisi, persepsi mengenai pentingnya dan efektifitas tim e-commerce di antara manajer dan stafnya, khususnya untuk IT dan marketing.

10 Tantangan Utama Implementasi e-commerce
Strategi: Kemampuan terbatas untuk mengintegrasikan strategi internet ke dalam strategy inti marketing dan bisnis. Hal ini dapat terlihat pada kesulitan mendapatkan budget yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan implementasi e-commerce Struktur: Isu proses dan struktur, terindikasikan dengan kesulitan mendapatkan sumberdaya dan kepemilikan proyek dari fungsi marketing dan IT tradisional Skill & Staff: Terlihat dari kesulitan menemukan staf spesialis atau agen/outsource

11 Figure 10.2 Digital marketing activities that require management as sell-side e commerce
Source: E-consultancy (2005)

12 Key Challenges of e-business marketing
Gaining buy-in and budget Conflicts of ownership Coordination with different channels Managing and integrating customer info. Achieving a unified reporting Structuring the specialist digital team In-sourcing vs. outsourcing online marketing Staff recruitment and retention

13 Figure 10.3 The main challenges of managing sell-side e-commerce (n = 84)
Source: E-consultancy (2005)

14 Jenis-jenis Perubahan
Incremental – penyesuaian yang relatif kecil Discontinuous – transformasi besar-besaran (major) Organizational – termasuk incremental maupun discontinuous Anticipatory – Perusahaan proaktif untuk berubah sebelum ada kebutuhan yang mendesak untuk berubah Reactive – Respon langsung terhadap perubahan dari faktor eksternal

15 Business process management
Peningkatan efisiensi proses dengan bantuan software dengan cara meningkatkan aliran informasi antar manusia pada saat melakukan aktivitas bisnis. Continuous, incremental change

16 Business Process Reengineering
Hammer and Champy (1993) defined BPR as: Memikirkan kembali secara fundamental dan mendesain ulang proses bisnis secara radikal untuk mencapai peningkatan dramatis pada pengukuran yang kritis dan kontemporer akan kinerja yaitu biaya, kualitas, layanan dan kecepatan. (cost, quality, service and speed.) Memikirkan kembali secara fundamental– re-engineering berarti perubahan bisnis proses yang signifikan misalnya customer service, sales order processing or manufacturing. Mendesain ulang secara radikal– re-engineering tidak berhubungan dengan perubahan minor, incremental change atau otomatisasi cara kerja yang sedang berjalan. Reengineering melibatkan pemikiran ulang secara penuh mengenai cara kerja bisnis proses. Peningkatan yang dramatis– Target BPR adalah peningkatan dalam puluhan atau bahkan ratusan persen. Sedangkan otomatisasi hanya dapat meningkatkan sebanyak 1 digit saja. Pengukuran kinerja yang kritis dan kontemporer – pengukuran dari hasil perubahan harus mencakup cost, quality, service and speed. BPR biasanya dikaitkan dengan downsizing (PHK)

17 Emerging of new concepts
BPR often linked to downsizing New terms emerged: Business Process Improvement: Optimizing existing processes Business Process Automation: Automating existing ways of working manually through information technology

18 Planning Change E-business projects memerlukan pengelolaan proyek yang baik Effective project management must includes: Estimation Resource allocation Schedule/plan Monitoring and control

19 Figure 10.4 Stages in developing an e-business solution

20 Differences with typical IS
The timescales for delivery of the system are compressed The e-commerce system may be hosted outside The focus of project is content and services Once launched the site is more dynamic

21 Figure 10.5 An example web site development schedule for The B2C Company

22 Prototyping Rapid Simple Iterative Incremental User-centred

23 Staff retention Hackman and Oldham (1980): Skill variety Task identity
Task significance Autonomy Feedback from employer

24 Figure 10.6 Typical structure and responsibilities for a large e-commerce team
Source: E-consultancy (2005)

25 Outsourcing Outside-in Inside-out

26 Revising organizational structure
Four stages of growth: Ad hoc activity Focusing the effort Formalization Institutionalizing capability

27 Table 10.4 Advantages and disadvantages of the organizational structures shown in Figure 10.7

28 Figure 10.8 Options for location of control of e-commerce
Source: E-consultancy (2005)

29 Approaches to managing change
Collaborative – widespread participation of employees Consultative – management take final decisions Directive – the management team takes the decisions Coercive – the management team takes the decision with very limited recourse to employees

30 Knowledge management – Saunders (2000)
Every day, knowledge essential to your business walks out of your door, and much of it never comes back. Employees leave, customers come and go and their knowledge leaves with them. This information drain costs you time, money and customers.

31 Explicit and tacit knowledge
Knowledge Management - Techniques and tools for capturing and disseminating knowledge within an organization. Explicit – details of processes and procedures. Explicit knowledge can be readily detailed in procedural manuals and databases. Examples include records of meetings between sales representatives and key customers, procedures for dealing with customer service queries and management reporting processes. Tacit – less tangible than explicit knowledge, this is experience on how to react to a situation when many different variables are involved. It is more difficult to encapsulate this knowledge, which often resides in the heads of employees.

32 Figure 10.9 Knowledge management framework

33 KM framework Identify knowledge Create new knowledge Store knowledge
Share knowledge Use knowledge

34 IDC – Objectives of KM Improving profit/growing revenue (67 per cent)
Retaining key talent/expertise (54 per cent) Increasing customer retention and/or satisfaction (52 per cent) Defending market share against new entrants (44 per cent) Gaining faster time to market with products (39 per cent) Penetrating new market segments (39 per cent) Reducing costs (38 per cent) Developing new products/services (35 per cent).

35 Binney – classes of KM applications
1. Transactional. Help desk and customer service applications. 2. Analytical. Data warehousing and data mining for CRM applications. 3. Asset management. Document and content management. 4. Process support. TQM, benchmarketing, BPR, Six Sigma. 5. Developmental. Enhancing staff skills, competencies – training and e-learning. 6. Innovation and creation. Communities, collaboration and virtual teamwork.

36 Alternative tools for managing knowledge
Knowledge capture tools, e.g. mind maps Knowledge sharing techniques, e.g. chat Knowledge delivery tools, e.g. Knowledge storage, e.g. database Electronic document management system Expert systems

37 Risk management/ Manajemen Resiko
Identifikasi resiko, termasuk probabilitas dan dampaknya (impact) Identifikasi solusi untuk resiko-resiko tersebut Terapkan solusi untuk resiko yang memiliki dampak yang paling besar dan yang paling mungkin terjadi. Monitor resiko untuk dapat dipelajari untuk assessment resiko di masa depan. Perubahan selalu berkatian dengan resiko

38 Activity – identify risks for e-business project
Probability Impact Solution Insufficient senior management commitment 5 7 Education/training/lobbying by e-business manager to achieve buy-in High staff turnover/key staff leave 6 Use monetary incentives and improve working environment Project milestones not met, overrun budget 8 Appoint experienced project manager and provide support and resources needed. Manager will perform risk management such as this Problems with new technology delaying implementation (bugs, speed, compatibility) Allow sufficient time for volume, performance testing Staff resistance to change 4 Education, training identification of change facilitators amongst staff Problem with integrating with partner’s systems (e.g. customers or suppliers) Tackle these issues early on, identify one contact point/manager for each of partnerships New system fails after changeover (too slow or too many crashes) 9 See solution to delayed implementation

39 Tugas Anda adalah e-commerce Division Head dari sebuah perusahaan distribusi barang elektronik Buat analisa resiko apabila Anda memutuskan untuk insourcing delivery product Anda sendiri, yang tadinya diserahkan kepada JNE.

40 Summary Change as a result of e-business needs to be managed on two levels. First, the change that needs to be managed as part of projects to introduce e-business. Second, organization-wide change is required for e-business. Sound project management is required to achieve change. Traditional project management activities such as estimation, resource allocation, scheduling, planning and monitoring are all important here. A project manager also needs to facilitate change by communicating the need for change

41 Summary Traditional lifecycle stages – analysis, design and build – can be used to estimate the tasks required for an e-business implementation. Since most e-business solutions will be based on tailoring off-the-shelf packages, there will be a change in balance between the analysis, design, build and implementation phases in comparison with a bespoke solution. Prototyping is essential to achieve the fast timescales required by e-business Building a team for e-business will require technical, marketing and project management skills. This will be difficult in the face of a competitive marketplace for these scales and high staff turnover. Tactics should be developed to help retain staff in this environment

42 Summary To implement e-business, a company will need to partner with a variety of companies. The e-business manager will need to decide whether to outsource activities such as strategy, content development and site promotion at the outset of an e-business project and whether it may be necessary to bring these activities back in-house at a later stage Changes to organizational structures are likely to be required to build the e-business. Coordination of e-business- related activities can be achieved through a working party, e-business manager or separate department. Companies may also spin off sell-side e-commerce to a completely separate business

43 Summary Managing staff responses to change is an important aspect of change. Managers will need to consider how to achieve commitment and action from senior managers and also how to gain staff acceptance of the new system and new working practices. Techniques that may be used are user education, user involvement and achieving support from respected staff. Companies with an outward-looking cultural orientation will be predisposed to e-business-led change while others that have an inward-facing, inflexible cultural orientation may have to consider changes in culture

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